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1、冲刺练习一、阅读理解1. A: Hi, Amy.B: H i, Chen J i e.A: Whats this?B: My new crayons.A: How many crayons do you have?B: I have 16 crayons. I Iike crayons very much.A: Me, too. Theyre so beautifuI.B: Oh, where is my bag?A: Maybe it,s in your desk.B: No, it isnt.A: Is it behind your chai r?B: Yes, it is. Thank

2、you, goodbye.A: Bye.(1)Who,s A?B. Chen J i e.B. s i xteenA. Li ly.C. Amy.(2)Chen J i e has crayons.A. seventeenC.fifteen(3)Is the bag i n the desk?A. Yes, it i s.B. No, it i s.C. No, it isnt.(4)The bag i s the cha i r.B. beh i ndA.underC. on2. Ben: Where is my toy car?XiaoIing: Is it in your desk?Be

3、n: No, it isnt.XiaoIing: Look, it,s next to the books.Ben: No, Xiao I i ng, that i s not my car. It, s Mikes. My car isred.XiaoI ing: What is that behind the bag? It is red. Is it yourcar?Ben: No, it isnt. 11,s Johns toy bus.XiaoIing: Ben, whats that in your hand?Ben: Oh, Si I ly (傻的)me. Its my toy

4、car.(1) Ben i s I ook i ng for (寻找)a toy .A. carB. bus(2)Ben,s toy car i n h i s desk.A. i sB. isnt(3) i s bes i de the books.A.Mikes toyB.Johns toy bus(4)Mi ke,s toy car red.A. i sB. isnt(5)John,s toy bus i s the bag.A. beh i ndB. next to3. Tom i s my fr iend. He comes from England. He i s ten year

5、sold. Hi s father is a doctor. His mother is an Engl ish teacheri n our schoo I. She teaches us ora I Engl i sh (英语口语). Tom andI always p I ay together after c I ass. He I i kes playing f ootba I I.He Ii kes to Ii ve i n Ch i na.(1)Tom comes from .A.CanadaB. Eng I and(2) H i s father i s a .A. nurse

6、B. doctor(3)His mother is a teacher. She teaches us .A.ora I Engli shB.Ch i nese(4) He I i kes .A. pI ay baseba I IB. playing footbaI I4. Hei Io, I m Tim. I ,m from Canada. My good friends nameis Jim. Jim and I often p I ay together. My hobby (爱好)is playingfootbaI I. He i s good at playing footbaI I

7、, too. We often pI ayfootba I I together. Today i s Saturday. Jim is not at home. He, sgot a headache. H i s mother takes h i m to the doctor , s. The doctorgives him some pills (药片)and Iets him take three a day. Ithink he wiI I be better soon.(1) Tim, s f r iend i s .A. TomB. JimC. Jean(2)Tims hobb

8、y is playing .D. tenn i sB.footbaIC.basketbaI I(3)Whats wrong with Jim?A.He,s got a toothache.B.Hes got a headache.(4)What does the doctor say?A.Take some pills.B.He will be better soon.C. Dr i nk more water.5. Hei Io, my name is Jim. I am e I even. I I ove sports. Myfavour i te sport i s runni ng.

9、I often run after schooI with myfr i ends. My favour ite day i s Tuesday. We have two PE Iessonson Tuesday. Ben i s my fr i end. He doesn,t Ii ke sports. So hedoesn,t Ii ke Tuesday. He I i kes mus i c and s i ngi ng. He wants tobe a s i nger when he grows up.(1) Jim i s years old.A. ni neB. tenC. e

10、I even(2)Jims favour ite sport i s .A. sw i mm i ngB. playing basketbaI IC. runn i ng(3)Jim,s favour ite day i s .A.MondayB.TuesdayC.Wednesday(4)Ben Ii kes .A. runningB. singingC. read i ng(5)Ben wants to be a when he grows up.A.buiIderB. cookC. s i nger二、任务型阅读6,阅读短文,填空完成下列句子。I m Lucy. Lily i s my f

11、 r i end. She, s ten years o I d. Shesshort and th i n. She has I ong brown ha i r. She has an orange bagand bIue shoes. Shes cute.(1) Li ly i s and thin.(2) She an orange bag and shoes.(3) She hasha i r.7 . Dear d i ary,I , m Amy. I have a pen pa I. Her name i s Joey. She i s fromCanada. She has ma

12、ny hobb i es. She Ii kes Ii sten i ng to mus i c,drawing p i ctures, playing the violi n. Last ho I i day, I went toCanada and visited her. In Canada, the weather was fine, alwayssunny but not hot. We went hiking there. I I earned Engl i sh fromJoey, too. I was happy. This hoi iday, Joey is going to

13、 vi sit me.We are going to visit the Great Wall. I am excited.(1)Does Joey Ii ke tak i ng p i ctures?(2)Is Joey a Ch i nese girl?(3)How was Amy on her hoiiday?(4)Does Amy come from Canada?(5)What are they going to do th i s ho Ii day?8 .读短文,回答问题吧!My good fr i endI have a good fr i end at schooI. Her

14、 name i s Amy. Shei s eight years oId, she i s taI I and thin. She can dance verywe I I. She i s good at maths and Eng I i sh. She I earns Engl i sh at9:00 every day. She has s i x storybooks. She i s a good student.She I i kes playing vo I I eyba I I. We are good f r i ends. We a I I I oveher.(1)Ho

15、w old is Amy?(2)What time i s it for Amy to I earn Engli sh?(3)How many storybooks does Amy have?9,阅读短文,回答问题。My name s Sun. I am ten. I am a student. Look at thephoto on the tab I e. There i s a gi r I i n it. She i s my f r i end. Hername, s Mary. She has b i g eyes and a sma I I nose. She i s very cuteand very quiet.(1) How o I d i s Sun?(2)Is Sun a student?(3)Whos the girl in the picture?(4)Is she very cute?(5)Is she qu


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