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1、教师网络研修社区迂设试点项目小学英语第一期主题研修活动作业姓名: 朱敏所在地区:贵州省遵义市红花岗区请研读所使用的教材:1、初步梳理该套教材关于英语拼读或语音的内容,如字母及字母发音或字母组合等。我们所使用的PEP教材是以五个元音字母a,e,i,o,u为基础,先教学元音,再进行字母组合的教学。2、针对该教材第一、二册关于英语拼读或语音的设计内容,分析其利弊以及如何扬长避短。英语拼读由易到难,从单个的元音再到字母组合,设计合理,在教学中我们要遵照语音教学的规律,帮助学生打好语音基础,过好语音关。3、选择题(二选一):1)选择以上梳理出来的、涉及英语拼读或语音的一个教学内容,设计一个教学活动,其教

2、学时间的长短不限,可以是5分钟,也可以是40分钟,但请简要说明你所设计活动,如:活动意图?是一节课的最初5分钟?或一个单元教学中独立的一堂课?这个活动与其他教学活动有何联系?等等。2)选择你日常教学中有关英语拼读或语音教学的一个教学设计或教学片段,上传上网,大家共同研磨(注:可通过活动工具“资源共享”发布)。答:我选第二题。三年级语音教学设计遵义市朝阳小学:朱敏Teaching Aims:1 Be able to read the words with the letter /correctly.2 Be able to distinguish two basic kind of pronun

3、ciationof the letteriin the words.3 Know something about some pronunciationrules.Teaching procedures:1 Warming-up : Enjoy the song.T: Let, s listen and sing a song“ABC song together.设计思路:用已学过的歌曲将学生带入英语学习的氛围,同时也为引出下一个教学环节做铺垫.Presentation:T:Boys and girls , are you happy? Today we will meet an oldfrie

4、nd. Let,s see who is he?Oh, it, s letter I.T: The letter is our old friend. Can you tell me who, s hisfriend?Ss: big/rabbit/nine.T: Look. I have eight friends. They are all its friends.Can you read them ?(Show the eight friends with the letter i.)bike pig milk kite fish window rice icecream教师网络研修社区建

5、设试点顼目S: bike pig milk.T: let, s call loudly, zzbike-bike-bike”.Ss: bike-bike一bikeT:The letter iin the word is pronunced as what?(弓|出i第一个发音ai,但是不出音标,而是固定一个手势并加以强化)Ss:Pigpigpig.T: The letter iin the word is pronunced as what?(弓 出i第一个发音i,但是不出音标,而是固定一个手势并加以强化)(学生猜对一个,教师逐一分析并强化元音字母i在开闭音节单词中的发音.)设计思路这种不出现

6、音标的教学方法可以避免增加小学生英语学习的负担,同时教学中教师通过手势强化这种轻松的学习方法,更加有利于学生在无意识中快速掌握字母i在单词中的两种基本发音.(2)Help the words find their homes.T:Boys and girls. Here are some friends of letter,i,. Theycan, t find their homes. Let, s help them. Look, there are教师网络研修社区建设试点项目“,” 74frfrz WrJ4trr / fsrtfrHvtwo homes of the letterz,iz

7、z. Homel is called ai. Home2 iscalled /i.Can you help them find their homes. Forexample, riceairice, it, s at home1, and“sit一/i一sit, it, s at home2. What about the others?(单词如下:rice sit milk pig kite fish five six ride sisterchick nice)T: Now , boys and girls, look at Homel and Home2. Can youfind ru

8、les about the pronunciation of these words? You maytalk in groups first.S:以i-e形式出现的单词,字母i在单词中发/ai/;以i形式出现的单词,字母i在单词中发i.T: Very good. Let, s read the words together.S: i-e-ai-rice, i-e-ai-nine.(手势强化)i/isit, iiitis.(手势强化)设计思路在上一步的教学的基础上让学生读一读,想一想,最后在此基础上进行比较,发现和归纳,必要时还给予学生讨论的机会,以换取学生的主体意识,打开学生智慧的大门,从而

9、让他们自己获得知识,技能和方法.教师网络研修社区建设试点项目,* 7,.rur*y(3) Put the apples into the right baskets.T: Boys and girls , now look at the blackboard. There isan apple tree here. On the tree, there are many apples.Now let, s pick them and classify them. Which ones shouldbe put intoBasket5 ? Which ones should be put int

10、o Basket6 ? Nowlet,s try. Students pick the appleone by one. When someone picks one apple, he or she mustread this word on the apple and thenspeak out the pronunciation of letter i in this word,and at last put it into the right basket.在活动中教师还要及时对每个小组进行评价,以激发全体学生的参与热情,吸引全体学生课堂上的注意力.苹果上的单词如下:life gift

11、 tip dive mice pipe lift it is fine.设计思路这个活动对于学生来说具有一定的挑战性,学生经过前面的学习基本能拼读出这些单词,但是有些单词是生词前面没出现过.通过这样的活动可以让学生把所学知识用于实际,使不同程度的学生都有成就感,增强自信心,增添学习英语的乐趣,进而长久保持对英语学习的兴趣.3 Consolidation and extention教师网络研修社区建设试点项目iitfhisntz 7V.*s* * VV*.*r /. n I rfv(l)Let, s chantT: boys and girls , you did very well. 11 s

12、how you a chant.Let,s relax ourselves.Bike bike ride a bike.Kite kite fly a kite.Ice-cream ice-cream I like ice-creams.Pig, pig, walk like a pig.Milk, milk, it is white.Fish, fish, it is lovely.T: Now , boys and girls,who can find the words withletter7izzpronunced as ai in this chant?Which ones are

13、pronunced as /i/?Ss find these words.(2)Who read better the teacher or students?T:Boys and girls, please read the chant again. Then 11reda it. Let, s compare who reads better and tell me thedifference.设计思路:我在这里插入一首英语歌谣,一方面让学生中途轻松一下,另一方面通过教师与学生对比读歌谣的形式引出语音教学s孝攵师网络研修社区建设试点项目,” 7.fi h, Wdhcel ,4*.frr4 4 ntuttty中连读这一新知识点,最终让学生读出英语的语感来.4 HomeworkAssign the homeworkRead the “Tongue twistersz,and next class ask studentstoshow in class.Mike rides a bike behind a white dike.Bill is picking a big pig in a big ship.Bob got a lot of boxes on the top of a hot pot.设计思路:将课堂教学适当延伸到课外,从而更好地巩固课堂所学的知识.


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