胶水MSDS物料安全说明 AE950.docx

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《胶水MSDS物料安全说明 AE950.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《胶水MSDS物料安全说明 AE950.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、物安全资料表MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET-、物品舆Jb商资料Chemical Product and Company Identification错误!未指定书签。筐品名耦product name : TAE-950裂造商或供J商名耦、地址及Manufacturer/Address/Phone number :耋昌榭脂(佛山)有限公司Tai Chang resin (Foshan) Co., Ltd聚急骄络甯言舌/傅真甯言舌Emergency Phone /Fax number:TEL:0757-87713333 FAX:0757-87717888二、成分辨资料Ingr

2、edients Information成份及余且成 Ingredients and composition :危害物成分之中英文名稠Chinese and English Name of theof the Hazardous ingredients渡度或浸度靶IB (成分百分比)Concentration or ConcentrationRange(Ratio of Ingredients)原料来源Sourceof Raw material醋酸乙烯共聚物CAS.NO.9003.-20-7Poly(vinylacetate)Emulsion Adhesive45 55%管棠祕密Business

3、 secret助剜(additives) CAS.NO.7227-21-110%管棠祕密Business secret水(water)4555%管棠祕密Business secret、危害辨资料 Hazards Identification最重要危害效德MainHazards健康危害效鹰Health effect嶂致眼睛刺激,可能源致敏感性皮反IS。Cause eye irritation, or sensitiveskin reactions璟境影警Environment effect:封龟类其和其他水族有檄醴具有低度毒性。Low toxicity to fish and otheraqua

4、tic organisms物理性及化阜性危害Physical/Chemical hazards:遇高温易引起醪化反鹰,不完全燃可能滥生一氧化碳。Easy to havegelation reaction under high temperature, and incomplete combustion mayproduce carbon monoxide特殊危害:Specific hazards如下 As follows主要症状Main symptoms眼睛Eye :直接接身蜀可能醇致刺激。Direct contact may cause irritation皮 Skin : 5期或持接自蜀可

5、能醇致皮J馨微刺激。Prolonged exposure may cause skinirritation吞食Ingestion:可能醇致嘴巴、咽喉、食道、胃部刺激,或嗯心,幅吐,下痢。May cause mouth,throat, esophagus, stomach irritation, or Nausea, vomiting, diahea吸入 INHALATION期曝露且通质l不良可能醇致鼻子及喉口熊刺激。Long time exposure and poor ventilationmay cause nose and throat irritation物品危害分类直 Hazard

6、classification :非危除化阜物Non Hazardous chemicals四、急救措施 First Aid Measures不同暴露途彳空之急救方法First aid procedures for various exposure吸入Inhalation :移患者到新鲜空氟S Move the patient to where there is fresh air.皮鹰接身蜀Skin :用清水冲洗皮J至少5分,同日寺移除污染虑衣物、鞋子,以肥皂清洗乾浮 o Flush with water for at least 5 minutes, remove contaminated

7、clothing, shoes, andwash the skin with soap眼睛接身蜀Eyes :立剜用大量清水持名最中洗眼睛至少15分。立刻尊求翳生咨前。Wash the eyes for at least 15 minutes constantly with plenty of water. Seek medicaladvice immediately食入 Ingestion :尊求瞽生治瘤或送瞽。Seek for medical treatment or send to hospital券寸翳肺之提不Advice to Doctors :,合予鼓舞式照展直。生依患者反11状况给

8、予治瘵。Giveencouragement to the patients, and treat them according to theirsymptoms五、5威火措施 Fire Fighting Measures自燃黑占 Autoignition point :不自燃 No autoignition错误!未指定书签。遹用威火理J Extinguishing media :水雾、二氧化碳、乾粉、泡沫 Water fog, CO2, dry chemicals, and foam,大火畤,最好使用抑制醇之泡沫。一般合成泡沫或蛋白泡沫雎可用,但效果事交差。可利用水雾降低火埸温度 0 When

9、 there is big fire, it is better to use bubble that cansuppress alcohol. General synthetic foam or protein foam, although available, theireffect is poor. Can lower the temperature of the fire spots by water mist;威火日寺可能遭遇之特殊危害Special Instructions for Fire Fighting :燃日寺,可能崖生不明有械物。著火日寺,视同可燃物虑理。不完全燃日寺曾崖

10、生一氧化碳。When burning, it is possible to produce an unidentified organic substance. When the fire started,it will be handled as combustible material When it is notcompletely burned, it will produce carbon monoxide消防人具之特殊防IS含殳倩Fire fighting equipments :穿戴正屋自搞式呼吸器,及全副防IS装倩包括丁基橡月蓼手套和化擘工作鞋。Wearing apositiv

11、e pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, and fullyprotective equipment including butyl rubber gloves and chemicalwork shoes)威火指示事工直 Fire fighting Instruction 擒带全副式呼吸含殳倩及防衣以避免接斶眼睛及皮庸;浮空著火II域,以安全的距雕迤行:威火 o A heavily breathing apparatus and protective clothing to avoid contact with eyesand skin;

12、clearance of the fire area, have a safe distance from the fire、:曳漏虑理方法 Accidental Release Measures/Preventative Measures彳固人愿注意事Personal precautions大量5曳漏,疏散她只允穿戴遹富防装借人员在现埸。亲隹人等勿遏留。隔离隹危陂癌域,封朗不必要入口 Where there is a large amount of leakage, evacuatedthe people, only the personnel who appropriately wear

13、protectiveequipments will be allowed at the scene. Irrelevant people should not stay.Isolate the dangerous area, and close unnecessary entrance.琪境注意事J真Environmental considerations:勿排入*曳洪下水道,地面水港,土壤。堆防堤包圉住*曳漏液。Don,t discharge into the sewer used for release flood waters,floor drain, or soil. Heap shi

14、eld to have the leaked liquid surrounded.清理方法Cleaning method :所有波漏,堆防IS堤包IS住波漏液。以泥土、沙、生居木屑吸附。As to all leakage, to heap shield to have the leaked liquid surrounded, and to absorb theliquid with soil, sand, sawdust七、安全置舆信者存方法 Safe Disposal and Storage method虑置:Measures1 .收:#工人愿已研言亶加理解物安全资料表(MSDS),收货地

15、黑占H借妥MSDS以供快速参O2 .遹富清除及莱W借妥於收货地黠(注意:可用清瀑剜清洗)。3 .卸货前,小心检查是否有任何波漏桶。4 .若樊现任何:曳漏桶,使用遹富安全言殳借及步骤虑理。5 .使用遹常卸:含殳倩,以硅保建送桶子至信者存地显而不致损毁。1 Workers who do the receiving should study the MSDS carefully, and the places where theproducts were received should keep the MSDS properly for future quit reference.2. Warehouse should prepare the cleansers properly and put the chemicals at the good receivingspots. (Attention: cleansers can be used for cleanup).3 Check if there is any buckets that ha


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