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1、合同Contract编号:No:日期:Date :签约地点:Signed at:甲方:Party A :地址:Address:电话:Tel:传真:Fax:乙方:Party B:地址:Address:电话:Tel:传真:Fax:一、基本条款。甲乙双方同意按下列条款由甲方出售,乙方购进下列货物:General Articles. Party A agrees to sell and Party B agrees to buy the undermentioned goods onthe terms and conditions stated below.1 .货号 Article No.2 .数量

2、 Quantity3 .单价 Unit Price4 .总价 Total Price二、交易条件Terms and Conditions.1 .乙方必须具有或建立自己的经销企业或公司,有固定经营场所,有自己的企业字号,有 万元以上注册资金,有良好的信誉和药品保健品的经营范围,经营者有相关的知识和相应学历,向甲方提供营业执照及工商登记资料,如尚未办齐企业注册事宜手续则最迟应在合同签订后二个月内办齐,否则,合同自动解除。Party B must possess or set up a company, operating a fixed place, having their own trade

3、name,having registered capital over, with good reputation and business scope of medicine andhealth products. The operator should have related knowledge and corresponding education, supplycommercial instrument and registration information. Party B must go through registrationprocedures within two mon

4、ths, otherwise, the contract will be relieved automatically.2 .甲方允许乙方在 区域内作为甲方授权经销商经销下列系列产品:O在未得到甲方书面许可的情况下,乙方不得以任何理由跨区域销售甲方本产品。若乙方有意继续拓展系列产品的销售业务到未经授权区域时,需提前30天向甲方提出书面申请,经甲方书面同意后,双方签订新的区域经销合同后方可在该区域内销售。Party A allows Party B to distribute the following series of products as the authorizeddistributo

5、r by Party A in the region of.Products:;Party B can not do inter-regional sales of products before getting written permission by Party A.If Party B will expand marketing of products to unauthorized region intentionally, Party Bshould offer written application to Party A for 30 days in advance. By th

6、e written consent of PartyA, Party B could sale in that region under a new regional sales contract.3 .甲方因成本或根据市场变化需变动价格时,甲方将以文件方式提前十五天通知乙方。When Party A needs to change the price according to changes of the costs or marketing, it willnotify Party B in documentation 15 days in advance.4 .乙方于本合同签订五日内支付

7、区域代理费合人民币一元、区域经销保证金合人民币元,否则合同自动解除。Party B should pay for regional proxy, assurance money of regional distributionwith in 5 days after the contract is signed by both parties, or the contract will be relievedautomatically.5 .市场销售计划。为确保市场的开发与维护,特订立以下销售计戈小Market plan. To ensure the market development an

8、d maintain, we agree the following salesplan:JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecTotal备注:乙方应全力开拓与维护区域市场,确保销售计划指标的完成,若乙方三个月内未完成销售计划指标,甲方将撤销对乙方的授权,乙方所交区域经销保证金不予退还,合同自动解除。Remark: Party B should develop and maintain the market to ensure achievement for wholemarketing plan. If Party B could not complet

9、e the plan within 3 months, Party A will relieve theauthorization. And the assurance money will not be returned, the contract will be relievedautomatically.6 .甲方采取不退货制度,但乙方需调货,甲方同意后可帮助乙方进行调置。调换货中所发生的各种费用,均由乙方承担。由于乙方自身经营不善造成的产品积压,甲方不予调换。Party A takes non-return system. But when Party B needs to repla

10、ce products, Party B couldreplace goods under Party As agreement. All charges should be paid by Party B during thereplacement. Party A will not replace the overstocked products because of bad management byParty B.7 .乙方负责系列产品在当地的宣传。乙方应在当地树立和维护公司良好企业形象和品牌声誉,有在当地建立与各级主管机关、行政监督机关、领导机关良好关系的责任和义务。乙方在当地必须遵

11、守国家及地方各级主管机关、行政监督机关的政令法规,不得虚假宣传。如出现被药监、工商、质检、卫生等部门处罚或被新闻媒体曝光等问题,给公司声誉造成损失的,由乙方自行负责处理并承担相关的法律与经济方面的责任,甲方有权撤销对乙方的经营授权,终止合同的履行。Party B is charge for propaganda of products in local. Party B should establish and maintainthe corporate image and brand fame of Co., Ltd. They have the obligation to establis

12、h excellentrelation with all authorities, administrative organs and leading organs in local. Party B must obeylocal statutes. If any punished or exposure, Party B should settle the matter and undertake therelated legal and economic responsibility. Party A has the rights to repeal the authorization f

13、orParty B and terminate the contract.8 .甲方保证其产品己取得相关授权,并承诺就本产品的开发绝无侵害第三人或其它相关知识产权的事情,如因此导致第三人向乙方追诉,则甲方应赔偿乙方所付出的赔偿金、律师费、仲裁或诉讼费等相关损失费用。Party A assured the relative authorization and promise that it will never infringe others orsomething else related to intellectual property rights. If the third part p

14、rosecute to Party B, Party Ashould compensate the relative fee of compensation, lawyers fee and arbitration or litigation feewhich is payed by Parly B.9 .乙方不得使用甲方的商标或近似商标、图案或类似的配方,生产销售类似甲方的产品,如因此导致甲方的损失,则应支付甲方损害赔偿金、律师费、仲裁或诉讼费等相关费用。Party B must not manufacture or sale products similar to Party A as w

15、ell as use Party Astrademark or similar trademark. And the same is as pattern and similar formula. If this causes anyloss to Party A, Party B should pay for compensation, lawyer fee and arbitration or litigation feefor Party A.三、违约责任Responsibility of breach of contract1 .违反本合同规定的任一条款,守约方得以书面催告违约方限期改正,如经催告后仍不改正,守约方可以解除合同,追究对方违约责任,违约方应向守约方支付全年己进货总额5%的违约金。If any article of contract is infringed, the observant parly should inform prescribed periodrectification. If it is refused to be correct, the observant party could terminate the contract and tak


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