Tooling Management工装管理程序(中英文).docx

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1、批准:审核:作成:Change History变更记录Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure defines the management of tooling to ensure smooth production and operation.定义工艺装备(简称工装)的规范管理,使其处于良好的技术状态,保证安全生产和工装正常运行。2.1 SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to design, manufacture, using, maint

2、enance and control for production instruments,fixtures, moulds, measuring instruments and etc.适用于生产用夹具、刀具、模具、生产用检具等工装的设计、制造、使用、维护保养、报废等管理。2.2 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Mould: Tools for making parts from metal or non-metal materials in the stamping and punchingmachine.模具:在工业生产中,用各种压力机和装在压力机上的专用工具,通过压力把金属材料或非

3、金属材料制出所需形状的零件或制品,这种专用工具统称为模具。3.2 Fixture: Tools for fixing parts to keep them in the right location.夹具:夹具是加工时用来迅速紧固工件,使机床、刀具和工件保持正确相对位置的工艺装置。3.3 Cutting tool: Tools for cutting metal materials.刀具:机械制造中使用的刀具基本上都用于切削金属材料,一般为金属切削刀具。3.4 Inspection tool: Tools for inspection.检具:生产中检验所用的工具。4.0 REFERENCE D

4、OCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 PD-S4-01 Facility and Equipment Management Procedure 设备设施管理程序5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-MA-005 Tooling Trail Run Report 设备/资产验收报告5.2 FN-TR-001 Tooling List 工装管理台帐5.3 FN-TR-002 Tooling History Record 工装履历表5.4 FN-MA-004 Equipment Repair Request 设备维修单5.5 FN-AC-001 Equipment/Asset Scrap Reque

5、st 固定资产停用/报废单5.6 FN-MA-007 List of spare parts 备品一览表5.7 Consumable tooling replacement plan 易损工装更换计划6.0 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 Tooling departments take charge of design, manufacture and verification for tooling. Developingfor supplier of tooling parts.模具部负责工装的设计,制造和验证及模具零配件供应商的开发。6.2 Tooling departmen

6、ts is responsible for manufacture, repair, maintenance and control for tooling.模具部负责工装的加工、验证、维修、保养和管理。6.3 Quality department assist verification of tooling and control measuring fixture.质量部负责所需检具的验证申请及保管。6.4 Production department assist verification and control for tooling, except moulds.生产部协助模具试模及其

7、它工装夹具的验证,负责使用中的工夹具(除模具外)的保管。7.0 PROCESS 流程7.1 Design for Tooling 工装设计7.1.1 Design engineer receive the mould notice and design moulds and other tooling, measuringfixtures in accordance with product and method requirements. Please refer to .模具部设计工程师接到项目部的开模通知,根据产品图纸工艺及产品技术要求等相关资料设计模具图面,制定模具BOM,并设计其他工

8、装夹具、检具图纸,或者寻找外包方,请外包方进行模具设计,本公司对设计资料进行审核、批准。7.1.2 Design engineer should take into account utilization of material and use green material, toreduce consumption of resource and impact on environment.工装设计时,应考虑材料的利用率,并尽可能采用环保材料,减少资源消耗和环境危害。7.1.3 Design engineer evaluate the capability of tooling center

9、 and confirm the manufacturingside. If need to subcontract, Design engineer fill in FN-PU-014 to apply subcontract. If manufactured in MMK, Design engineer inform toolingdepartment.设计工程师依据模具、夹具、检具等图纸,以及交期等资料,结合本公司模具加工能力,确定模具制造地点或者委托外部加工,如需要外加工则提出FN-PU-014采购申请单,如厂内加工,则通知模具部加工。7.2 Manufacture for Tool

10、ing 工装制造7.2.1 Tooling department make manufacturing flow and arrange planning according to mouldBOM, drawing and delivery date.模具部依据模具BOM、图纸要求、模具交期等要求制定加工工艺,安排模具生产计划。7.2.2 Tooling center make parts and assembly according to the drawing. Please refer to WD-TR-001.模具部加工零件,并按图纸要求进行模具组立,调试,具体参见WD-TR-001

11、模具规范。7.2.3 Outsourcing processing tooling, mold department outsourcing supplier production toolingdesign information approved by the Company to issue the approved and should be clearwith the supplier delivery requirements需要委外加工的工装,由模具部将经本公司认可的工装设计资料发给认可的外包供应商制作,并应该与供应商明确交付要求。7.3 Verification for Too

12、ling 工装验证7.3.1 Tooling department do trail run according to WD-TR-001 .Toolingteam check the samples and send to design engineers to confirm.模具部依据WD-TR-001 v模具规范.进行试模。对样品尺寸进行自检后,将样品送项目部确认评估。7.3.2 The tooling samples have been approved by customer and continually produceappropriate quantity to verify

13、 the capability and stability of tooling. Then Toolingdepartment and production, quality and engineering department to verify the toolingtogether according to WD-TR-001 .样品通过客户确认后,需经过一定数量的连续生产,以验证模具生产的稳定性和生产中各项指标。项目部提出模具验收,生产、质量、模具部一起对模具进行验证,并依照WD-TR-001模具规范进行验收。7.3.3 Subcontracted tooling and custo

14、mer-owned tooling are verified as above.外加工工装,客户提供的工装等验证也按照以上方法进行评估验证。7.4 Control and using for Tooling 工装的保管和使用7.4.1 The moulds are transferred to tooling control department to keep. The tooling controllermakes code and FN-TR-001 , and makes FN-TR-002 for each mould.模具在评估认可后,移交至模具库保管,模具管理员编号登记FN-TR

15、-001工装管理台帐,并建立FN-TR-002工装履历表。7.4.2 Other Tooling should be transferred to using department to keep. The using departmentmakes code and control.其他工装检具则移交至相应的使用单位保管,使用单位应对工装检具进行编号,并进行管控。7.4.3 The customer-owned tooling should be identified with customer information. The toolingcontroller should keep customer-owned to


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