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1、银川一中、昆明一中高三联合考试一模英语参考答案I听力:1-5 BCBAA 6-10 CABCC 11-15 AACCB 16-20 ACCABII阅读理解:21-23 DDC 24-27 BACD 28-31 DCBA 32-35 BDBD 36-40 FEGACIII完形填空:41-45 ABCDB 4650 DDACD 5155 DACAB 5660 CBCBAIV语法填空:61. fighting 62.with63.records64.most65. which 66.Both67.particularly68.has been worshiped/worshipped69.to sa

2、ve70. impossiblev. 短文改错:Last week witnessed a(改为an)extraordinary astronomy photography competition, in which an abundance of breathtaken(改为breathtaking) images of night and space was for(改为on)display. Li Hua, a boy of our school, was awarded as(删除as) the first prize with her(改为his) exciting picture

3、of a shooting star across the starry night.This is the first time that such a major award had(改为has) been given to a senior high student, which (改为whose) remarkable work received praise and applause. Only when seed (改为seeds) of love for astronomy photography have been sowed, (加will) further achievem

4、ents be made by other students of our school. Their contributions are eager (改为eagerly) expected.VI.书面表达:Activities After GraduationThere are many things we can do after senior high school. In the survey about Senior 3 students after-graduation activities, thepercentageofstudentswhochoosetravellinga

5、nd learning to get a drivers license isrespectively25%.10% of students intend to improve themselves by participating actively in a wide range of activities, such as, going to the gym, learning musical instruments or another foreign language and so on. Following that is having a good rest in the summ

6、er vacation, which takes up 16%. Besides, serving as volunteers is favored by 8 % of students. There are also other choices, accounting for 16% of students. It is encouraging to find that students tend to choose interesting and relaxing activities based on their identity and interests. At the same t

7、ime, they are determined to recharge themselves to acquire skills as many as possible.In my opinion, it is of great importance to make full use of current time for the College Entrance Examination. Only when we have achieved good academic performance, will we bring out the best of ourselves. As a re

8、sult, we can spend a fulfilling and meaningful vacation before college.听力原文Text1. 【原文】M: Did you watch football match between France and England last night?W: Well, I had wanted to, but my father was seeing a movie on the only TV set in my house. So I just went to my bedroom and read a book.Text 2.

9、【原文】M: Excuse me! How can I get to the Madison Square?W: You can take a taxi if you are in a hurry. And you can also take a bus there, but it takes a bit longer time.M: Im not in a hurry and I want to see the city.W: Then, why dont you use the public bike? It suits you best.Text 3. 【原文】W: I got you

10、lots of copies of the Observer from the library. I will bring them to you later.M: Thank you for helping my freshmen to remember that the Internet is not the only source for events happening around.Text 4. 【原文】W: This is supposed to be the happiest day in high school. But why do I feel so down? Like

11、 somethings ending.M: Well, something isending in high school. But relax, youre going to enter a whole new world and make a lot of friends.Text 5. 【原文】M: Where did you get the sheet? It feels really soft.W: Youre not gonna believe this. It is from the Ten Dollar store, like the items that could mayb

12、e cost much more, maybe even 20 or 30.Text 6. 【原文】W: Where did you get your auto insurance, Ted?M: CTY Solutions. Theyve got some of the best insurance plans.W: You know what Once, l couldnt get in touch with my agent in time of emergency. I was really mad, so Im actually thinking about changing it.

13、M: In that case, you can call my agent. Hell give good alternatives according to your needs and requirements.Text 7【原文】M: Amy, is this your last term?W: Yeah, and then Ill be graduating, so its pretty scary heading into the real world, the adult world.M: Yeah, youre gonna have to find a job.W: Exact

14、ly. Thats gonna be a little bit challenging as well.M: Are you worried about that?W: Finding a job: No. l just received a call from the human resource manager from a chain store. I will have a job when l graduate. Ill be working within a marketing management. Luckily, its something that Im intereste

15、d in.M: That sounds cool. I hope I can get a job right after my graduation. But its too early to tell, I still have two years to go.W: I believe you can. You are doing great in almost everything.Text 8. 【原文】W: Wow! l cant believe you topped the class99 points.M: Me neither. I didnt expect to come out first.W: Youre a smart guy! You always get straight As.M: Thanks. I guess its just a gift.W: Sure is. Such a pity I didnt get that gift.M: Well, I think youre pretty smart too. Whats your score?W: l just got 62 points. This is terrible. I expected 70 at least.M: Well. Its not a total fai


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