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1、冲刺练习补全对话1.选出合适的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。A: This i s my schooI. Th i s way, pI ease.B: 1A: Look! This is the pIayground.B: 2A: 3B: Coo I! You can sing and dance i n it.A. Its b i g. You can pI ay footbaI I on it.B.Wow! How beautifuI!C.And this is the music room.2 .选择正确的选项补全对话。Chen Jie:101i ver: Rea I Iy? 2Ch

2、en Jie: Its two months old.01iver: What colour is it?Chen Jie:3 We caI I it Huang-huang.01i ver: Can i t run?Chen Jie:401 i ver:Chen Jie: Sure.01i ver : Coo I!A. Its ye I I ow.B. Can I pI ay with it?C. Yes, it can.D. I have a IoveIy puppy.E.How old is it?3 .选择相应的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。一Look! This is my fa

3、miIy photo.1一Nine.2-Shes my mother.-Whats your mothers job?3-4一Yes, it i s. Hes a dr i ver.-5一He i s my grandpa.He Iooks young.Yes, you,re r i ght.A.Whos this woman?B.Who is he?C. Is th i s your father?D.How many peopIe are there in your famiIy?E. Shes a farmer.4.莉莉到露西家做客,请选择正确的选项补全对话。Lucy:1Li ly: W

4、ow! It,s big and nice.Lucy: There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom.Lily: What,s in your bedroom?Lucy:2 There are so many books, too.Li ly:3Lucy: They are on the desk.Li ly: Do you often read books?Lucy:4A. Yes, I do.B. Th i s i s my home.C.Where are the books?D. There i s a bed.5. Zhang Peng正在

5、向他的好朋友Tom介绍他的学校。请选择合适的选项补全对话。Zhang Peng: This is my school.Tom:1Zhang Peng: Yes. 2Tom: Look!3Zhang Peng: Yes, the tree is very oId. Its about 100 years oId.Tom: Oh, it,s too old.A.There i s a big tree in front of the fIowers.B.Cool, its very beaut ifuI.C.There are Iots of flowers.6.咱们来对话吧!A: We I co

6、me to our school. Th i s i s the teachers office. This i s mycI assroom.B: 1A: Forty- five.B: Do you have a Iibrary?A: Yes.B: Do you have Iunch at schooI?A:2 Look! This is our pIayground.B:4A.Coo I! Your school i s beaut ifuI.8. How many students are there i n your cI ass?C.Yes. The canteen i s on t

7、he f i rst fIoor.7. Tom: Whos that girl, Linda?Li nda:1Tom:2Linda: Her name is Li Yan.Tom:3Linda: She,s nine.Tom: Is she in Class Three?Li nda:4Tom:5Linda: No, she* s good at English.A. Yes, she i s.B.Shes my fr iend.C.How old is she?D.Whats her name?E. I s she good at maths?8. 请选择合适的选项补全对话。Tom:1Tim

8、 and Bob: Oh, yeah.Bob:2Tom: Yes, there are.Tim:3Tom: No, there isnt.Bob:4Tom: Yes, there is. There are some boats on the Iake.Tim: Coo I. Let,s go boat i ng.A.Are there any fIowers i n the forest?B.WeI I go to the forest.C. I s there a r i ver i n the forest?D. Is there a Iake?9. Amy正在和Linda谈论她的校长。

9、请选择合适的选项补全对话。Linda: Hi, Amy! How are you?Amy: Hi, Linda! Im fine. 1Linda: I,m fine, too. 2Amy: Miss Li.Linda:3Amy: No, she isn,t. She is very young.Linda:4Amy: She is from China.Li nda:5Amy: She is short and thin.A.Whats she Ii ke?B.And you?C.Who* s your head teacher?D. Is she old?E.Where i s she fr

10、om?10. Amy正在和John谈论她所在的班级新来的两名同学。请选择合适的选项补全对话。Amy: Hi, John!John: Hi, Amy!Amy: Today I have two new cI assmates.John: Rea I Iy? 1Amy: Lucy and Lily. 2John: That,s fun!3Amy: They are polite and kind.John: Do you Iike them?Amy:4 Well be good fr i ends.John: I hope so. Goodbye!Amy: Bye!A.What are they

11、Ii ke?B. Yes, we a I I I i ke them.C.Who are they?D. They are twins (双胞胎).11.选择恰当的问句或答语,补全对话。A: How many new teachers do you have?B: 1A: Who are they?B: A maths teacher and an English teacher.A: 2B: My English teacher is Miss Wang.A: 3B: She is thin and tall.A: 4B: Yes, I Iike her very much.A.Who* s

12、 your Engli sh teacher?B.Do you Ii ke her?C.What,s she Ii ke?D. I have two new teachers.12.选择恰当的问句或答语,补全对话。A: Do you have new teachers?B: 1A: Who is your new teacher?B: 2A: 3B: She* s taI I and pretty.A: Do you Iike her?B: 4A. What,s she Ii ke?B.Yes. We have a new music teacher.C. Yes, we a I I I i

13、ke her.D.Miss Wu.13.读句子,选择适当的选项填空。A: We I come to our schooI.1B: How many students are there i n your cI assroom?A:2B: Do you have a Iibrary?A: 3B:5f I oor.A: The canteen i s on the fi rstB: 5A. Yes, we do.B.Th i s i s our cI assroom.C. Forty.D.Your school is cool.E.Where i s the canteen?14 . Mike:A

14、my: Yes, it is.Mike:2Amy: Let,s go and have a Iook.Mike:3Amy: No, its a computer.Mike:4Amy: No, it, s a map.A. Whats on it?B. Is this a TV?C. I s that a picture?D. I s th i s a teacher,s desk?15 .选择合适的句子,补全对话。Mike:His name is John, too!John:2Does he Iive in China, too?Mike:3He Iives in AustraIia, but he studies Chinese.John:4Mike: Yes, he does. He Iikes doing kung fu very much.John: Amazing! I like him. 5Mike: Sure. Why not?John: Cool!A.Rea I Iy?B.Come and see my new pen pa I.C. No, he doesnt.D.Can I a I so be h i s pen pa I?E.Does he Iike doing kung fu?


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