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1、CCDHffi与西门子合作发布SIEMENS“碳索之路 企业绿色出海白皮书二。二三年九月主编中国电子信息产业发展研究院西门子(中国)有限公司编委顾问商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院欧洲所姚铃国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心战略规划部柴麒敏中国工业经济联合会碳达峰碳中和促进中心王晓光中国环境科学研究院环境社会学室阳平坚中国信息通信研究院工业互联网与物联网研究所李海花TijV南德工业服务部张德法特别鸣谢主编及编委顾问赛迪研究院节能与环保研究所赛迪研究院世界工业研究所(国际合作研究中心)西门子中国SiGREEN团队西门子中国可持续发展部西门子中国政府事务部刖言日益复杂的外部环境要求出海企业加快形成

2、绿色竞争力。以碳市场与碳边境调节机制(CBAM )为代表的碳定价政策,以生态设计、 全生命周期管理与回收利用为代表的循环经济政策,以价值链碳管理与强制 披露为代表的合规与报告政策,要求中国出海企业应具备量化核算企业组织 与产品层面碳排放、构建循环经济体系、打造可持续价值链的能力,给企业 出海带来了合规性挑战。本白皮书旨在阐明中国企业出海面临的国际形势与 阶段性挑战,提出数字化绿色化协同的系统解决方案,为企业绿色出海、锻 造国际竞争力提供指导与参考,助力企业高质量发展。出海企业普遍面临战略、管理、数据、应用四方面挑战。战略层面,减碳战略和路线图不清晰、碳治理结构不健全、碳风险识别与把 控能力不足

3、等制约了企业高质量可持续发展;管理层面,碳监测水平较弱、 碳管理绩效考核机制科学性不足、企业内部以及价值链上下游协同工作能力 有限等影响了企业低碳生产效率与质量;数据层面,碳排放核算数据质量不 高、价值链上下游碳排放数据难获取、第三方认证覆盖范围较小、数据报告 可信度存疑等阻碍了企业数字化进程;应用层面,数字化解决方案系统性、 适用性、有效性不足等弱化了企业治理效能。数字化赋能绿色化是企业应对挑战顺利出海的破局之道。习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中指出,加快发展数字经济,促进数字经 济和实体经济深度融合。数字化能够有效牵引生产和服务体系智能化升级, 促进产业链价值链延伸拓展、融合发展,以有效应对

4、上述挑战。出海企业应 积极运用数字技术摸清碳家底、交互价值链数据、规划最优减碳策略, 从而建立完善的碳管理体系、绩效衡量指标与协作制度,推动利益相关者协 同发展,低成本高效率实现低碳转型与绿色出海。刖言多方齐动共筑服务生态是企业绿色出海的重要保障。政府精准施策,为企业数字化绿色化发展营造良好的政策环境。企业积极 主动拥抱数字化蓝海,锻造自身数字化绿色化生产力。服务机构发挥技术 优势,为企业量身定制数字化绿色化系统解决方案。通过多方联动,智能 化、绿色化、融合化发展的良好生态逐渐形成,助力企业绿色出海、扬帆中国电子信息产业发展研究院 西门子(中国)有限公司对出海企业来讲,双碳的发展更意味着一系列

5、的挑战,目前欧盟碳 壁垒政策已经立法,而针对工业储能和汽车动力电池的产品碳足迹标准 也已经生效。七国集团(G7 )也声明要建立针对经贸领域的气候俱乐 部。这对国内相关产业发展形成了一定挑战;而广大出海企业在应对双 碳挑战过程中,有大量数字化技术的应用场景,比如说能源数字化管理、 智能融合终端,也包括人工智能、工业互联网、数字挛生、区块链、边 缘计算等应用。另外,要发挥数字化技术的最大价值,生态协同必不可 少。企业必须紧密携手,共同发挥数字化的减排效应,加速迈向绿色低碳高质量发展。国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心战略规划部主任柴麒敏PrefaceThe increasingly compl

6、ex external environment calls for greater green competitiveness of enterprises going global.Carbon pricing policies such as the Carbon Market and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)z circular economy policies represented by ecological design, full lifecycle management and recycling, and compli

7、ance and reporting policies represented by value chain carbon emissions management and mandatory disclosure, all require Chinese enterprises going global to possess the capability to quantitatively calculate carbon emissions at both the enterprise and product levels, establish a circular economy sys

8、tem, and create a sustainable value chain. These requirements pose compliance challenges for enterprises going global. This white paper aims to clarify the international environment and challenges that Chinese enterprises face when going global, and it proposes a systematic solution of coordinated d

9、igital and green development, providing guidance and reference for enterprises seeking green development in their international endeavours and strengthening international competitiveness, thereby facilitating their high-quality development.Enterprises going global are generally faced with challenges

10、 in such four areas as strategy, management, statistics and application.Strategically, unclear carbon reduction strategies and roadmaps, deficient carbon governance structures, and insufficient ability in the identification and control of carbon risk, restrain high-quality and sustainable developmen

11、t. In the management, ineffective carbon monitoring, lack of scientific mechanisms for assessing carbon management performance, and limited collaboration capabilities both within the enterprise and along the value chain affect the efficiency and quality of low-carbon production. In terms of statisti

12、cs, low-quality accounting data for carbon emission, difficult access to carbon emission data in both upstream and downstream of value chains, limited coverage by third-party certifications, and questionable data reports, all of which hinder enterprises7 digitization process.PrefaceDigitalization fo

13、r green development is the key to enterprises overcoming these challenges and successfully going global.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, “We will accelerate the development of the digital economy, further integrate it with the real economy . D

14、igitization can drive the intelligent upgrading of production and service systems, promote the extension and integration of industrial and value chains, and effectively address the challenges mentioned above. Enterprises going global should actively apply digital technology to identify their zzcarbo

15、n footprint, exchange value chain dataz and formulate optimal carbon reduction strategies. This will help establish a comprehensive carbon management system, performance measurement indicators, and collaborative systems, facilitating the coordinated development of stakeholders and achieving low-carb

16、on transformation and green development in the process of going global at low cost and high efficiency.Multi-party collaboration in building a service ecosystem is crucial for enterprises going global.The government should implement targeted policies to create a favourable policy environment for the digital and green development of enterpris


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