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1、10. A. buy B. buying C. see D. seeing答案:1-5,ADCBA 6-10.ACBAA模拟试题(四)The yearly Marathon (马拉松)in my town usually happened during a heat wave.My job was to follow the runners in an ambulance (救护车),for 1 of them mightneed medical attention.Were supposed to stay 2 the last runner, so take it slowly/ I sa

2、id to the driver,Doug,as the race started. The front-runners started to 3 and then my eyes were drawn tothe woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.We knew we were already watching our last runner. There was something wrongwith her 4 , so it seemed almost impossible for her to be

3、 able to walk. A marathonwas really a challenge.Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward . 5 , she was the onlyrunner left in sight. Tears ran down my face 6 I watched her push forward withgreat efforts through the last miles.When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywh

4、ere and the 7 crowdshad long gone home. Ye straight and ever so proud stood a lone man. He washolding one end of a ribbon (缎带)tied to a post She slowly crossed through, 8both ends of the ribbon fluttering (飘扬)behind her.I do not know this womants name, but that day she became part of my life 一 a par

5、tthat I often 9 . When think things are too difficult or I get I-just-can,t-do-it I9. A. worry about B. wait for C. laugh at D. depend on1 0. A. difficult B. easy C. interesting D. meaningless【答案】1-5.ADBCD 6-10.ACBDB【解析】短文大意:本文是记叙文,讲述了在马拉松比赛中,一位女运动员在腿出毛病的情况下,坚持完成比赛,成为“最后的赛跑者”,表现了她的坚韧顽强,告诉我们坚持目标的重要意义

6、。【1题详解】句意:而我的工作就是坐在救护车上跟着赛跑者,因为他们中的任何一个人都可能需要医疗救助。any任何人;either用于二者择其一;both表示两者都;none没有一个,表完全否定。句中them是指the runners (赛跑者),根据might need medical attention需要医疗救助,可知不确定是哪一个,后面三项不合句意,故选A。【2题详解】句意:我们应该跟在最后一名选手后面,所以慢慢来,”我对司机道格说。above在上方,表位置;below在下方,表位置;before在之前,表时间;behind在后面,表位置。根据上文My job was to follow

7、the runnersin an ambulance我的工作就是坐在救护车上跟着赛跑者,可知应该跟在最后一名选手的后面,故选D。【3题详解】句意:领先者开始消失,然后我的眼睛被吸引到那个穿着蓝色丝绸跑步短裤和宽松的白色t恤的女人。appear出现;disappear消失;run跑;prepare 准备。 ffiiST We knew we were already watching our last runner,我们知道我们已经在看我们的最后的赛跑者了,可知领先的不见了,故选B。【4题详解】句意:她的腿有点问题,所以对她来说几乎不可能走路。sad伤心的;patient有耐心的;excited

8、兴奋的;surprised惊讶的。根据文意和语境,观看马拉松比赛的场面让人振奋的,可知ABD三项不合语境,故选C。【8题详解】句意:她慢慢地穿过,留下丝带的两端在她身后飘动。making 制作;leaving 留下;letting 让;having 有。根据She slowly crossedthrough她慢慢地穿过,女运动员终于“撞线”了,丝带的两端在她身后飘动,可知leave符合句意,故选B。【9题详解】句意:我不知道这个女人的名字,但那天她成了我生活的一部分一一我经常依赖的一部分。worry about担心;wait for等待;laugh at嘲笑;depend on依靠。破折号表强

9、调,根据that day she became part of my life那天她成了我生活的一部分”,结合下文“ When think things are too difficult or I get rI-just-can,t-do-it I think of the lastrunner当我觉得事情太难或者我感到,我就是做不到,的时候,我想到的是最后一个跑步者”,可知“我”在以后的生活中经常想到她,depend on符合句意,故选D。【10题详解】句意:然后我意识到摆在我面前的任务是多么容易。difficult困难的;easy容易的;interesting有趣的;meaningles

10、s无意义的。根据上文“For her, it wasnt about beating the other runners or winning a prize, butabout finishing what she had set out to do, no matter what 对她来说,重要的不是打败其他赛跑者或赢得奖品,而是无论如何完成她的目标“,可知一想到女运动员的故事,“我”就不再感觉任务难以完成,故选B。模拟试题(五)“Please dont go to Wuhan unless its really necessary, Zhong Nanshanl a famousresp

11、iratory expert (呼吸科专家),said when the novel coronavirus (冠状病毒)hitWuhan. At the same time, Zhong, 84, went on a trip to Wuhan to 1 the disease.A great doctorZhong grew up in a family of doctors. His dream has always been to save as manylives as possible. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to

12、 treat (治 疗patients and asked 2 doctors to send their most serious cases (病 例)to him.After 3 of hard work, his treatment plan for SARS was used by China and then thewhole world. It saved thousands of lives. 4 Zhong once said, “The hospitals are ourbattlefield (战场).When we are needed, we should charg

13、e forward (冲锋I句前),5 to the frontlinesSeventeen years laterl Zhong is once again leading an expert team to 6 the novelcoronavirus. Although this new virus is known to be more dangerous to old people,Zhong worries 7 about his own safety.On Jan 18; he took a high-speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan. Tw

14、o days later, hebecame the first expert to tell the public that the virus can 8 from person to person.On Jan 29, he and his team spent over four hours online checking five patients. Thenext day, he chose a treatment plan for those patients. 9 the help of Zhong, histeam developed a rapid test kit (快速

15、检测试剂盒)for the disease that can showresults within 15 minutes.As Peoples Daily wrote, the 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan 10 his professionalism(专业性)as a doctor, courage as a soldier, and a sense of duty as the backbone (脊梁)of our nation/1. A. fight B. check C. see D. find2. A. others B. other C. another D. the other3. A. days B.weeks C. months D. years4. A. When B. ForC. IfD. As5. A. Walk B. Rush C. Back D. Forward6. A. deal with B. care about C. think up D. take away7. A. a lot B. a little C. much D. little8. A. fly B. go C. pass D. run9. A. With B. Without C.Under D. On10


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