专题07 Unit 7 It's raining配套练习(解析版).docx

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1、Unit 7 Its raining.配套练习(解析版)练习一根据所给汉字或首字母写出正确的英语单词,使句意完整:1. (2019 新疆)lean t follow you, Tom .please say it(再一次)2. My brother always(滑冰)on the weekend.3. My family and I are playing in the (高山).4. Kunming is a warm place. Its a good place to take a(假期).5. (2018 山东济南)People often fly kites on sunny an

2、d (多风)days.6. Its s outside now. The land is all white.7. The sun is shining brightly. Its very s.8. Hows the w in Beijing? Its raining.9. In w, children like making snowmen and playing in the snow.10. (2020 四川眉山)一Hello! May I speak to Jeff?Sorry, he is not at home. But I can take a m for you.【答案)1.

3、again 2. skates 3.mountains 4. vacation 5, windy6. snowing 7. sunny 8. weather 9. winter 10. message练习二词组译一译L没问题。2 .在夏天3 .许多果汁4 .度假5 .去度假6 .休假7 .暑假8 .努力学习9 .在山里10 .照常(例)11 .向杰夫问好12 .就在此刻13 .又打电话14 .拜访我姑姑15 .参观长城16 .一些俄罗斯人17 .开心地干某事18 .坐在池塘边19 .我和我的家人20 .这儿地天气2L正好适合散步22 .下个月见。23 .戴帽子穿毛衣24 .过得愉快25 .在雪

4、地里玩26 .在河上滑冰27 .(给某人)回电话28 .稍口信给某人29 .留口信给某人30 .尽快给我写信31 .买俄式面包带回家32 .最近怎么样?33 .给雪人照相34 .听起来像一35 .跟劳拉通电话36 .要他给我打电话37 .拨0574-1686给他打电话38 .在这样的雨天天气里39 .我是珍妮.(打电话用)【答案】l.No problem.2.in summer3.much juice4.on(a) vacatiom5go on (a) vacation6.take a vacation7.summer vacation8.study hard9.in the mountain

5、s10 .as usual11 .say hi to Jeff12 .right now13 .talk on the phone again14 .visit my aunt15 .visit the Great Wall16 .some Russians17 .have fun doing sth.18 .sit by the pool19 .my family and I20 .the weather here21 .just right for walking22 .See you next month.23 .wear hats and sweaters24 .have a good

6、 timefhave fun)25 .play in the snow26 .skate on the river27 .call (sb) back28 .take a message for sb.1.1 leave a message for sb.30 .write to me soon31 .buy Russian bread to take home32 .Hows it going?33 .take a photo of a snowman34 .sound like-35 .speak to Laura36 .ask him to call me37 .call him at

7、0574-168638.in the rainy weather39.(This is/lfs) Jenny speaking.练习三根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译1 .我和我的家人正在度假。My family and I are.2 .迈克总是和我们玩儿得很愉快。Mike always with us.3 .我可以给我妈妈捎个口信吗?Can I for my mother?4 .此刻,劳拉和她的家人在一起。Laura is with her family.5 .请在上午十一点前给我回电话。Please before 11: 00 am.答案l.on a vacation 2. has a go

8、od time 3. rtake a message 4. right now 5. call me back练习四用括号内动词的正确形式填空。1. Whats she doing?She(play) the guitar.2.1 usually(do) my homework in the evening.3. It(rain) hard now.4. My sister(walk) to school every day.5. Mr. Wu (brush) his teeth right now?6. Every Saturday, we(visit) my grandparents.7.

9、 Look! They(dance) in the classroom.8. She never(arrive) for school.答案1. is playing 2.do 3. is raining 4.walks9. is brushing 6. visit 7. are dancing 8. arrives练习五用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1 .Do you enjoy(ride)camels?【答案】riding【解析】enjoy doing sth.意为喜欢做某事,故填riding2 . (2020 内蒙古包头)There isn*t a cloud in the sky. I

10、ts going to be tomorrow, (sun)【答案】sunny【解析】句意:天空没有云,明天是晴天。此处表示天气,此处用sun的形容词sunny作表语,表示“天晴的”。故答案为sunny。3 .She doesnt like(shop) with her mother.【答案】shopping【解析】like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”,故填shopping4 .Can you tell him(buy) some fruit for me?【答案】to buy【解析】tell sb. to do sth.意为“叫某人做某事,故填to buy5 .Thank you

11、 for(come) to my birthday.【答案】coming【解析】thank you for doing sth.意为谢谢你做某事,故填coming。学&科网6 .Tina is listening to music. She is really(relax).【答案】relaxed【解析】根据句意“她真的很轻松。“,又relaxed修饰人、relaxing修饰物,故填relaxed练习六单项选择1. (2020 湖南怀化)一A lot of old people are lonely. What can we do to help them?I want the old peo

12、ples home to talk to them.A. visit B. to visit C. Visiting【答案】B【解析】句意:一一很多老人都很孤独。我们能做些什么来帮助他们?一一我想去老人之家和他们聊聊。考查非谓语。visit参观,动词原形;t。visit参观,动词不定式;visiting参观,现在分词或动名词形式;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“想要做某事,英语是want t。do sth.,是用不定式作宾语,所以这里应该用 to visit,故选 B。2. (2020 黑龙江绥化市)Be quiet. Your grandmother in the room.A. sleep

13、s B. is sleeping C. sleep【答案】C【解析.】句意:安静点。你的祖母正在房间里睡觉。考查动词的时态。sleeps动词的一般现在时的第三人称单数;is sleeping动词的现在进行时;sleep动词的一般现在时的原形。根据“Be quiet.”可知此处表示的是说话的时候正在发生的动作,用现在进行时is sleeping。故选Bo3. (2020 辽宁丹东)一Look! The children.How happy they are!A. was dancingB. dancedC. are dancingD. dances【答案】C【解析】句意:一一看!孩子们在跳舞。一

14、一他们多高兴啊!考查时态。was dancing正在跳舞,过去进行时;danced跳舞,过去式;are dancing正在跳舞,现在进行时;dances跳舞,动词三单;根据句意理解及句子开头的Look!以及后句的动词are可知,look!是现在进行时的标志词,所以句中的动词应该用现在进行时,表示动作正在进行,故选C。4 .(2018 哈尔滨)What are you going to do next month?I am going to travel to Germany, which is European country.A. aB. anc. the【答案】A【解析】European的

15、发音,不是以元音开头的,故选A5 . Its eight oclock. Jim/s father TV.A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch【答案】A【解析】句意为“现在是8点钟,Jim的爸爸正在看电视J,根据句意,要用现在进行时,又因father是第三人称单数,所以助动词用is,故选A6.is the weather there? Its windy.A. What B. How C. Whats D. how【答案】B【解析】问天气既可以用Whats the weather like?”,也可以用Hows the weather?”,故选B7. the weather like today? Cloudy.A. Hows B. What does C. What D. Whats【答案


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