Unit1 My school教学设计内容.docx

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1、Unitl My school 教学设计第一课时一、教学内容A. Lets learn A. lets do二、教学目标1 .能够听、说、认、读A Lets learn.部分关于功能室名称的单词及楼层表示的词组。2 .能够熟练运用句型“Where s the? Its the.”询问、描述学校教室及场馆的位置。3 .能够听懂A Let,s do部分的指令并根据指令做出正确的动作反应。4 .引导学生关注自己学校,培养学生学习英语的热情。三、教学重难点1 .教学重点掌握关于功能室名称的单词:teachers office, library;楼层的表达的词组the first floor, the

2、second floor以及询问功能室位置的句型:“Where s the ? Its the 。2 .教学难点(1)正确使用序数词(2)单词library中辅音连缀的发音。四、教学准备1 .本课时的五张单词卡片2 .关于校园分布的教学挂图3 .用作评价奖励的小礼物五、教学过程Step 1 Warm up老师播放歌曲our school,边与同学们听音乐边利用自己手里的粉笔在黑板上画一张二层楼式的学校简笔画。Step 2 Lead in音乐停止T:(老师指着简笔画介绍让学生们跟着读)This is my school.S: This is my school.T: This is my cla

3、ssroom . Its on the second floor.这是我们的教室,它在二楼。S: This is my classroom . It,s on the second floor.这是我们的教室,它在二楼。T: This is teachers office. Itzs on the second floor.这是老师办公室,它在二楼。S:This is teachers office. Its on the second floor.这是老师办公室,它在二楼。T: This is library. Its on the fist floor.这是图书馆,它在二楼。S: This

4、 is library. Its on the fist floor.这是图书馆,它在二楼。设计意图:通过画画,预习将要学习的关于功能室名称的单词及楼层表示的词组。为本课学习做了很好的铺垫作用。Step 3 Presentation1 .教学新词:library, teachers office, first floor, secondfloor0教学library教师接上面话题,指向图书馆重复说:This room islibrary,并板书:libraryo 随后展示单词卡说:“This is library.,T:(老师然后指着图片里的书问)What are they?S: Theyzr

5、e books.T:(自言自语)Wheres the books? The books are in thelibrary.(让学生从中明白其意思)然后分音节带读单词:lib-ra-ry. 教学词组teachers officeT:(教室出示办公室的图片)边展示边说:Some people workin this room.This is a office.板书“office” 带读 officeoT: 1 m a teacher .1 work in the office, too . We callit “teachers officen ,展示单词卡片,并指向简笔画说:The roomi

6、s teachers office,并板书:teachers officeo 老师在板书的时候提醒学生注意名词所有格我们用到的是“s”而这个地方是“s ”并用彩笔标注。然后领读词组:teachers officeo教学词组 first floor, second floorT:老师指着简笔画中刚才说的我们的教室说:This is ourclassroom. Our classroom is on the second floor.(教师边说边用手指表示“二”,并板书:second floor并与图中我们的教室连线。)告诉学生second是“第二”的意思,与two不同,它表示的是顺序。带读 se

7、cond 和 second flooro教师借助图书馆用同样的方法教学词组first flooro设计意图:创设情境,激发兴趣。通过学校的简笔画直接很自然的过渡到学校里的每个房间,从而引出各个功能室,让学生在真实的语言环境中习得知识,提高学习兴趣。2 .教学 A Let,s learn(1)教师指着黑板上的图书馆问:Where s the library?引导学生回答:Its on the first floor.板书句型:Where s the library? Its on the first floor.教师播放Lets learn”的课文录音,学生边听边跟读。3 .教学 A lets

8、do(DT: Ok, please. Say and do follow me.(教师边做动作边说句子)。T: Read a book.(同时出示幻灯片帮助学生理解其意思。)S: Read a book.读书T: Say hello.说你好。S:Say hello.说你好。T:Play football.踢足球。S:Play football.踢足球。T:Water the flower.浇花。S:Water the flower.浇花。教师出示单词卡片:playground,(出示幻灯片或图片)然后贴到简笔画学校的合适的位置。让学生领会其意思。然后带读单O 接下来老师拿出单词卡问T: Let

9、 me see.Playground which is related to the four sentences wehave just said.(让我们想一想playground与我们刚才说的四个句子哪个有关联)S: Play football.踢足球。T: Let me see.Library which is related to the four sentences we havejust said.(让我们想一想,Library与我们刚才说的四个句子哪个有关联)S: Read a book.读书T: Teachers, office which is related to the

10、 four sentences we havejust said. (Teachers office与我们刚才说的四个句子哪个有关联)S:Say hello.说你好。T: Garden which is related to the four sentences we have just said.(Garden与我们刚才说的四个句子哪个有关联)S: Water the flower.浇花。(老师根据孩子们的回答把它们分别贴在相应的句子旁)设计意图:通过问答;贴图片;做动作调动了孩子们的积极性,使学生们在短时间内,迅速了解功能室及场馆的功能,起到事半功倍的作用。(4)播放录音,老师根据录音内容

11、做动作。学生边指出正确的图片边跟读。(在做动作时老师应该根据情况作出不同的表情,例如:在录音说到在图书馆里读书时,老师应把手放到嘴边作提示安静状。)请一名自告奋勇的学生做动作,其他学生猜句子。(给猜对的同学小礼物作为奖品)设计意图:通过游戏活动和奖励活动,活跃了课堂气氛,训练了学生的观察力,记忆力和听辨力。Step 4 Practice活动:“说说我们未来的学校”活动方式:全班同学每四人一组,通过问答的方式说说我们未来的学校的发展宏图。S1 : How many rooms in our school?S2: Its twenty-four rooms.S3: What are they?S4

12、: They are classrooms ; libraryandteachers, office.SI : Where is the library?S2: Its on the second floor.设计意图:通过小组游戏,使学生在丰富多彩、生动有趣的课堂气氛中习得语言,加深对所学知识的理解,提高学生的语言运用能力。Step 5 SummaryT:Boys and girls, Let,s look back this class. What did youlearn about this lesson?老师手指板书引导孩子们总结。S:学习了功能室的名称单词:teachers, office; library楼层的表达的词组:the first floor, the second floorT: Excellent! Which new sentences do you learn today?S:询问功能室位置的句型:u Where, s the ? Its on the j设计意图:师生共同整理和归纳本课知识点,加深学生的记忆和理解。板书设计Unitl My schoolthe second floorthe first floorWheres the library ?Its on the fist floor.


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