丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第五级B6 The Visit教学设计.docx

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1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第五级)The Visit教学设计一、教学目标熟练掌握ou, oa, ee的发音规则,如house, road, tree等。能够根据图文线索对文本内容进行预测O能够朗读故事并理解大意。能够根据文本内容的描述制作手工。二、教学重点及难点能够对故事情节进行预测。核心词汇、短语的朗读及理解能够理解故事的含义引导学生根据拼读知识完成自主阅读,并根据图片信息达成阅读理解。三、教学用具绘本课件彩纸彩笔设计意图:通过观察图片,在情境下呈现目标音。Step 1 Phonics呈现图片并提问。A What is this animal? (toad)Where is the to

2、ad? (outside a house)Where is the house? (at the end of the road)What colour is the toad? (green)Whats beside the house? (tree)A Now lets see the words.-oa” can make the /oa/ sound.-ou can make the /ou/ sound.-ee can make the sound /ee/.依次呈现文中含有目标音的单词。(部分通过图片及动作示意)训练含有目标音单词的拼读,同时呈现并解释部分词义。A What col

3、or is this coat?Tum right at the first crossroad.Do you like this mouse?How many wheels does a car have?Step 2 Reading 引导学生阅读3-10页,回答以下问题,并通过故事原文揭晓答案。A Toad wanted to go to her house for a visit.What did Mouse do for preparation?Who had a house in a stone wall?Who lived down the hill on the other si

4、de of the roadunder a rock?What did Mouse do for preparation?(She put the teapot on the stove. She set out the cups.She swept the little house.) 根据学生的回答继续追问。A What is a stove?What do “set out and swept mean?A What did Toad do for preparation?(He put on the green coat and red slippers.) 呈现PPT PIO页的图片

5、,引导学生唱出该页内容。A Toad felt happy.He sang a little tune.Can you try to sing this little tune? 呈现PPT Pll页的图片,介绍后续情节的矛盾点。A At last he got to the crossroad.Toad saw the mouse house across the road.But in between, on the busy road, were cars, trucks,bikes, motorbikes, and even a bus.All the drivers were spe

6、eding past. 引导学生预测后续情节。A What would happen next? 引导学生独立朗读剩余文本,验证自己的预测是否准确,之后呈现故事结局。A She took white paint and a big red card.On one side she painted “stop”.On the other side she painted “Toad crossing”.设计意图:故事前几页为描述性内容,学生可以进行独立阅读并回答老师的问题。在情境下,引导学生唱出该页内容,强化学生对文本的理解,同时训练朗读流利度。教师运用图片环游的形式引发学生思考并对故事情节进行

7、预测。引导学生自主阅读寻找答案。Step 3 After-reading 呈现音频,引导学生听读故事。设计意图:根据文本内容设计不同的活动,引导学生以组为单位选择手工制作。(教师为学生提供必要的材料)Drawing:A mouse had a house in a stone wall.Toad lived down the hill on the other side of the roadunder a rock.Painting:Toad put on his green coat and red slippers.He went up the road to Mouses house.Making a bold sign:Use white paint and a big red card.On one side we paint “stop”.On the other side we paint “Toad crossing”.在激发学生学习兴趣的同时,检验文本理解。五、家庭作业听录音并朗读绘本用自己的语言复述故事- 找出故事中含有OU, oa, ee的单词并分类朗读


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