丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B2 The CD Book 教学设计.docx

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1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第一级)The CD Book教学设计一.教学 能够快速识别字母c, d的大小写,并能说出对应的字母音。 能够分辨字母C和d在单词词首的音。 能够借助老师和图片的帮助,理解cake, carrot, cat, cow, dog, dash, delicious,delighted, ducks 等核心单词。 能够在图片和老师的帮助下理解故事大意。 能够在老师的帮助下跟读句子。二.教学重点及难点 能够听辨、认读以字母c和d开头的单词。 能够跟读句子。三、教学用具 绘本 课件 教师字母卡四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up请学生看图片,读单词,进行首字母音练

2、习。(cute cat, dirty dog)设计意图:利用日常对话和图片激发学生兴趣,引出C和d的字母音,激活学生已知。提问建议:Do you like cats?Its a cute cat!Which sound did you hear twice just now?Cute cat. /c/-cute cat.Do you like dogs?Its a dirty dog!Which sound did you hear twice just now?Dirty dog. /d/-dirty dog.设计意图:强化核心单词的学习,训练学生在单词中分离出C与d的音。设计意图:复习字母

3、c和D的大写形式,复习字母音。设计意图:通过图片和教师引导,学生可以理解核心单词在故事中的含义,能够在教师帮助下跟读句子。Step 2 Phonics 引导学生理解字母c和d和它们的对应发音。 带领学生认识字母c和d的大小写形式。教师用语:A The letter c says /c/ /c/-cat, cute cat.A This is the big C, the capital letter. And this is thesmall c.A The letter d says /d/. /d/-dog, dirty dog.A This is the big D, the capit

4、al letter. And this is thesmall d. 带领学生浏览图片,试着识别单词首音。提问建议:A Look at the pictures. What are they?(cow, cupcake, duck, carrot)A Which word has the same beginning sound as dog?(duck)Step 3 Cover Talk 引导学生观察封面,尤其注意封面上的字母。提问建议:A What letters do you see?A Is it a capital letter or a small letter?A What so

5、und does this letter say?A What is it between the letter C and the letter D?(duck)A What is the first sound of the word duck?Step 4 Reading 教师和学生共读绘本。提问建议:P2A What letter do you see? Is it big C or small c?A What is it next to the big C? (cat)A Now say the first sound, /c/-cat.A What is the cat doin

6、g?A The cat is in a car.A Which sound did you just hear twice?P3A What letter do you see?A Is it big C or small c?A Now say the first sound, /c/-cow.A Whats the cow having in hands?A A cow with carrots and a cake?A How many /c/ sound did you just hear?A What will the cow do with the carrots and the

7、cake?P4-5A What is the cat doing?A Who is the cat meeting?A What is in the cows hand?AWhat is the cow saying?APlease read after me.A Would you care for carrot cake?P6A What letter do you see? Is it big D or small d?A What is next to the letter D?A Now say the first sound, /d/-dog.P7A What letter do

8、you see? Is it big D or small d?A What are these around the letter b?A Now say the first sound, /d/-ducks.A How many ducks do you see?P8A Where do you see in the picture?AWhat is the dog doing?AIs the dog happy?A Now please read after me.AA delighted dog dashesA Whats the meaning of dash/delighted?教

9、师用语:A To dash means to run quickly.A Look! The dog is dashing.A Who can dash?A A delighted dog is a happy dog.A Are you delighted?A Lets read the sentence one more time.A A delighted dog dashes.A How many /d/ sound did you hear in the sentence?A What is the dog dashing after?P9A How many ducks can y

10、ou see?A The ducks are in water and all wet.A They are dripping.ARead the sentence after me.A A delighted dog dashes after dripping ducks.A Will the dog catch the ducks?P10-11A What animals do you see in the picture?A What is the dog more interested in, the carrot cake orthe ducks?A Now read the sen

11、tence after me.A The carrot cake distracts the dog.A Whats the meaning of distract?教师用语:A The carrot cake makes the dog forget all about theducks. It distracts the dog!A Listen to what these animals say.A Whats the meaning of delicious in Chinese? 鼓励学生大声朗读绘本,针对有困难的学生,教师可给予帮助。 教师播放绘本音频,学生跟读,纠正发音。Step 5 After Reading设计意图:巩固字母CD的书写以及字母音,并理解单词的意义。 请学生用字母c和d填空,将单词补充完整。在写字母的同时,再次练习字母音。教师用语:A Fill in the blanks and say the letter sounds whilewriting.五、家庭作业听录音并朗读绘本。分别圈出书中的字母CcfODdo为本书涂色。


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