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1、Unit 3Getting Together6Topic 2What does your mother do?Section B1. Material analysis该部分是七年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2的第二课时。主要活动是la和2。通过Kangkang和Maria的对话,呈现了表达工作场所的新句型:u Where does he/shework? He/She works in”,同时复习巩固有关职业的表达“What does he/she do?He/She is a”。此外,本课时还将学习构词法,了解动词变相应名词的基本规则。IL Teaching aims1. Knowle

2、dge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中力口 以应用:show, work, hospital, restaurant, on, farm, teach, act, drive;能根据已学单词,了解动词变相应名词的基本规则,并借助构词法,扩大词汇量,降低词汇学习的难度,$0: teach-*teacher, work-*worker, farmfarmer,drivedriver, actactor;能在对话操练中,正确运用实义动词第三人称单数的特殊疑问句及其回答;在教师的帮助与指引下,能就有关询问工作场所、询问工作等信息的表达方式进行交流。2. S

3、kill aims能听懂有关询问工作场所的简单对话或叙述并完成相应的任务;能根据图文就询问职业以及询问工作场所的话题进行交流;能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调;能写出职业及工作场所的单词或词组;能借助构词法,写出动词相应的名词。3. Emotional aims通过本课时学习通过谈论家庭成员及工作情况,让学生学会热爱生活的关心他人;III. The key points and difficult points1 .能就询问职业和询问工作场所等信息进行对话操练和小组调查活动。2 .结合构词法,能写出动词相应的名词。IV. Learning strategies1 .以自行总结和发现规律代替机械记忆

4、。2 .能够使用构词法帮助学习英语词汇。V. Teaching aidsPPT课件。VI. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Introduce师生问候,鼓励学生积极参与学习活动,提醒学生看学案。(目的是让学生做好学习准备工作。)Step2 Lead -in1 . Show a picture to the students , then ask them: What does he do ?”2 .板书课题:Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section BStep3 Review运用图片,做“问答接龙”活动,复习Whatdo/doesd

5、o?Step4 Presentation1. Show some pictures of different occupations. Let the students knowhow to ask the occupations and workplaces. Then learn some new wordsand the sentence Where do/does . work ?”2. Do 2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms. Then check theanswers.3. Make some examples to

6、demonstrate how to change the verb into anoun. Then practice them.4. Do lb. Listen to la and match the pictures with Maria,s parents9 jobsand workplaces. Then check the answers.5. Learn la. Let students learn the conversation and read it in roles.Step5 ConsolidationDo lc. Work in pairs. Make up new

7、conversations with the information inlc.Ste6 Practice1. Do3. Listen and match the peoples names with the cities. Then listenagain and write down their jobs.2. Do4. Work in groups. Ask students to survey his/her classmates abouttheir parents9 jobs and workplaces. Complete the table in 4. Then write a

8、short passage and report it to the class.personWhat does he/she do ?Where does he/she work?A,s father/motherB,s father/mother Example:Good morning , I m., In our group, A,s father is a .9 He worksin/on . , His mother is a ., She works inon.5 B,s father/ motheris., my father is a ., my mother is a .,

9、thank you .Step7 Summary1. New words.2. Important sentences (重要的句子):What does he do ? He is a .Where does he work ? He works in/on .3. Grammar (i) : (Word Formation 构词法)farm-farmer, teach-teacher, work-worker, act-actor, drive-driver4.Useful expressions:a photo of , show sth. to sb.Step 8 Homework1.

10、 Recite the dialog in 1 a.2. Make a survey , then make a report.3. Preview Section C.Blackboard design (板书设计):Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section BteachteacherfarmfarmerWhat does he do ? He is a Where does he work ? He works in/on actactordrive-drivera photo of. , show sth. to sbworkworkerTeaching reflection:(教学反思)


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