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1、练习双语:关于身体的12个神奇事实你知道么:我们的身体就像潘多拉魔盒一样充满着秘密,既是统一的有机整体,各个器官各自独立,乂彼此有机地相互联系。日常生活中我们的身体经常有一些现象,让你无法解释。今天搜刮到了关于我们身体的12个神奇事实,来给大家分享。Do feetreally get bigger with age?脚会一直随着年龄长大?lt,s certainly possible: After years of wear and tear, tendons and ligaments in your feet mayweaken. This can cause arches to flat

2、ten, which means feet get wider and longer. It wont happento everyone, thoughpeople who are overweight, who get swollen feet or ankles, or who havecertain medical conditions, like diabetes, are more prone. If it does happen, the average gain isabout one shoe size by age 70 or 80.这是有可能的:经过多年的磨损,脚部的肌腱

3、和韧带会有损耗。这就会使得脚底变平,那么脚就更宽更长了。但不是每个人都会这样,那些很胖、脚或者踝关节浮肿,乂或有过某种病症比如糖尿病的人更容易出现这种情况。一般来说到了 70或80岁脚会大一码。What,s with that stomach-in-your-throat feeling on roller coasters?坐过山车时为什么有胃到喉咙眼的感觉?Your insides are actually shifting! When a coaster comes over its crest, slows for a second foradded torture, and then

4、 plummets downward, the seat belt keeps your rear in place, but someloosely connected internal organslike your stomach and intestinesget a little air time,You,re not damaging your innards by riding even the craziest of coasters (everything returns to itsproper place), but your nerves detect the move

5、ment, which registers as though your stomach hasjumped into your throat.你的体内在翻江倒海!当过山车到了顶端,减速那一秒钟会加重体内的折磨,随即骤然落下,座位安全带能保持你的屁股在原位,但却无法照顾到体内的器官,比如胃和肠道就会有点飘飘荡了。其实玩最疯狂的过山车也不会损坏你的内脏(它们最后会回归的),但是你的神经能感测到运动,就会让你觉得胃都跑到喉咙眼来了。How come women always seem colder than men?女人为什么总比男人感觉更怕冷?The fairer sex has a highe

6、r percentage of body fat and conserves more heat around the core.That helps keep vital organs nice and toasty but not the extremitiesand when your hands andfeet feel cold, so does the rest of your body. Plus, research suggests that women have a lowerthreshold for cold than men. When exposed to the s

7、ame freezing temperature, the blood vesselsin womens fingers constrict more than men,s do, which is why they turn white more quickly.女人体内有更高的身体脂肪比例,也会在体内储存更多的热量,这能保持核心器官的运转,但不包括四肢。如果你的手脚感觉冰冷,身体的其他部位也是如此。另外,调查显示女人寒冷的临界值比男人低。在相同温度的严寒环境之下,女人手指血管的收缩度比男人要大,所以它们会迅速变白。Is old-person smel real?老年人的体味是真的么?Yes

8、. But there,s also a distinctive middle-aged-person smell and a young-person smell,according to a recent study. The research found that older people have a less intenseand morepleasantscent than the middle-aged folk and young whippersnappers. Not what you expected,right?是真的,但近期研究表明中年人和年轻人身上的味道也是有区别的

9、。调查发现相对中年人和青年人来说,老年人的体味不那么强烈,反而相对温和。和你想的不一样吧?Why does room-temperature coffee taste so bad?常温的咖啡为何这么难喝?The temperature affects flavor. Researchers in Belgium found that certain taste budreceptors are most sensitive to food molecules that are at or just above room temperature. Sohot coffee may seem l

10、ess bitter (and, in turn, taste better) because our bitter-detecting tastebuds arent as sensitive when coffee is hot. Odors influence flavor as well, so even the most bitterhot coffee may taste delicious because of its pleasant aroma; room-temperature coffee doesntsmell the same.温度影响口感。比利时的研究者发现,某些味

11、蕾会对处于室温的食物分子更加敏感。由于我们品尝苦味的味蕾在高温度时并不十分敏感,相对而言热咖啡似乎不那么苦啦(当然口感更好)。气味也会影响口感,所以即使是最苦的热咖啡,也会因为它的香气让人觉得美味,而室温咖啡就没这个香气了。How come you wake up at night to urinate but not to do anything else?为什么半夜醒来只想小便?Because the sophisticated, intelligent neurons in your gut that control colon contractions,which push out w

12、aste, are also influenced by your bodys circadian rhythm, the internal clockthat wakes you when it,s light out and makes you feel sleepy at night. So most people don,t havethe urge to empty their colon in the middle of the night. On the other hand, the bladder, whichacts a reservoir for the continuo

13、us flow of urine produced in the kidneys, can stretch only up to acertain volume before you gotta go. Normally, you can sleep six to eight hours without having tourinate, but certain medical conditions or drinking too much water before bed can wake you touse the bathroom at night.这是因为控制着结肠收缩的复杂敏感神经元

14、,也会受到人体生理周期(也就是排便规律)的影响,白天生物钟会让你醒来,晚上会让你睡觉。到了半夜,大部分人并不会急着去排便。另一方面,膀胱一直都储存着肾脏排泄出的不间断的尿液流,到了一定的容量,你就需要上厕所了。一般说来睡眠六到八小时是无需小便的,但某种病症或是睡前多喝水则会使你起夜了。Why do we have fingerprints?我们为什么有指纹?Many experts think it,s to improve grip, but a British study from a few years back suggestsotherwise. Researchers found

15、that a fingerprints ridges actually made it harder to hold flat,smooth surfaces, like Plexiglas, because they reduced the skin,s contact area. Instead, they thinkour prints might help wick water off our fingertips or allow our skin to stretch more easily, whichcan protect it from damage and help pre

16、vent blisters. Other scientists have suggested fingerprintscould improve our sense of touch. What we do know for sure is that no two people/s fingerprintsare the same, even among identical twins.有的专家认为这会增加在抓取时手上的摩擦力,但最近几年英国的调查显示并非如此。研究者发现指纹的脊状反而使人们难抓平滑的表面,比如树脂玻璃,因为指纹减少了皮肤的接触面积。他们反倒认为指纹有可能是能防止指尖的水分流失,或使得我们皮肤更易吸收


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