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1、起飞前 Before Take-off引导入座词广播:ladies and gentlemen,Welcome aboard HNA. Please take your seat /according to your seat number. Your seat number/is on the edge of the rack. Please make sure /your hand baggage is stored in the overhead locker.Small articles /can be put under the seat in front of you. Pleas

2、e take your seat as soon aspossible/ to keep the aisle clear /for others to go through.Thank you!确认航班信息广播:Good morning (afternoon/evening) ladies and gentlemen,Welcome aboard HNA /and (code share) flight HU ( NO. ) and ( NO.) /from to(via ), the flight time is about / hour (s) andminutes. We extend

3、a warm welcome/ to Fortune Wings Club members.Thank you!限制使用电子装置广播:Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome aboard HNA. The cabin door/ has been closed. To be safe, please turn off your mobilephones /and all electronic devices. Please fasten your seat belts, ensure that /your tables andseat backs/ are in an upr

4、ight position/ and open the window shades. Smoking /is not permittedduring the whole flight. We wish you a pleasant trip.Thank you!安全示范广播:We will show you the use of (life vest) , oxygen mask, seatbelt, and the location /of theemergency exits.Your life vest is located under your seat. To put the ves

5、t on, slip it over your head. Then fasten thebuckles /and the straps tightly around your waist. Please dont inflate /while in the cabin. You canpull the tabs down firmly /to inflate before evacuation. If your vest needs further inflation, blowinto the tubes/ on either side of your vest.Your oxygen m

6、ask is stored in the compartment/ above your head, and it will drop automatically/in case of emergency. When the mask drops, pull it towards you/ to cover your mouth and nose,and slip the elastic band over your head, and then/ breathe normally.Each chair has a seat belt/ that must be fastened/ when

7、you are seated. Please keep your seatbelt securely fastened during the whole flight. If needed, you may release the seat belt/ by pullingthe flap forward. You can adjust it /as necessary.B73/A319There are eight (six) emergency exits. Two in the front of the cabin, two in the rear/and four (two) in t

8、he middle.B767A330 There are (eight) emergency exits located at the forward, rear and middle.The lights located on the floor/ will guide you to the exits/if an emergency arises. Forfurther information, please refer to the safety instruction/ in the seat pocket in front of you.Thank you!关门后等待起飞广播:Lad

9、ies and Gentlemen,Due to , we are now waiting for departure, please remain seated /and wait for amoment. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.Thank you!air traffic control the military ban along the route (3)the busy runway mechanicaltrouble weather condition loading of cargo b

10、aggage loading deicing of the aircraftdeicing of the runway等待后再次安全检查广播:Ladies and Gentlemen,We will take off shortly, please turn off your mobile phones /and fasten your seat belts, ensurethat /your tables and seat backs /are in an upright position /and open the window shades.起飞前再次确认广播:Ladies and Ge

11、ntlemen,We will take off shortly. Please make sure that /your seat belts are securely fastened/ and keepyour mobile phones powered off.针对空调效果不佳的安抚广播Ladies and Gentlemen,We are now waiting for departure, You may feel a little bit hot now /because the air conditioningsystem doesnt work well /before ta

12、keoff. We regret for this inconvenience at the moment. Andyoull feel better after takeoff.起飞后 After Take-off起飞后飞行上升阶段提示广播:Ladies and Gentlemen,May I have your attention please!We are climbing now /and we may encounter some turbulence. For your safety, please remainseated /and fasten your seat belt.航

13、线及服务介绍广播:Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome aboard HNA. This is flight attendant/purser speaking, on behalf of our captain, weare pleased to have you on board with us. Our flight time to is about _hours and _minutes.We expect to arrive at (airport) at local time (time).We will serve you breakfast (lunch/d

14、inner/snack) and drinks soon.For your information, we will offer in-flight sales later. Please refer to the Shopping Guide.As turbulence can be unexpected, please keep your seat belts fastened / while seated during thewhole flight.Application forms for Fortune wings Club / are available from crew me

15、mbers / and we wish you apleasant journey!行礼广播:Good morning (afternoon/evening) ladies and gentlemen,Welcome aboard HNA. I am the purser of this flight. (We apologize for the delay.) We will provideyou the excellent service /and hope you enjoy the flight!Thank you!颠簸广播:Ladies and Gentlemen,we are encountering some turbulence, please fasten your seat belts / and lavatories are not to beused.Thank you!落地前 Before Landing落地前信息预报广播:Ladies and Gentlemen,We will be landing at Airport/ in about minutes. The weather is(clear/rainy/snowy) /and the temperature is (minus) degrees centigrade / or


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