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1、冲刺练习一、阅读理解1. There are four peop Ie i n my fami Iy. They are my father,my mother, my brother and I.My father i s a worker. He works i n a factory. My motheris a teacher. She teaches in a middle schooI. Her students Ioveher very much. m a schoo I gi r I. I like singing very much. I mwear i ng a red d

2、ress. We are very happy.(1)How many people are there in her famiIy?A. Three.B. Five.C. Four.(2)What does her mother do?A. A worker.B. A teacher.C. A doctor.(3)The girl Iikes very much.A.Engli shB.singingC. students(4) The girl i s wear i ng a dress.A. redB. greenC. ye I I ow(5)Are they happy?A. Yes,

3、 we are.B. Yes, you are.C. Yes, they are.2. There are four peopIe in my fami Iy. My father is a taxidr i ver. He I ikes dr i ving. My mother is a doctor. She helps manypeop I e. My brother i s a p i I ot (飞行员), He I i kes f I y i ng a p I ane.I am a cook. I Iike cooking food.(1) My father i s a .A.

4、tax i dr i verB.doctorC. p i I ot(2)My brother Ii kes .A. cook i ng foodB. flying a pIaneC. dr i v i ng(3) My job i s .A. a cookB. a pilotC. a worker3. Eve is a good girl. She goes to the I ibrary on Wednesdays.She Iikes reading. She always borrows books from the I ibrary.She wants to be a wr i ter

5、(作家).Eve has a s i ster Lucy. She Ioves her very much. Shealways he I ps her with her homework. She p I ays basketba I I withLucy on Fr i days. Her s i ster wants to be a basketbaI I pIayer.(1) Eve i s a good .A. girlB. boyC.teacher(2)Eve goes to the on Wednesdays.A.schoolC. I ibraryD. shop(3)What d

6、oes Eve Ii ke?A. Read i ng.B. Writing.C.Listening.(4)Who i s Lucy?A. Eve s mother.B. Eve s father.C. Eve, s s i ster.(5) wants to be a basketbaI I pIayer.A.LucyB. EveC. Eves fr i end4,阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Good morning, my name i s Mary. I am a gi r I. I am tenyears oId. There are four peopIe in my fami Iy.

7、This is my father.He is tall (鬲的). This is my mother. She is not tall. She isa teacher. Thi s i s my s i ster. Her name i s Lucy. She i s threeyears oId. I love them very much.(1) My name i s .A. maryB. MaryC. Lucy(2) I , m a .A. boyB.girlC.teacher(3) My i s tall.A. fatherB.motherC. s i ster(4) My i

8、 s a teacher.A.motherB. MaryC. s i ster(5)My i s three years oId.A. s i sterB. brotherC. mother5,阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Hei Io, I m Li ng I i ng. I , m a pup i I. Th i s i s my mother.Shes a nice doctor. This is my father. He, s a nice teacher.Thi s i s my unc I e. He s very tall. Th i s i s my I i tt I e bro

9、ther Tom.He, s very cute. This is me. I ,m very naughty and very clever.I Iove my famiIy very much.(1) Li ng I ing i s a .A.doctorB. pup i IC.teacher(2)Li ng Iing,s uncIe i s very .A. ta I IB. littleC. big(3)Li ng Iing i s very .A. taI I and cI everB.cute and naughtyC.clever and naughty(4)Li ng Iing

10、,s father i s a .A.naughty doctorB.n ice teacherC.cI ever pup iI(5)Li ng Iings mother i s a .A.nice teacherB.clever doctorC.n i ce doctor6. My name i s L i nda. Th i s i s a p i cture of my home. PI easecome and look at my home. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom,a I iving room, a study and a kitche

11、n. I have my own room now.Its sma I I and n i ce. There i s a sma I I bed i n i t. There i s a redc I ock above the bed. There i s a desk and a cha i r bes i de the bed.Above the desk, there i s a nice photo of me. I love my room verymuch.(1)There are rooms in Lindas home.A.fourB. f i veC. s i x(2)L

12、indas room is .A.big and niceB.smaI I and n i ceC. cool(3)What co I our i s the cIock?A. Its red.B. Its white.C. Its black.(4)Whats bes i de the bed?A.There i s a desk.B. There i s a cha i r.C.There i s a desk and a cha i r.(5)Whose photo i s it?A. Lindas.B.Li ly,s.C. Lucy, s.二、阅读判断7 .阅读下列短文,回答下列问题。

13、This is Toms study. There i s a desk near the window.On the desk, there, s a I amp. There, s a c I ock on wa I I, and thereare some pictures and a telephone on the waI I too. What,s onthe bookcase? There are a lot of books. Some of the books arei n Eng Ii sh. Theres a cha i r bes i de the desk.(1)Th

14、eres a tab Ie near the window.(2)There are some pictures and a cIock on the wall.(3)There isnt a telephone on the wall.(4)There are some dolls on the bookcase.(5)Bes i de the desk there are two cha i rs.三、任务型阅读8 .阅读填空My hobby is col Iecting stamps. I think its interesting.My s i ster s hobby is col

15、I ect i ng stickers. She th i nks its veryfun. My father s hobby is I istening to music. My mother s hobbyi s painting. She th i nks its fun. My grandpa,s hobby i sco I Iect i ng cards. He th i nks its i nterest i ng. My grandmashobby is dancing. She thinks its good for her health. Myuncles hobby is taking pictures. He Iikes it very much.(1)My fathers hobbyi s.(2)My uncles hobby i s .(3) My grandpa, s


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