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1、试卷代号:3 981国家开放大学2 0 19年春季学期期末统一考试国际商务礼仪试题注意事项2019年7月一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌子上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。一、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。:用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题一、 无效。第一部分判断题(30分)There are fifteen statements in this section. Mark the statements True (

2、T) or False (F)according to what you have learned in this course.1. We can gain a level of confidence knowing the basic rules of etiquette.2. Common courtesy is genderless.3. There is no difference between those individuals who break the rules and know theyare breaking them versus those who break th

3、e rules and do not know they are breakingthem.4. Good manners allow you to gain personal confidence, and also play a major role ingenerating profit.5. Direct eye contact between professionals is considered rude and makes people feeluncomfortable.6. Quality management practices recognize that all peo

4、ple are our clients.7. s soon as someone has been introduced to you, do not try to repeat his or her name.8. When people shake hands, three shakes seem to be about right, but a lingeringhandshake is necessary to indicate you are comfortable with the person.9. If you are at work sitting behind your d

5、esk when a visitor comes by, walk aroundyour desk so you are next to your visitor when you shake hands.10. A genuine smile with a twinkle in your eye is a powerful way to communicate yourwillingness to meet another person.11. le When you answer the telephone, identify yourself using your first and l

6、ast name.12. No matter how simple a meeting is, an agenda is imperative.13. In a restaurants always talk softly to your server, as if you were sharing a secret.14. It is unprofessional to drink beverages through a straw.15. Smoking is a personal choice that does not affect other people.第二部分选择题(20分)T

7、here are five questions in this section. Each question has one or more than one correct answer.Select the correct answer or answers.16. Why is lunch an excellent time to accomplish a good deal of work?. Because you are away from the usual interruptions.B. Because the atmosphere in a restaurant sets

8、a different mood.C. Because you can have the whole table to yourself in a restaurant,D Because working while eating is a new fashion.17. What is the general guide to professional dress?A. Dress similar to those who are one step above you.B. Always dress as formally as possible.C. Wear comfortable cl

9、othes to make clients feel easy.D Keep your shoes in good condition.18. Which of the following questions are open-ended questions?A. Who have you talked to. and what did you learn?B. How did you get here?C. How are you today?D Did you come in the same vehicle as the Browns?19. How do you give your w

10、ork life the quality of your personal life?A. Dress comfortably.B. Be punctual.C. Be critical.D. Offer privacy.20. In a western restaurant, how should you signal to the waiter that you are ready toorder?A. Call the waiter out loud.B. Snap your fingers to the waiter.C. Close the menu.D Place the menu

11、 off to the side.第三部分简述题(30分)根据本课程所学,简述下列问题:21. 按照传统礼仪,在人行便道上,男性应该走在女性的哪一侧?为什么?22. 为什么说礼仪具有成本效益?23. 在工作交流中,为什么要慎用祈使句?24. .何为“黄金法则”?25. 安排会议时,需要考虑哪些问题?第四部分实践题(20分)26. 结合你的日常观察,说一说在你的工作环境中,人们是如何应对十分健谈的同事的。如果有同事来到你的办公室,闲聊很久,打扰你工作,你会怎么办?结合本课程所学,谈谈你的看法。试卷代号:3981国家开放大学2019年春季学期期末统一考试国际商务礼仪试题答案及评分标准(供参考)第一

12、部分判断题(30分)2019年7月There are fifteen statements in this section. Mark the statements True (T) or False ( F)according to what you have learned in this course.每题2分1. (T)6. (T)11. (T)2. (T)7. (F)12. (T)3. (F)8. (F)13. (T)4. (T)9. (T)14. (T)5. (F)10. (T)15. (F)第二部分选择题(20分)There are five questions in this

13、section. Each question has one or more than one correct answer.Select the correct answer or answers.每一个正确答案2分16. AB 17. AD 18. B 19. BD 20. CD第三部分简述题(30分)根据本课程所学,简述下列问题。每题6分21 .男性总是走在女性的外侧,即靠路边的一侧。因为,曾经的街道较为泥泞,车辆经常会把泥水溅到走在便道上的人身上。男性走在外侧可以为女性起到一定的保护作用。今天,仍有一些年长的男性习惯这样的方式。22 .礼仪有成本效益指的是礼仪提高了工作场所的生活质量,

14、有助于提高员工的工作热情,美化公司形象,从而在创造利润方面发挥重要作用。另一方面,负面的行为,无论是出于自私、粗心还是无知,都有可能使一个人失去晋升的机会,甚至丢掉工作。23 .因为,祈使句通常表示的是命令、建议、忠告、警告、请求、制止。因此,祈使句听起来容易让人产生“居高临下”甚至“强加于人”的感觉,会使对方或多或少感到不舒服。在使用祈使句时,最好同时使用诸如please之类的礼貌用语,以缓和语气。24 .所谓“黄金法则”,其核心是“推己及人”,这是世界上不同文化都十分推崇的道德准则。“希望别人怎么对待你,你就怎么对待别人”或“己所欲,施于人,25 .什么日期和时间对大多数人来说是方便的?哪些人是必须参会的主要人员?哪些人是必须参会的非主要人员?能否预定到会场及会场设施?会场需要哪些视听辅助设备?会议期间是否提供茶点?会议有哪些主要议程?第四部分实践题【20分)26 .要求学生就这一话题阐述教材中的观点,并与现实观察做比较,阐述现实与教材内容的相同之处和不同之处。在评分时,不要求学生将教材中某一话题的要点全部列出,仅列出与其观察相关的要点即可。做到这一步,即可给12分。如能对观察到的现实状况加以分析,且阐述清晰、逻辑清楚、见解独到,可获得更高分数。这一部分未设字数限制,答题以阐述透彻、语言简练为宜。1877


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