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1、冲刺练习及解析一、阅读理解1阅读短文,选出正确的选项。Jim: What,s the weather Iike here in summer?Lucy: Its hot.Jim: What do you Iike doing in summer?Lucy: I Iike swimming.Jim: What,s the weather Iike here in winter?Lucy: Its co Id and it snows.Jim: What do you I ike doing in winter?Lucy: I like ski ing.(1)The weather here i

2、s i n summer.A. hotB. co I dC. windy(2)Lucy Ii kes in summer.A.danc i ngB.swimmingC. snow(3)The weather here is in winter.A.sunnyB. co I dC. raining(4)Lucy I ikes in winter.A.singingB. sunnyC. ski ing【答案】(DA (2)B(3)B(4)C【解析】1.根据 “Jim: What s the weather I ike here in summer?, “Lucy:Its hot. v可知这里夏天天

3、气炎热,故选A。2. 彳艮据“Jim: What do you I ike doing in summer?” “Lucy: I I i ke swimming, v可知露西夏天喜欢游泳,故选B。3. 根据 “Jim: What s the weather I i ke here in winter?” “Lucy: Its coldand it snows.“可知这里冬天天气寒冷,故选B。4. 根据 “Jim: What do you I ike doing in winter?” “Lucy: I I ike ski ing.可知露西冬天喜欢滑雪,故选C。2. He i I ongj i

4、ang, Yunnan and Ha i nan are both in Ch ina, but the weatheris different (不同的)at the same (相同的)time. In winter (冬天),itssnowy and co Id in HeiIongj iang. The chi ldren can make a snowman outs ide.Its windy and coo I i n Yunnan. The chi ldren can fly a kite. 11,s sunnyand warm in Hainan. The chi ldren

5、 can swim in the sea.(1)Hei Iongj iang, Yunnan and Hainan are both in .A.CanadaB. the USAC. Ch i na(2)In winter, its i n Hei longj iang.A.snowy and co IdB.sunny and hotC.windy and coo I(3)In winter, its in Hainan.A.sunny and co IdB.sunny and windyC.sunny and warm(4)The chi ldren can outside in Hei I

6、ongj iang.A.make a snowmanB. f Iy a kiteC.pI ay footbaI I(5)The chiIdren can swim in Hainan.A. i n the houseB. i n the seaC.at the schooI(6)Its in Yunnan in winter.A.windy and coo IC. windy and co IdC.snowy and sunny【答案】(DC (2) A (3)C(4) A (5)B(6) A【解析】1.由 “ Hei Iongj iang, Yunnan and Hainan are bot

7、h in China,可知选Co2. 由 “In winter, it, s snowy and cold i n He i I ongj i ang.,可次口选 A。3. 由Its sunny and warm i n Hainan, n 可知选 C。4. 由 “The chi ldren can make a snowman outside. 可淡口选 A。5. 由 “The chi ldren can swim in the sea. v 可知选 B。6. 由 “Its windy and coo I i n Yunnan. ” 可知选 A。3. Good morn i ng. Here

8、 i s the weather report. Today its co I d i nBe i j i ng. PI ease put on your coat. Its windy i n Nanj i ng. PI ease stay athome. Its snowy i n Harb i n. You can make a snowman. Its sunny i n Shenzhen.You can pI ay footbaI I or fIy a kite.(1)What,s the weather Ii ke i n Nanj i ng?A. Its windy.B. Its

9、 snowy.C. Its sunny.(2)Is it snowy in Shenzhen?A. Yes, you can.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it isnt.(3)Can you make a snowman in Harbin?A. No, I can11.B. Yes,I can.C. Yes,it is.(4)Can you fly akite in Shenzhen?A. Yes,I can.B. Yes,you can.C. No, I can11.(5)What,s the weather Ii ke i n Bei j ing?A. Itlssunny.

10、B. It,swindy.C. It,scold.【答案】(DA(2)C(3)B(4) A C【解析】1由 “Itswindy inNanjing. ” 可知选 A。2.由 “ItssunnyShenzhen.可知选C。3由 “ItssnowyHarbin. You can make a snowman.”可知选 B。4.由 “ItssunnyinShenzhen. You can p I ay f ootba I I or f I y a kite.可知选A。5.由“Today it1 scold in Beijing. ” 可知选 C。4. Hi, Mike!How are you? I

11、fm in Canada. Its great! Itf s cl oudy and coo I here.I can go for a waI k (散步)outside. I can eat some appIes. I s it sunnyand hot in Be i j i ng? Can you swim outs ide?Love,Mum(1)Mike s mum i s i n .A.SydneyB.CanadaC. Be i j i ng(2)The weather i n Canada i s .A.cIoudy and coo IB.sunny and hotC.wind

12、y and warm(3)Mike,s mum can outside.A. swimB. f Iy a kiteC.go for a waIk(4) M i ke i s i n .A.LondonB.CanadaC. Bei j ing【答案】(1)B(2) A (3)C(4)C【解析】1.由“Im in Canada.”可知选B。2. 由 “Its c I oudy and coo I here, v 可知选 A。3. 由 “I can go for a wa I k outside. ” 可知选 C。4. 由“Is it sunny and hot i n Beijing?”可知迈克是

13、在北京,故选C。5. Good morning. Th i s i s a weather report. Its cold i n Beijing today.It will be cl oudy and w i ndy tomorrow. Its hot in Hai nan, and it wi I I besunny and hot tomorrow. I n J i angx i, its c I oudy. We fee I coo I today. Butit wi I I be rainy and windy tomorrow. Thank you for your I ist

14、ening. Havea good day!(1)What,s the weather Ii ke i n Be i j i ng?A. Hot.B. Coo I.C. Co I d.(2)What wiI I the weather be Iike tomorrow in Hainan?A. It will be sunny and hot.B. It will be rainy.C. It will be cloudy and windy.(3)In Jiangxi, it will be tomorrow.A.windy and coo IB.windy and cIoudyC. rai

15、ny and windy5.【答案】(DC (2) A (3)C二、阅读判断6. Our country i s very I arge. The weather i n the north i s d i fferentfrom the south. The weather i n the east i s d i fferent from the weather i nthe west. I n Hei longj iang its very co I d i n winter. The temperature canfa I I to -40 . In Hai nan its warm i n winter. We can see 千 I owers and greentrees fro


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