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1、如何写外国留学申请书如何写外国留学申请书DearWhen I considered what should be the next step in mydevelopment it was out of the question that I would go for a degree atUniversity. At school I proved to be a successful quick-learner in everysubject, yet there were two circumstances that influenced most stronglymy final de

2、cision in which area to expand my knowledge. Those were mybackground and experience gained during my school years.The ever-changing world of business is what I witness every day onthe streets and at school, it is an important background for whatevermedia - radio, television etc. Realizing its influe

3、nce over world matters ofutmost importanceas well as such of personal preferences, it isimpossible not to acknowledge its dynamic nature. Moreover, allbusiness areas under go constant development which is to make thembetter and more successful. But apart from indirectly being a part of thesystem, it

4、 is a whole new world when you are directly involved in it. Forthe last five years I had the chance to take an active part in the familybusiness thus gained first-hand experience of the business world. All of1the above has led me to realizing that no matter what role you want toplay in the business

5、world it is vital to know the basic principles as wellas being up-to-date. That is why at this point of my personaldevelopment I strongly aspire to make my next step as an InternationalFinance and Trade student at the International University College. I ameager to obtain the academic knowledge that

6、will not only explain intheory my experience of many years, but will also introduce me to thingsI have not known and experienced before.From my earliest childhood I had been presented the opportunityto oversee the development of a small business in the dynamicatmosphere of world economics. At the be

7、ginning I would only help myparents mind the store. But through the years as I advancedacademically I developed a deeper understanding of the matter andproved greater efficiency. In the competitive and challenging age, as it istoday, it is of great importance to be as effective as possible. In the l

8、ightof this, the family business instilled some great values in me. Chiefamong them was the value of hard work. It was a matter of course thatevery member of the family must give the best he can for the generalwelfare. I made no exception. Thus I experienced both the inner; roughside of the business

9、zstarting from things like goods supplying, throughunderstanding of cash flow, contracts and conditions, price setting andcosts to rivalry and plots, and the outer side of which the general publicis aware - marketing, sales consulting, professional service andmaintaining an optimistic and productive

10、 climate. I learned a greatamount of valuable skills such as scrutinizing complex situations andproblem solving, managing multiple assignments, flexibility when settinga priority as to streamline the work process, judicious attitude whenmaking bargains, training and motivating employees to do better

11、 thanthey thought they could. Being a loyal and devoted worker is probablythe most important premise for success. And it is not just a question ofbusiness, but rather one concerning a persons attitude of mind. I knowwhat I am capable of and always try to do better wherefore mediocrityterrifies me. I

12、n my opinion there is no excuse for a lazy mind. I rememberreading a thing Jacques Cousteau once said that perfectly fits here. Itsounds like this: zzWhen one man, for whatever reason, has theopportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it tohimself,. I cannot agree more with h

13、im.As far as education is concerned, it has been of great value to mein view of broadening my conception of the world. The diversity ofclasses taught at school helped me realize and develop my intrinsictalents, shaped my personality and gave me a clear idea of the best waysto fulfill my potential. I

14、 was mostly drawn to mathematics because of thelogical and strategic look over things it teaches. From it I learned to seethe big picture as well as being in charge of every little detail. I especiallyenjoyed the English and German language classes where the knowledgeof fluency seemed to come natura

15、lly to me. Further on, I got the chanceto take part in a school international project called Media - a meetingpoint for everyone in Europe,. Due to my Ukrainian-Bulgarian origin Ifound no difficulty in building confidence in interacting with people fromdifferent national backgrounds. Because of the

16、focus of the project onthe basic ways in which media communicates with people thisexperience added to my awareness of the manipulation and applicationof technology. It allowed me to develop an ability to collect and analyzedata in order to distill the essence and present it clearly and concisely.Through this project I became conscious of some of t


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