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1、时态语态巩固练习1.1 will not be able to attend the meeting this Friday, because I something important.A. will be doingB. I will doC. had oneD. I do2 .He articles for our wall-newspaper these three years, and he about forty articles.A. has been writing, has writtenB.has been writing, wroteC. is writing, has

2、been writingD.has written, has written3 .Look at this! I some magazines and this letter.A. was looking through, foundB.am looking through, findC. looked through, had foundD.had looked through, finding4 .She to the office than she got down to writing the report.A. has no sooner got B. had hardly got

3、C. no sooner got D. had no sooner got5 .the new VCD for me, Dad? You promised.Oh, dear I forgot.A. Will you buyB. Did you buy C. Have you bought D. Would you buy6 .d like to have a talk with you, but very busy now.A. will beB. amC. wasD. am not7 .Hello! I you in Shanghai. How long have you been here

4、?A. dont know, were B. hadn,t known, are C. didn,t know, were D. haven,t known, are8 .Will you finish your work soon?Yes, I it by next Tuesday.A. will have finished B. finishesC. is to finishD. has finished9 .The blind man received a letter from his son and then to him by his neighbour.A. he was rea

5、dB. he readC. had been readD. it was read10 .ve the dining-room for 10 minutes but I eating yet.A. been in, hadn,t begunC. entered, havent begun11.Put your hands on top of your head.A. wontB. didntB. come into, haven,t startedD. been in, haven,t startedWho? Me? I do anything.C. dontD. wouldnt12 .The

6、 noticeNo Smoking.C. tellsD. is readA. is toldB. reads13 .We the Olympic games when the news of his winning a gold medal over the radio.A. were talking about, cameB. talked about, cameC. talked about, was comingD. were talking about, was coming14 .Mary and Alice each other since they were children.A

7、. had been known B. have been known C. have knownD. were known15 .Peter looks quite unhappy.Yes, he to get his girl friend a new dress, but he his wallet.A. had planned, would loseB. had planned, lostC. was planning, would loseD. has planned, lost16 .There something wrong with my bike. It docsn,t ma

8、tter. I lend you mine.A. am toB. am going toC. mustD. Will17 . Growing around the lake wild flowers of different colors.A. isB. areC. wasD. have been18 .Not until entered the university the importance of time.A. had my son; he realizedB. my son had; did he realizeC. had my son; did he realizeD. my s

9、on had; he realized19 . So that no fish can live in it.A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake is C. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow20 . Only when over to his hometown.A. was the war ; did the young soldier return B. the war was ; did the young soldier returnC. was the war ; the young

10、soldier returnedD. the war was ; returned the young soldier阶段测试4(时态语态)1.1 cant believe little children can buy much food with little money.A. so; so;soB. so; such;such C. such; so;soD.such;such;so2. The news she looked forward toA. coming at last B. came at lastC. coming recently D. come at last3. Y

11、ou television. Why not do something more active?A. always watch B. are always watching C. have always watched D. had always been watching4 When again?-When he 9 let you know.A. he comes; comes B. will he come; will come C. he come; will come D. will he come; comes5 1 don,t think they had an exam in

12、English yesterday,?A. don,t IB. do IC. didn,t they1.1 t nearly two weeks I received his letter.A. is; thatB. was; thatC. is; sinceD. did theyD. was; since7. It is five years since my dear aunt here.8 It is the secondA. was9. My sisterA. joined10. Professor Li A. leftB. has leftC. is leftD. had leftt

13、ime she late this week.B. isC. will bethe Youth League since 1985.8. has joinedC. is inD. has beenD. has been inA. has comeB. has been11. Do you have any problems if youC. had comeD. cameA. offerC. are offeredD. will be offeredback from the USA for over two months.12.一Yes, we should, for we such bad

14、 luck up till now, and time out.A. have had; is running9. have; has been runD. have had; has been run13C. has playedD. had playedA. was playing14 No decisionA. will be madeC. is being made D. has been made15. The director had her assistant some hot dogs for the meetiA. picked upC. pick upD. picking

15、up16 If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic, but it all day.A. rainedB. rainsC. has rainedD. is raining17.一Have you kno一Yes, since she the Chinese Society.A. has joinedC. had joinedD. joined18 Over the past decades, sea ice in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A. had decreased B. decreasedC. has been decreasing D. is decreasing19 .They became friends again that day. Until then, they to each other for nearly two years.A. didn,t speakB. h


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