《范文-Digital Marketing Plan for the Storm Magic Mirror.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《范文-Digital Marketing Plan for the Storm Magic Mirror.docx(23页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、范文-Digital Marketing Plan for the StormMagic MirrorMarketing |市场与营销Digital Marketing Plan for the Storm Magic MirrorTables of Content1 Executive Summary 22 Introduction 22.1 The definition of Digital Marketing 32.2 The Introduction to the Storm Magic Mirror 33 Business Environment Audit 43.1 SWOT An
2、alysis 43.2 Porter s Generic Strategy 53.3 STP model 64. The Objectives of the Digital Marketing Plan 95. Digital Marketing Plan 95.1 Method-1: Influencer Marketing 95.2 Method-2: Online behavioral advertising 105.3 Method 3: In-game advertising 105.4 Timeline and More Details of the Plan 115.5 The
3、budget of the Plan 136 Evaluation of the result of the plan 136.1 Overall Site Traffic 146.2 Competitive Analysis 146.3 Return on Investment (ROI) 147 Conclusion 158 References List 171 Executive SummaryAs the development of Internet and globalization, a company which only focuseson marketing with t
4、raditional media will cause more cost than that take muchattention on digital marketing. Digital marketing becomes more and moreimportant for a company to promote its products or services so as to gain themarket share and increase the brand preference. The Storm Magic Mirror is a hightech product an
5、d it will mostly rely on digital marketing to improve its businessperformance. In this report, it will firstly review the internal and external businessenvironment of The Storm Magic Mirror in China market; secondly according tothe analysis of business environment, it will advise a digital marketing
6、 plan; finallyit will discuss how to measure the success of the plan. The limitation of this reportis only focus on China market. As the development of globalization, a companyshould consider how to entre global markets so as to enlarge the market scale. Sothe future research will try to figure out
7、how to make a digital marketing planaiming to global markets.2 IntroductionThe development of Internet and globalization already changed the competitiveenvironment. Meanwhile, a company which only focuses on marketing withtraditional media will cause more cost than that take much attention on digita
8、lmarketing (Morris, 2014). Digital marketing is a hypernym for the directed,interactive and measurable marketing of services and products that can reachpotential customers and turn them into consumers and then maintain them byusing digital technologies. In the era of Internet, a company should take
9、moreattention on digital marketing so as to save the marketing cost but tocommunicate more effectively (Nielsen, 2013). In this report, it will try torecommend a digital marketing plan for a Virtual Reality product - the StormMagic Mirror, which is the hardware product released formally by the Storm
10、 thatis the video software company in China. Firstly it will review the definition ofdigital marketing and the introduce the Storm Magic Mirror; secondly it will comewith the business environment audit so as to provide a huge supporting for thedigital marketing plan; subsequently it will come with t
11、he digital marketing planfor the Storm Magic Mirror; finally it will also identify how to measure the successof the digital marketing plan.2.1 The definition of Digital MarketingPromoting brands, building preference and finally boosting sales by using allkinds of digital marketing techniques is the
12、key goal of digital marketing. Digitalmarketing is objectified by various choices of marketing strategies of product,service and brand, which chiefly uses the Internet as the key media for promotion,in addition to mobile and traditional radio and TV (Karjaluoto and Ulkuniemi,2015).Digital marketing
13、activities include search engine optimization (SEO), searchengine marketing (SEM), content automation, content marketing, campaignmarketing, influence marketing, social media optimization, social mediamarketing, e-commerce marketing, e-mail direct marketing, games, optical disks,e-books and display
14、advertising, and any other type of digital media which havenot been mentioned above. Digital marketing activities can also occur in non-Internet channels that offer digital media, like callback, on-hold mobile ring tonesand mobile phones.2.2 The Introduction to the Storm Magic MirrorThe Storm Magic
15、Mirror is one product in the industry of Virtual Reality. Thevirtual reality technology has sprouted in the 1960s. Although after the long timeof 50 years of the technology exploration, the previous the virtual realityequipment used for the public entertainment is also in the stage of the high price
16、and the minority of the population (M, 2015). The reason is that on theone side, the single display screen that is the expensive hardware requires to beequipped. On the other side, the virtual reality equipment of the kind of the publicentertainment is mainly used for playing the games while the number of thealternative vir