丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B5 The IJ Book 教学设计.docx

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1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第一级)The IJ Book教学设计一、教学 掌握i和j的字母名和字母音。 能够快速听辨、认读以字母i和j开头的单词。 掌握核心单词 inchworm, ink, iguana, invitation, jamjelly bean 和 jaguar。 能够在老师的辅助下朗读故事并理解大意。 尝试根据故事中所学,自己创编新的故事。二、教学重点及难点能够听辨、认读以字母i和j开头的单词。核心词汇的朗读、及故事朗读。三、教学用具绘本课件.教学过程Step 1 Warming-up 通过图片,带领学生复习字母i的发音。提问建议:A What is this letter

2、?A What sound does the letter i make?设计意图:通过词汇,感知开头字母发音,同时复习巩固已知知识点,为新授知识点和故事学习做铺垫。A For example, the word inch begins with the sound /i/.A Do you know how long an inch is?A One inch is about 2.54 centimeter.A Its about this long.(老师准备尺子或同等长度的绳子) 通过inch的学习,引出inchworm这个新单词,同时巩固字母i的发音。提问建议: Whafs this

3、?A It is a kind of worm. It can be measured by the inch.设计意图:教师学生共读绘本,进行听辨音训练,培养学生音素意识。再通过听读的方式,验证学习效果。及时纠正发音,提升课堂学习质量。设计意图:Step 2 Reading 教师和学生共读绘本。提问建议:P2A So this is an inchworm.A What sound does inchworm begin with?P3A Here is another word that begins with /i/ sound.A We can use ink to write and

4、 draw.A What color is this ink?A Do you like purple?P4-5 Whafs this animal?A Its an iguana.A What sound does iguana begin with?A The inchworm is giving something to the iguana.A Can you guess what it is? Its an invitation.A Why does the inchworm give iguana an invitation?A Listen to the sentence. Wh

5、en you hear the /i/ sound,please clap your hands.P6A What is this letter?A What sound does letter j make?A Can you read this word?A Do you like jam?P7A Here is another word that begins with /! sound. Whafs this animal?A Its a jaguar.P8-9A What are these?A These are jelly beans.A What sound does the

6、word jelly bean begin with?A Do you like jelly beans?A If I jump with a bag of jelly beans, what will happen?A Listen to the sentence. When you hear the / sound,please clap your hands.A Listen to the sentence again. When you hear the /j/sound, please clap your hands. When you hear the /i/sound, please stamp your feet. 教师播放绘本音频,学生跟读,纠正发音。Step 3 After Reading请学生快速浏览全文,找出以g和h开头的单词并尝试读出来。教师用语:A Circle all the words which begin with the /i/ or the llsound.通过圈词,强化学生对字母音、形的对应关系。五.家庭作业听录音并朗读绘本。 制作inchworm的手工。


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