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1、练习双语:爱乐之城取景地天使列车终于开放啦IHUUi!mAngels Flight, the historic funicular most recently seen in the Oscar- and Bafta-winning filmLa La Land, will be reopened to the public on August 31 following a nearly $5million safetyupgrade.荣获奥斯卡奖和电影学院奖的得主一一爱乐之城中,频频出现历史悠久的天使铁路,将在8月31日起开始重新运营,据了解,政府花了将近500万美金对其安全进行升级。The

2、 116-year-old cable railway in Downtown Los Angeles has been carefully restored tozzmeet the highest safety standards7, with enhancements such as new motors, raising the heightof the doors to keep passengers from falling out of the car during sudden stops and theinstalment of an evacuation staircase

3、 connected to the track, the Los Angeles Times reports.这个有着116年历史的有轨缆车,位于洛杉矶的市中心。经过修整,天使铁路己经达到了最高安全标准,主要的维修包括换了新的发动机,提升了门的高度来防止由于列车的骤停,乘客掉出车厢,还新增了一条与轨道相连的人行道,以便乘客在需要时安全撤离。Operated on two cars (Sinai and Olivet), which run in opposite directions along an inclinedrailway track, Angels Flight transport

4、s passengers between the Pershing Square metro station andthe top of Bunker Hill - home to various cultural venues including the Museum of ContemporaryArt (MOCA), the Los Angeles Music Center and the Walt Disney Concert Hall.天使铁路主要由在倾斜铁轨相向而行的两辆列车(Sinai and Olivet)来构成通行,主要输送在旅客从珀欣广场地铁站到邦克山(Bunker Hil

5、l),那里有精彩纷呈的文化场地,像是现代艺术博物馆、洛杉矶音乐中心以及沃特迪士尼音乐。Having provided more than 100 million rides, the US national landmark has seen a string oftemporary closures and repairs since it was first opened in 1901, including most recently in 2013when it shut over safety concerns following a derailment incident.天使铁路

6、运营从1901年开放,已经运行了 1亿多次。而作为美国地标性建筑物的它,因为一次脱轨的安全事故,于2013年关闭,之后历经了一系列的短暂的关闭和整修。Back in 1969, its two cable cars went into storage for 27 years after a major redevelopmentof the Bunker Hill area saw its closure, before it was rebuilt and reopened in 1996.1969年,在邦克山(Bunker Hill)重建,两辆列车就封藏了 27年,直到1996年才开始重

7、新运营。The railway was opened for a day in 2016 for the filming of a scene in La La Land starringHollywood actors Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.2016年,这条铁路就因为好莱坞影星瑞恩高斯林和艾玛斯通主演的电影爱乐之城开通了一天。Spanning 298 feet on an 33 per cent grade, Angels Flight claims to be the z,world,s shortestrailway”, but is usurped by the 128 ft-long Fishermans Walk Cliff Railway in Bournemouth, whichis one of the world,s shortest funiculars.整条铁路从起点到终点全长仅298英尺(99米),沿坡度约为30。角的邦克山(Bunker Hill)山坡而建,被称为:世界上最短的铁路,而现在“世界上最短的铁路这一称号被全长只有128英尺(39米)由位于伯恩茅斯的Fishermans Walk Cliff铁路所取代。(来源:翻译:林丹鸥)


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