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1、Modu I e 2 Pub I i c ho I i days 导学案Unit 2 We have celebrated the festivaIsince the first pioneers arrived in America.学校:实验一中 主备人:冷金燕 审核人:学科英语课型阅读课年级九年级学习目标1 .掌握和运用本单元重点词汇和短语2 .掌握时间状语从句,学会用英语描述传统节日学习重难点1能读懂文章并从中获得相关信息2.掌握时间状语从句、境入一情导播放一段关于感恩节起源的小视频,然后让学生谈谈他们对于感恩节的认识。T: Well, after watching this shor

2、t video, can anybody tell me whereThanksgiving was first celebrated? And what was it first celebrated for?Ss: It was first celebrated in America for a good harvest-T: Yes, that1s righl.So do you want to know more details about thisfestival? Lets open the book and turn to Page 12.二、自主学习用所给词的适当形式填空。1

3、.This will be my(four) holiday spent with my best friend.2 .The(eight) month of a year is called August.3 .My family is going to hold a big party for my brothers (nine)birthday.4 .There ar.e twelve floors in this building, and we live on the(twelve)floor.5 .Myparents planned to travel to Paris on th

4、eir(twenty)wedding .anniversary.5探究1.让学生结对谈论活动1里的图片,然后老师提问。T: What festival do you think they are celebrating?SI : I think they are celebrating Thanksgiving.T: Whatls the food in front of the grandpa?S2: It,s turkey.2让学生快速阅读活动2里的文章,并将小标题与其相应的段落搭配起来,然后老师核验答案。3.播放活动2的录音,让学生仔细听录音并跟读,注意语音语调,同时在遇到的难点下面画线

5、,然后老师在要点点拨环节给予学生指导。4 .让学生集体读一遍文章,并回答下列问题:(1)When was Thanksgiving first celebrated?(2)What did the Native Americans teach the pioneers?(3)Why is Thanksgiving the start of the Christmas season?5 .让两名学生分享他们的答案,然后老师核验答案。Keys : (l)In the seventeenth century.(2)They taught the pioneers how to grow com.(3

6、)Because people start shopping for presents.6 .让学生先快速浏览一下教材第13页活动3的表格,然后集体朗读一遍活动2中的文章,凭记忆在表格所需信息下方画线。7 .引导学生完成活动3的表格,老师核验答案。8 .让学生完成活动4的任务并核验答案。四、展示交流让学生写出自己最难忘的一个节日名称,然后根据以下问题列出作文提纲:(1)Whatwas it?(2)When,was it?(3)Who did you sp,end it with?(4)How did you spend it?(5)Will you remember it for long?

7、Why?2.让学生借助活动1中自己所列的提纲,写一篇小短文介绍这个节日。An unforgettable festival for me was.last year.(l)It is a tim,e for a special dinner among family and friends.五、It is a time for这是的时候。它是一个固定句型。精讲点拨 例:k is a time for good food and rest.这是吃美食和休息的时刻。among是介词,意为“在之间”,用于三个或三个以上的人或物之间,或笼统地指一些人或一群人之中。(2)People make shor

8、t speeches and give thanks for their food.give thanks for对表示感谢,for后接名词或动名词来引出感谢的原因。thanks后还可接to sb.来引出感谢的对象。(3)We lay the table,.【辨析】lay与lie词条意思过去式过去分词现在分词lay放置,安放;产卵,下蛋laidlaidlayinglie平躺;位于laylainlying撒谎liedliedlying练习设计1根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词(1)奶奶是我们家庭成员中年龄最大的。Grandma is the oldest one our family member

9、s.(2)我的爸爸总在空闲时间教我下棋。My father always teaches me chess inspare time.(3)他放下蛋就躺在位于公园的长条凳上休息了,却对我撒谎说他正忙。He the eggs and then on the bench in thepark, but he to me that he was busy.六、达标检测I.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1 . Mothers Day is on the (two) Sunday in May in the USA.2 .When I came in, I heard the baby (cry).3 .

10、While he (read) the newspaper, his mother came in.4 .The first pioneers from England arrived in American by ship in the (seventeen) century.5 .The local people taught them how (grow) corn.6 .The kitchen is always the most (crowd) room in our house.7 .There are plenty of other things (see )and do.8 .

11、At the (begin), they did not have enough food.9 .Football is also important at Thanksgiving, with many teams(play) games-10 .We usually play basketball and enjoy (we) after class.阅读理解On Thanksgiving Day, most of us will sit down to enjoy a turkeydinner. The bird also shows up on the table at Christm

12、as. How did we startwith the tradition of savoring turkeys during the holidays?They were fresh, cheap, and big enough to feed a group of people.Americans like having large poultry(家禽)for celebrations because theydon1t need to pay a lot for the birds. Cows were more useful alive thandead, and beef wa

13、sn,t widely offered until the late 19th century. Chickenwas more highly regarded than it is today. Venison(鹿肉)would have beenanother choice, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries. Eatingturkey was also a British holiday custom people brought to the NewWorld.Among the big birds, turkey is the

14、 most suitable for Thanksgiving.Turkeys were born in the spring. They spend about seven months eatinginsects on the farm. By Thanksgiving, they have grown to about 10pounds. Turkeys are cheaper than geese(鹅),which are more difficult toraise, and cheaper by the pound than chickens. Cost is an importa

15、nt factorfor holiday shoppers, because people will not prepare just one meal.Thanksgiving Day is the time to bake meal and other types of pies. Thefoods can last through the winter.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )1. The underlined word “savour” in Paragraph 1 probably means, in Chinese.A.享用 B.欣赏 C.饲养 D清洁( )2. Why do Americans enjoy eating turkey on Thanksgiving day?A. Turkeys were fresh.B. Turkeys were bigC. Turkeys were cheap.D. All of the above.


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