丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级B6 Come In 教学设计.docx

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《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级B6 Come In 教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级B6 Come In 教学设计.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第四级)Come In 教学设计标 能够快速识别和整体认读come, into和under这几个视觉词 能够借助老师和图片的帮助,理解come, into和under在故事中的含义。 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事大意。 能够独立朗读故事。二、教学重点及难点 能够快速识别和认读come, into和undero 能够正确独立地朗读故事。 能够理解故事的含义。三、教学用具绘本课件视觉词卡四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up视觉词引入A Boys and girls, here are 3 words.I think its not very hard f

2、or you to read.设计意图:让学生熟悉三个视觉词的拼写和发音,并在句子中熟练掌握视觉词的发音及其含义。Lets have a try. Activity 1 Read my lipsA Now I am going to read a word, but with no sounds.Please read my lips, and tell me which one I read. Activity 2 Which is missing?A Here are many words. I am going to do the sledging.Look closely and th

3、en tell me which word is missing. Activity 3 Whats this word?A Boys and girls, whats this word? How to spell it? Activity 4 Lets readLets read the sentence with “come,“into” and“under”.Step 2 Cover Talk引导学生观察封面,并回答以下问题。A Boys and girls, here is a book for us.You may see a lot of sentences with “come

4、,“into”and “under”.Look at the picture on the cover. Who is he?What is he doing?What might he say?Lets see who wrote this book and read this booktogether.设计意图:让学生观察封面,阅读标题,并进行预测。Step 3 Reading 图片环游P3A Lets read it. What does Mat say?Whats a tent?Who does Mat talk to?Will they come into his tent?P7A

5、What does Mat say?Who does Mat talk to?Will they come into his tent?PIOA What does Mat say?Who does Mat talk to?Will they come into his tent? 任务型阅读A Its time fbr you to open up your book and tell me“Who does Mat talk to? and Did they come into histent?” 课堂讨论A Did frog, fox and ants come into his ten

6、t?Did hens and crab come into his tent?Did Mag and Mit come into his tent? 听读故事设计意图:学生通过朗读句子和进行表演,来巩固视觉词的发音和加深理解。通过回答老师的问题,和教师进行交流,对故事进行理解,同时巩固视觉词的学习。小组朗读故事Step 4 After ReadingCircle and CountA Please circle these words in this book.And tell me how many you can find.设计意图:再次巩固文中的视觉词。五.家庭作业 听录音并大声朗读绘本。 给绘本涂色。 小组演读故事。 尝试创编一个类似主题的故事。


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