An Analysis of Polysemy from the Perspective of Cognitibe Linguistics 优秀专业论文.docx

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1、An Analysis of Polysemy from the Perspective ofCognitibe Linguistics从认知语言学角度分析一词多义Phenomenon of polysemy is a common phenomenon in our language, vocabulary is theone big characteristic, so it is in the English vocabulary. In English, in addition to the term,ChanYi words very few, majority of words a

2、re polysemous word. In fact, the morecommonly used a word, the more likely it is a polysemous word, especially in nouns,adjectives, verbs, adverbs, often is the use of the word frequency is higher, the moremeaning. Here mainly from the Angle of cognitive linguistics, discusses the formation ofEnglis

3、h polysemy phenomenon.Polysemy is said that a word has multiple meanings, and multiple significancebetween closely related. So far, linguists generally accepted the polysemy is defined as asingle language forms of two or two or more closely related to the significance ofaggregation.Polysemy is the r

4、esult of the meaning of diachronic development, in the process,based on image here is human cognitive psychology, cognitive ability, including category,metonymy and metaphor, etc. World is made up of ever-changing things, humanunderstanding of things is not mixed and disorderly, but through the anal

5、ysis, judge andclassify its classification and orientation, the generic process is divided into categories ofthe objective world.Category is a high-level cognitive ability, and on the basis of the human beings havethe ability to form the concept of, is the meaning of language symbols.Prototype is th

6、e best members in the category attribute, the most clear, the mostprominent and most representative member, also is the core and the most typicalmembers. A prototype meaning centered extended outward structure is formed apolysemous category, the category members are often difficult to summarize them

7、, in acommon semantic features to the number of child by family similarity relation betweenmeanings connected to form a chain, the prototype meaning to the original meaning ofwords, with the development of the word, not the prototype meaning can also beconverted to other prototype by metaphor, meton

8、ymy meanings. Cognitive category ispositioned on the prototype, the category is according to the characteristics of thecognitive object and its similarity with a category prototype size to decide whether itbelongs to the category of the process.Also believes that cognitive linguistics is not clearly

9、 defined the boundary of theprototype category, category boundaries are fuzzy1 open and openness of categoryboundaries and fuzzy ensures that the category of internal change, easier to enter intocategories, allowing new members to become members of the edge, rather than having tofundamentally change

10、 the category structure. Prototype category members of the rankand boundary fuzziness effectively explained the word polysemy phenomenon in manylanguages.According to cognitive linguistics, namely prototype category semantic category, itsmembers have different meanings and so on, they also has a cen

11、ter, the typical meaningsand edge points. Meanings is the prototype of center, is regarded as a semantic categorymost representative meanings, is often the people first, knowledge acquisition andlanguage symbols present at the beginning of the earliest or ,direct significance.Semantic category is ar

12、ound the prototype meaning extension outward, extend mode is akind of radioactive structure, namely the semantic meanings through cognitivemechanism by the center (a metaphor or metonymy) constantly to the surroundingradiation, thus the emergence of a new edge meaning (typical). Traditional linguist

13、icrhetoric, in the form of the metaphor as a language is a language means of decoration,which is only one kind of rhetoric, literature and literary style researchIn the object. The metaphor as a cognitive linguistics is a tool for people to theabstract concept understanding and expression, and the r

14、esults. In our life is full ofMetaphors, Lakoff and Johnson in 1980 classic ,metaphor Metaphors We LiveBy, hashighlighted the cognitive function of metaphor in the opening: Metaphors are pervasive ineveryday life, not only in the language, but also in our thinking and action. We all knowthat human b

15、rain is not unlimited capacity, only has a strong creative power. It can use theknown things, and language symbols to recognize and name the new things, then it willapply to the cognitive means such as metaphor, by the center or the basic meaning of aword to other meaning extension process, is the r

16、esult of human cognitive and conceptualcategory.Next, using plenty of examples to analyze the phenomenon of polysemy in thecognitive context.Extend(1) They are planning to extend the motorway as far as Fishauard .(2) Could you extend your visit for a few days?(3) Were going to extend the sitting-room.(4)She extended her hand to her new colleague.(5) The whol


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