专题06 Unit 6 I'm watching TV配套练习(解析版).docx

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1、Unit 6 Tm watching TV.配套练习(解析版)练习一根据所给汉字或首字母写出正确的英语单词,使句意完整:and good1. (2020 江苏盐城)They are trying to use 3D printers to print food that is bothfor us (美味的)2.1 want to go to the(超市)to buy some school things.1.1 cant go out with you. I am(学习)for a math test now.4 .Who are the two(男人)under the tree?5 .

2、 (2020 广西北部湾)I haven*t seen my grandpa for a long time. I(想念)him so much.6 .Today is Monday. T is Tuesday.7 .There are many c in the park. They are playing happily.8 .Laura is only 4 years old. So she is too y to go to school.9-My sister likes s and always buys a lot of things.10-The cake is d I wan

3、t to have another one .【答案】1 .delicious 2. supermarket 3.studying 4. men 5. miss6. Tomorrow 7. children 8.young 9. shopping 10. delicious练习二词组译一译1 .看报2 .做汤3 .看电影4 .美国5 .端午节6 .错过校车7 .想念他家人8 .打电话9 .想要一10 .听 CD1.洗衣服12 .会见。13 .今天的故事14 .祝你新年愉快15 .希望干某事16 .希望某人干某事17 .祝他们健康18 .用电脑做作业19 .用钢笔写20 .明天晚上21 .购物2

4、2 .在家学习23 .他的寄宿家庭24 .东道国25 .考虑26 .包粽子27 .没有地方比得上自己家28 .给他表哥打电话29 .看起来比她实际年龄小30 .一个-, 另一个一31 .一些一,另一些一32 2 .任何一天来33 .和我一块吃晚饭34 .在电视上看划船 比赛35 .像其它的任何一个夜晚36 .给她的孩子们读故事37 .在游泳池里游泳38 .一位来自深圳的学生39 .复习准备考试【答案】1 .read a newspaper2 .make soup3 .go to the movies (go to a movie)4 .the United States of America5

5、 .Dragon Boat Festival6 .miss the school bus7 .miss his family8 .talk on a phone9-would like(love) to9 O.listen to a CD11 .wash the clothes12 .See you then(soon).13 .todays story14 .wish you a happy new year15 .wish(hope) to do sth.16 .wish sb. to do sth.17 .wish them well (healthy)18 .use a compute

6、r for the homework19-use a pen to write(write with a pen)20 .tomorrow evening21 .go shopping(do some shopping)22 .study at home23 .his host family24 .the host country25 .think about(of)26 .make zonzi27 . no place like home28 .talk on the phone to his cousin29 .look young for her age30 .one-.the othe

7、r-31 .some-.others-32 .come any day33 .join me for dinner(eat dinner with me)34 .watch the boat game on TV35 .like any other night36 .read a story to her children37 .swim in the (swimming) pool38 .a student from Shenzhen39 .study for a test练习三用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1 .Here(be ) some books for you .t答案】are【解

8、析1本题为倒装句,主语是some books,故填are2 .He is(study ) for the math test.【答案】studying【解析】本句为现在进行时,故填studying。3 . (2020 湖南常德)一Whats he doing?He(use) the computer.【答案】is using【解析】考查现在进行时.根据Whaf she doing? ”他正在干什么? ”可知,现在进行时态,结构是is/am/are+动词的现在分词.主语He“他第三人称单数,用be动词单数is. use的现在分词是using.故答案为:is using.4 . (2020 广西北

9、部湾)Tom often (wash) his sports shoes by himself.【答案】washes【解析】句意:Tom经常自己刷他的运动鞋。提示词wash,意为“洗剂、冲洗”,动词;因为。ften表示经常性、习惯性的动作,是一般现在时的标志词,又因Tom是第三人称单数,故谓语动词要用相对应的第三人称单数形式washes,故答案为washeso5 .Do you wish(get) some cakes ?【答案】to get【解析】wish to do sth.意为“希望做某事”,故填to get练习四1.1 am watering the flowers.(否定句)I th

10、e flowers.2. Shes opening the box now.(一般疑问句)she the box now?3. The boys are playing cards.(对画线部分提问) the boys ?4. He is still there because She weather is bad.(对画线部分提问) he still there?5. He is swimming in ihe pool.(对画线部分提问) he ?答案1. am not watching 2. Is, opening 3. What are, doing 4. Why is 5. Wher

11、e is, swimming练习五根据中文提示完成短文Today is Saturday. Its 5: 00 p. m. . Do you know what Toms family are doing? His father isreading a 什艮纸).His mother is making 2 (汤)and his sister is3(洗)clothes. Tom is 4 (打扫)their 5 (房子).At six p. m., his mother will go to the 6(超市)to buy some food. His father will 7 8 (出去

12、吃饭).Tom and his sister will 9 (学习)at home. Tom 0 (想念)his grandparents very much. He wants to see them tomorrow.【答案】1.newspaper 2. soup 3.washing 4cleaning 5.house 6.supermarket 7. eat 8. out 9.studylO.misses单项选择L (2020重庆 A 卷)Listen! Our teacher in the music classroom.A. singsB. sangC. will singD. is

13、 singing【答案】D【解析】句意:听!我们的老师正在音乐室里唱歌。考查动词时态。sings唱歌,是动词的第三人称单数形式;sang是sing的过去式;will sing是一般将来时态;is singing现在进行时根据句中的“Listen”可知,这里表示让对听一个正在进行着的动作,应用现在进行时态。故选D。2. (2020四川凉山)一Jack, Im busy doing the washing. Can you give me a hand?一Wait a moment. I the bed.A. am making B. will makeC. was making D. have

14、made【答案】A【解析】句意:杰克,我正忙着洗衣服。你能帮我一下吗? 等一下。我正在铺床。考查动词时态,am making现在进行时;will make 一般将来时;was making过去进行时;havemade现在完成时。这是一个情境对话,表示的是现在正在做的事情,应该用现在进行时(am/is/are+v.ing), 故选 A。3. (2013扬州中考)一What are you going to do when you grow up?A singer, but my parents wish me a teacher.A. amB. to be C. will be D. be【答案

15、】B【解析】wish sb. to do sth,意为“希望某人做某事”,故选B4. (2018 上海)Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and is noisy.A)another B)the other C)other D) others【答案】B【解析】onethe other意为”两者中,一个另一个”,故选B5. (202()河北)It dark. Shall I turn on the light?A. getsB . gotC is gettingD. was getting【答案】C【解析】句意:天正在变黑,我可以打开灯吗?考查现在进行时。get变得。gets动词的第三人称单数;got动词的过去式;is getting现在进行时;was getting过


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