Unit3-Unit4 单元试卷 2021-2022学年江苏省八年级下学期 牛津译林(word版含答案).docx

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Unit3-Unit4 单元试卷 2021-2022学年江苏省八年级下学期 牛津译林(word版含答案).docx_第1页
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《Unit3-Unit4 单元试卷 2021-2022学年江苏省八年级下学期 牛津译林(word版含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3-Unit4 单元试卷 2021-2022学年江苏省八年级下学期 牛津译林(word版含答案).docx(12页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、初二英语试卷8B Unit3-4一、单项选择1 His elder brother didnt tell him2.A. why to come here B. where to go to-Would you mind me the window? Its too cold outside.C. what to say nextD. which city to travelA to open; OKB. opening; Better not C. opening; Not at allD. to open; Certainly not3. - Could you tell me how l

2、ong you have? - Of course.A. fallen asleepB. bought the bike C. worked hereD joined the Leagueplace we cant miss whenD. others4. Times Square is a great place to visit. And Broadway isvisiting New York.A. otherB. anotherC. the other5. Hes been back from work,?-. He won,t come back until next Tuesday

3、.A. hasn,t he; Yes, he hasB. isnt he; No, he isntC. isnt he; Yes, he isD. hasnt he; No, he hasnt6. She knew nothing about it her mother made a phone call to her the day before yesterday.A. ifB. sinceC. afterD. until7. useful advice he gave me on how to make a book report!A. WhatB. How aC. What anD.

4、How8. - Boys and girls! Please your homework at once.-Oh, my god! I it at home.A. hand in; forgotB. hand out; have leftC. hand in; have leftD. hand out; have forgotten9. It five years since he his wife.A. has been; married withB is; got married toC. is; has married toD. was; has married with10. The

5、Harry Potter series seven books. Each of them tells a fantastic magic story.A. is made up ofB. is made byC. is made ofD. is made up from11. Helen was helping her mother when the rain began to beat heavily the windows.A. belowB. acrossC. againstD. through12. It is such that all of you must on it.A. h

6、ard work; work hardB. work hardly; work hardC. a hard work; hard workD. hard work; hard work13. He found to listen to some light music after work.A. it is relaxingB. it relaxingC. it relaxedD. that it was relaxed14. The plane will carry you off to a city you have never.A. been toB. travelledC. visit

7、ed toD. gone to15. - Excuse me, could you take care of my little dog for me while 1 am away next week?,I will walk it if it doesnt rain after supper.A. n afraid notB. I hope soC. My pleasureD. With pleasure二、完形填空Eco-Soap Bank(环保肥皂银行)is doing a lot for people in Cambodia (柬埔寨). It usedsoap from hotel

8、s and uses it to make new bars. Then it gives out the new soap for free.Samir Lakhani, from the United States, started this project three years ago. In 2014, he visitedCambodia and he felt 2 when he watched a mother bathe her baby with detergent(洗衣粉),Heleaned that many people in Cambodia are very po

9、or and in 3 of soap badly He thought maybe hecould help to 4 the problem.Lakhani thought of his good 5 recycling(回 4攵)used soap. Each year, millions of touristsvisit Cambodia. The country,s many hotels use lots of soap and waste a lot, too. 6 Lakhani wentfrom hotel to hotel, asking them to donatc(捐赠

10、)used soap.His project 7 with many peoples support. It later became the Eco - Soap Bank. The grouptakes used soap to recycling places. There, they clean the soap, and then cut it up. Then theythe soap together and put it through a press(压模机). Finally they make waste soap 9 new bars orliquid(;夜体)soap

11、.The project has helped half a million Cambodians get better hygiene(卫生) Lakhani has a 10plan. He wants to start Eco-Soap Bank in every tourist area around the world.1. A. returns2. A. surprised3. A need4. A. find out5. A. ideaB. collectsB. interestedB. timeB. get outB. resultC. sellsC. excitedC. pl

12、aceC. look outC. reasonD. protectsD. nervousD. worryD. work outD. accident,I will walk it if it doesnt rain after supper.A. n afraid notB. I hope soC. My pleasureD. With pleasure二、完形填空Eco-Soap Bank(环保肥皂银行)is doing a lot for people in Cambodia (柬埔寨). It usedsoap from hotels and uses it to make new ba

13、rs. Then it gives out the new soap for free.Samir Lakhani, from the United States, started this project three years ago. In 2014, he visitedCambodia and he felt 2 when he watched a mother bathe her baby with detergent(洗衣粉),Heleaned that many people in Cambodia are very poor and in 3 of soap badly He

14、 thought maybe hecould help to 4 the problem.Lakhani thought of his good 5 recycling(回 4攵)used soap. Each year, millions of touristsvisit Cambodia. The country,s many hotels use lots of soap and waste a lot, too. 6 Lakhani wentfrom hotel to hotel, asking them to donatc(捐赠)used soap.His project 7 wit

15、h many peoples support. It later became the Eco - Soap Bank. The grouptakes used soap to recycling places. There, they clean the soap, and then cut it up. Then theythe soap together and put it through a press(压模机). Finally they make waste soap 9 new bars orliquid(;夜体)soap.The project has helped half a million Cambodians get better hygiene(卫生) Lakhani has a 10plan. He wants to start Eco-Soap Bank in every tourist area around the world.1. A. returns2. A. surprised3. A need4


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