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1、练习双语:2016最值得期待的15部好莱坞大片功夫熊猫3(来源:)Kung Fu Panda 3功夫熊猫3上映时间:2016年1月29日Some animated movies drive themselves into the ground with sequels, the second moviein this series was as good as the first, so why should we assume the third wont be as good asthe first two? And hell yes, Jack Black is back He is t

2、his series, after alL一些动画电影经常会拍续集,功夫熊猫系列第二集和第一集同样精彩,所以为什么我们会认为笫三集不如前两集好看呢?是的,杰克布莱克又回归啦,毕竟之前他一直为电影配音。死侍Deadpool死侍上映时间:2016年2月12日You dont understand how important an R-rated comic book movie really is。 Think aboutthis: it,s the first comic book movie not pandering to a teenage audience。 The potential

3、for anamazing film here is very reaL Let,s just pray they can delivero你不明白一部R级的漫画书改编的电影有多重要。想想这样的事实:这是第一部不为迎合年轻观众口味的漫画书电影。这部精彩电影的潜力无限,让我们共同期待这部电影可以尽快上映吧。超级名模2Zoolander 2超级名模2上映时间:2016年2月12 Yes, this is going to be stupid - we know But if you look at the list, there isn,t muchstupid elsewhere: there

4、are superheroes, action, and superheroeso Oh, and moresuperheroeso So we have to pop a comedy in here too and just hope it works out。是的,这太愚蠢了一一我们知道。但如果你看看名单,就会发现也并非很愚蠢:有超级英雄,动作电影和超级英雄。哦,还有更多的超级英雄。所以我们要宣传下这部影片,希望电影还不错。女巫4.The Witch女巫上映时间:2016年2月26 HGrowing up in New England, I can tell you some stori

5、es about just how haunted this wholearea is We did have a knack for burning innocent young women alive back in the day。This filmfocuses on that time period and the madness that surrounded the witch phenomenon back inthose dayso从小在新英格兰长大,我很清楚这个地区有多少闹鬼的故事。早先我们这里的确记载有活烧年轻无辜女性的方法。这部电影就是以那个时代为背景,并以当时与女巫现

6、象有关的疯狂行为为主题。蝙蝠大战侠超人:正义黎明Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice蝙蝠大战侠超人:正义黎明上映时间:2016年3月25日Even if this movie fails (a March release) it still will bring in billions because EVERYONEwants to see how this battle will play out。就算这部电影失败了(3月份上映),影片同样会有数百万的收入,因为人人都想知道这场大战如何上演。美国队长3:内战Captain America: Civil War

7、美国队长3:内战上映时间:2016年5月6日The truth is, some of us are really on the fence about this flick0 Marvel loves to play it safe(PG-13 for life) and the real Marvel Civil War storyline from the comics was very dark, withheroes actually killing each othero But the main worry among fans is that they will water i

8、t downand take out some of the most crucial momentso But if done right, this could be Marvels bestmovie to dateo事实上,有些人对这部影片持观望态度。漫威喜欢把电影级别设定在安全区域(一直是PG-13等级的电影),但漫画中有关内战的故事情节十分黑暗,因为英雄之间相互厮杀。但粉丝们真正担心的是电影中将弱化这一情节,甚至删去一些重要场景。但如果处理合适,这可能会成为漫威目前最出色的电影。好家伙们The Nice Guys好伙计们上映时间:2016年5月20日Though maybe not

9、 the typical big movie in the sense that there are superheroes and tons ofexplosions, just look at the casto Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, and directed by the brilliantShane Black (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang), this is a film about some men looking into the death of anadult star and the circumstances behind

10、thato这部影片没有过多的超级英雄和爆破场面,从这个意义上来说,可能这部影片不是一部典型的大片,但只要看阵容(就会发现事实并非如此):瑞恩高斯林、罗素克劳以及天才导演沙恩布莱克(他曾指导过电影小贼、美女和妙探)。这部电影讲述了几名男子调查一位成人女星的死亡以及背后发生的故事。X战警:天启X-Men: ApocalypseX战警:天启上映时间:2016年5月27日Though they may be tapping this series out a little too quickly, they have remained tightenough films that we are sup

11、er curious to see if Apocalypse saves or kills the franchise。 Being afan of the comic, we can state that the main villain, Apocalypse, looks pretty stupid in thestills we,ve seen so far, so that is not looking too good; let,s hope the final product will lookmuch bettero虽然这部电影更新有点过于迅速,但这部电影剧情紧凑,我们依然卜

12、分好奇地想知道天启能否拯救这一系列的销售情况。做为动漫粉丝,我们不得不说从目前曝光的剧照中来看,主要反派天启看起来十分笨拙。因此我们怀疑整部电影的质量,但还是希望成片看起来会好些。魔兽争霸Warcraft魔兽争霸上映时间:2016年6月10日Here,s the thing: video game movies suck 98% of the time The man who directed this is1) the son of David Bowie 2) has made two other phenomenal films ( Moon and Source Code)and we

13、 have to have faith that the man, especially when it has such a huge core audience offans already because of the game0 Honestly, the trailer looks kind of meh。But again, we,reholding out hope that this will be 2016,s awesome fantasy filmo现实是这样的:这款游戏占据了 98%的时间。这部电影的导演是大卫博威之子,曾经导演过另外两部轰动电影:月球和源代码。我们有理

14、由信赖这位导演,特别是该片有着众多的游戏粉丝。说实话,预告片让人感到毫无新意,但我们依旧希望这部电影可以成为2016年的一部经典。海底总动员2:寻找多莉Finding Dory海底总动员2:寻找多莉上映时间:2016年6月17日Pixar does not make movies0 What the company does transcends filmo They strike at thecore of every emotion we feel, and they do it better than mosto Well, the Cars movie werentso great,

15、but everyone is allowed a few mulliganso皮克斯公司并不制作电影,他们做的只是超越电影。皮克斯公司的电影触动心弦,这一点皮克斯公司比大多数人都做得好。好吧,虽然赛车总动员并不令人满意,但谁都有失误的时候。inDEPERDEIICE MVRESURGENCE独立日:卷土重来Independence Day: Resurgence独立日:卷土重来上映时间:2016年6月24日You know, the original Independence Day was a fun, popcorn flcko It just keeps yourentertained, which is just what movies need to do Again, they may have put a little TOOmuch time between the first and second, but here is hoping they can do the original justic


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