专题09 Unit 9 What does he look like配套练习(解析版).docx

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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?配套练习(解析版)练习一根据所给汉字或首字母写出正确的英语单词,使句意完整:1. (2016 Ilf)Jack has brown hair and he doesnt wear(眼镜).2. (2020 广西柳州)Boys and girls, please stand in a (直的)line.3. (2019 贵州铜仁)Jackie Chan is not only an(演员)also a singer.4. Look! The moon tonight is so(圆的)and bright.5. (2020 新疆)Our

2、 school is going to(修建)a new library next month.6. (2020 四川南充)Her parents are tall but she is of m height.7. (2020 山东济宁)A c is a place where people go to watch films.8. Sit s. Its good for your back.9. This skirt is too long. Please show me a.10. The little girl has a r face with two big eyes.【答案】1.

3、 glasses 2.straight 3.actor 4.circle 5.build6.medium 7. cinema 8. straight 9. another 10. round【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重要单词练习二词组译一译1 .中等身材2 .中等高度3 .少许牛奶4 .几乎没牛奶5 .有点胖6 .去看电影7 .圆脸8 .寻找9 .外貌0 .最后1L在月末12 .彼此13 .首先14 .金黄色的短卷发15 .棕色的长直发16 .一名警察艺术家17 .看见犯罪活动18 .与一不同19 .与一一样20 .再吃一个苹果21 .另外两名罪犯22 .在河的每一边23 .我们中的每一个2

4、4 .戴一副眼镜25 .一些玻璃26 .擅长踢足球27 .两名年轻漂亮的女教师28 .一辆新的中国产的黑色小车29 .把它放在报纸和电视上30 .把这张画贴在墙上31 .穿上你的毛衣32 .穿着牛仔裤和运动鞋33 .教英语的方法34 .那位有金黄色长发的妇女35 .一份真正有趣的工作36 .画一张罪犯的画像37 .以同样的方式看待事物 38 .显示了真正的罪犯39 .对同一个人地描述不同【答案】1.1 f medium build1.2 f medium height3 .a little milk4 .little milk5 .a little heavy6 .go to the cine

5、ma(go to the movies)7 .a round face8 .look for9dook like10.1 n the end(at last)11.at the end of the month12.each other13.first of all14.short curly blonde hair15.long straight brown hair16 .a police artist17 .see the crimes18 .be different from-19 .be the same as -20 .eat another apple21 .another tw

6、o criminals22 .at each side of the river23 .each of us24 .wear a pair of glasses25 .some glass26 .be good at (playing) soccer27 .two beautiful young women teachers28 .a new black Chinese car29 .put it in newspapers and on TV30 .put up the picture on the wall31 .put on your sweater32 .wear jeans and

7、sports shoes33 .the way(s) of teaching English34 .that woman with long blond hair35 .a really interesting job36 .draw a picture of the criminal37 .see things the same way38 .show the real criminal39.describe the same person differently【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重要词组练习三用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. The boy is of medium (high

8、).【答案】height【解析】句意为“这个男孩中等身高,故填height2. Its (real) hot today.【答案】really【解析】句意为“今天真的很热。,用副词really修饰形容词hot,故填really3. (2020 江苏镇江)My neighbour is a famous(sing) and she often does charity work.【答案】singer【解析】句意:我的邻居是一位著名的歌手,她经常做慈善工作。“sing”唱歌,动词。句中famous著名的,形容词,作定语修饰名词,故空格处应为名词形式singer歌手,可数名词,再根据句中a可知,此处

9、应用其单数形式,即我的邻居是一个著名的歌手。故答案为singer。4. Does your father often wear a pair of (glass) ?【答案】glasses【解析】句意为“你爸爸经常带着一副眼镜吗?明根据句意,故填glasses5. (2017 江苏常州)Qi Baishi was one of the most famous (art) in China.【答案】artists【解析】句意为:“齐白石是中国最著名的画家之一。”,前文的主语“齐白石”提示下文用artist表示“画家又因为one of.所以要用复数形式,故填artists6. Sun Yue, m

10、y favorite musician,(have) long straight hair.【答案】has【解析】句意为“孙悦,我最喜欢的音乐家,有长长的直发。,主语是第三人称单数,故填has7. Mr Green enjoys(work) in China.【答案】working【解析】enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事,故填working8. Look! The boys(play) football over there.【答案】are playing【解析】句意为瞧,男孩们正在那边踢足球,表示动作正在进行,用现在进行时,故填are playing9. Different

11、people think about it(different).【答案】differently【解析】句意为不同的人考虑问题是不一样的。,用副词修饰行为动词,故填differently10. He wants(be) an English teacher【答案】to be【解析】want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”,故填to be练习四句型转换:1 .Michael Jackson is tall and thin.(对画线部分提问)does Michael Jackson like?1.1 think Mary is cool.(改为否定句)I think Mary cool.

12、3 .Peter is fat.(用thin改为选择疑问句)Peter fat thin?4 .My sister isnt tall or short.(改为同义句)My sister is.5 . What does the girl look like?(改为同义句)the girl ?【答案】1. Whatjike 2.don/t, is 3.Is, or 4.of medium height 5. What% like【解析】本题考查句子结构练习五根据汉语意思完成英语句子L最后,他找到了那本书。, he found that book.2 .你能告诉我你妹妹长什么样吗?Can you

13、 tell me what your sister3 许多人并不总是用相同的方法来看待事物。Many people don*t always see things.4 .海伦擅长画画。Helen drawing.5 .首先,他又高又瘦。, he*s tall and thin.6 答案l.ln the end 2. looks like 3.the same way 4.is good at 5.First of all【解析】本题考查本单元重点词组练习六单项选择1. (2018 山东济南)一Does your uncle live in England or America?一 He liv

14、es in London.A. Yes, he doesB.ln EnglandC. No, he doesn tD. In America【答案】B【解析】句意:你叔叔住在英国还是美国?-英国.他住在伦敦.根据题干可知问句是选择疑问句,回答不应该用yes或no,根据下一句:他住在伦敦,此处应该是:英国.故选:B.2. Lets discuss the plan, shall we?Not now. I to an interview.A. go B. wentC. am goingD. was going【答案】c【解析】根据句意让我们讨论一下这个计划好吗?不是现在,我要去做个采访。,用现在

15、进行时表示将来,故选C3. (2018 四川凉山)Can you help me meet my friend Steve at the airport, Joe?With pleasure. What does he look like?-He of medium height and he small eyes.A. has; has B. is; is C. has; is D. is; has【答案】D【解析】句意:乔,你能帮我去机场接我的朋友史蒂夫吗? 一一很高兴。他长什么样? 一一他中等身材,有一双小眼睛。考查动词。根据句意:乔,你能帮我去机场接我的朋友史蒂夫吗?很高兴。他长什么样?他中等身材,有一双小眼睛。第一个空,结合语境他“是”中等身材,所以用系动词is, of+名词相当与形容词,应作be的表语;第二个


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