货柜检验清单 货柜检查清单 装柜检验清单.docx

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《货柜检验清单 货柜检查清单 装柜检验清单.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《货柜检验清单 货柜检查清单 装柜检验清单.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、Container and Loading Inspection Checklist装柜检验清单Note:For reference, please check Loading Guidelines,.This is the recommendation for uBest Practicen and itls valid in general.Any deviation from below requirements shall be approved by EngineerDate(日期): Container lllustration(集装箱示意图)Car N(车牌):Container

2、 No.(集装箱号): Shipment No.(提单号):Customer Name/No.(客户名称/代码):Seal No.(封号):Notes(备注):Released(接收)Blocked (拒收)Carrier signature(司机签名):Inspected by(检验员):1. Check container condition(货柜车状况检查)OK(接受)NOK(拒绝)Notes (备注)1.1Comer castings shall be undamaged (refer to )集装箱拐角铸件未受损(参见)1.2The framework of the containe

3、r shall be undamaged (referto)集装箱主体外框未受损(参见)1.3The cargo area including the floor shall be undamaged(refer to)货物摆放区包括门板,未受损(参见)1.4The cargo area shall be clean, dry and free from odour(refer to)货物摆放区清洁,干燥且无异味(参见)1.5The container shall be weather tight and it shall be possibleto seal it when closed (

4、refer to )集装箱不会受天气影响向漏水/透气,箱门可完好封上,保持密封(参见)1.6Ventilation openings shall be undamaged通风口未受损1.7The container shall be marked with safety plate (CSC)集装箱有安全图板标志1.8Non-actual labels shall be removed or masked无关标签被剥离或遮盖If claimed container is repaired, a maintenance list should be attached for later foll

5、ow up.若受损集装箱已修复,请将维修单附于该索赔报告后,以便跟踪.2. Check documentation(装柜文件检查)OK(接受)NOK(拒绝)Notes (备注)2.1Delivery plan (Loading layout)出货计划(排柜是否符合装柜图)2.2Dock Receipt(if applicable)货物签收单2.3Packing list is accurate & signed装箱单正确且有确认签名2.4Drivers license确认司机驾驶执照并记录号码3,Check loading(装柜检查)OK(接受)NOK(拒绝)Notes (备注)3.1Carg

6、o/packaging/pallet damage货物,包装,托盘有无破损3.2Check pallet dimensions(L*W*H) versus DWPinformation(+-5% tolerance acceptable for eachdimension)确认托盘尺寸(长*宽*高)与DWP要求一致(每个尺寸误差+/-5%以内)3.3Packing list matches loading quantity实装数量与装箱单数量是否相符3.4Weight of pallets inside the container is distributed evenly货物的重量均衡分布于

7、集装箱内3.5Last row should be as close as possible to the closed door最后一排货物与可关闭箱的门距离尽量靠近3.6No loose top filler is on top of the last row & no fillersplaced near the door.最后一排货物之上不能放置填充货物,填充货物不得放置在箱门旁边3.7Heavy cargo stowed on the bottom & light / fragile cargo ontop.重货必需放于底层并将轻货/易碎品置于其上3.8Last row of pal

8、lets has width of the pallet facing the door.靠门的最后一排货物应以托盘的窄面(即宽度)面朝门口摆放3.9Top/side/length fillers should easily take in & out by forklift.顶部/侧部的填充物应易于被叉车装卸3.10Pallets not loaded in same direction不要将所有的拖盘朝个方向堆放从而避免“多米诺”现象3.11Cargo stability货物稳定性,层与层之间的托盘脚与纸箱外缘对齐,无倾斜现象3.12Weather (rain?)装柜天气(是否有雨,保护是

9、否有效?)3.12Check the fork entry height 50mm(min 35mm aftercompression)确认叉齿工作高度为50mm,在垫脚受挤压后不低于35mm4. Check after loading (装柜后检查)OK(接受)NOK(拒绝)Notes (备注)4.1Space filled(no visible gap after filling)填充是否坚实、紧密,有无明显缝隙4.2Pallets are well fixed by belts托盘打包是否良好4.3Doors well closed, safety precautions efficie

10、nt?柜门是否关好,安全措施是否充足(拉网防倒)4.4Counting & reporting to sales dep.清点数量并报告业务部4.5Signed Dock Receipt签署货物签收单4.6Fumigation and ventilation(if required)熏蒸和通风(如适用)4.7Container is sealed and seal is intact( if it,s full container)若为整柜出货,确认封箱且封条完好5. Photographs 照相Done(完成)Not Done(未完成)Notes (备注)5.1Photo with half

11、 container loaded装到一半时照相5.2Photo of all goods stuffed with doors opened装箱完毕全开门时照相5.3Photo of all goods stuffed with half door closed装箱完毕关上半扇门时照相5.4Photo with seal locked关门且封箱后照相Note:This supplement is only used as the reference. There is no need for you to print it with the checklist.Supplement of photos4(3)2.Photo with full container loaded.装1 Photo with half container loaded,container number should be visible.完全柜时打开门记录最后入箱货号并装满半柜时记录货柜号并照相照相4.3. Photo with full container loaded andPhoto with full container loaded andonedoor closed.装完全柜时关闭半扇closed ,装完全柜封箱后记录车牌号和门记录最后入箱货号并照相封条号并照相


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