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1、IPplan在linux环境下安装手册.中文版1软件安装安装mysqlrootlocalhostyum -yinstallmysql-server. i*rootlocalhostyum -yinstallmysql-dcvel. i*安装PHProotlocalhostyum -yinstal1php. i*rootlocalhostyum -yinstallphp-deveL i*安装apacherootlocalhost #yum -yinstallapache, i*rootlocalhost #yu -yinstallapache-devel. i*2软件部署1 .在路径homcht

2、tpdhtml 下下载 IPPLANrootlocalhost # wget - c http:cdnetworks-kr-2. dl. ippian-win/Release%204. 92ipplan-4. 92a. zip解压该zip文件于是会在homehttpdhtml目录下新增ipplan文件夹2 .改变文件夹拥有者和权限rootlocalhost #chown -R root.nobody ipplanrootlocalhost #chmod -R 750 ipplan如果是redhat7.0用户请使用:rootlocalhost #chown -R root.apache ipp

3、lanrootlocalhost *hmod -R 750 ipplan3创建数据库rootlocalhost ttmysqladmin -p create ipplan输入密码 进入MYSQL后 修改ipplan密码:Sqlset password for ipplanlocalhost = old_password(, 123456,);把密码设置成了 1234564修改ipplan用户的访问权限SqlGRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on ipplan.* TO ipplanlocalhost IDENTIFIEDby , 123456,;5 ro

4、otlocalhost etchttpdconfhttpd. conf新增 Alias ipplan z7homehttpdhtmlipplanzzOptions NoneAllowOverride NoneOrder allow, denyAllow from all重启httpdrootlocalhost #service httpd restart3修改配置文件rootlocalhost #cd ipplanrootlocalhost #pwdhomehttpdhtmipplanrootlocalhost ipplan# vi config.php修改配置文件config.phpdefi

5、ne(DBF_TYPE, maxsqF);define(DBF_HOSTH, localhost);define(1,DBF-USER, ,ipplan,)idefine(DBF.NAME, ipplan);define(DBF_PASSWORD, ,ipplan99)j将 define(DBF_PASSWORD”Jipplan99);中的密码 ipplan99 修改为上面的 123456 密码4生成SQL数据库表格打开浏览器火狐键入 httplocaIhostippIanadmininstalLphp或者你在自己的PC上输入该地址172.25.254.55为你linux服务器网卡地址3 TF

6、P1m - lnxt al lIIp(r m(I; IPP1 xn - Bcroxt lnt crnt Explorer文朴Q) Z)菱*9 EKQ) IMO)耐勒QP即Q后退J凶W6/台法0典W) jj.国tt hup T2 2$ 2S4 S5iFlaABll Z_ 。吧I ,Please choose Yourlaguape:English 5旧9。IF YOU ARE UPGRADING IPPLANr BACKUP YOUR DATABASE NOWTHERE IS 1O WAY TO RECOVER YOUR DATA IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG.THF DISP

7、l Y TFMPI TFS HAVF MOVFD TO A DIFFFRFNT DIRFCTORY - RFD THF CHNGF OG AND UPGRADF DOC or security purporv it is hiqhv r!cmrndrd that IPPlan i installed on an SSI Wrbsrrvr. Production systems need to use a transaction aware database table. Do not use MYSAM (use INNODB) and enable it In contiQ.pp Read

8、all Instruction% carefully brfor proerrdinq!Have you read ce FAQ? How about the user ManusP Have you read te UPGRADE h8talrton Would youjkc us to run the SQL against the dotab,%。defined in corg.php or would you rather print it to the screen s you can do rt aurlfJu” print to lhe scrrJf you are cem, p

9、lease remove te comments wt a text editor before ee77开始 t 3t3RMIift,fr . rC H( - (. rQ loSXiwa. r 加口口rf. IP?1m - Im- u, 口 s 跑 EJ f d 的 8 34选择Have you read the FAQ? How about the User Manual? HavWhat would you like to do today?New Installation vWould you like us to run the SQL against the database de

10、Just print it to the screenIf you are displaying the schema, please remove the comr画IPPIan v4.92a点击go!如果出现大量的sql语句表示表格建立成功例如CREATE TABLE area (areaaddrINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,descripVARCHAR(8() NOT NULL,areaindexBIGINT NOT NULL AUTOJNCREMENT,customerSMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,PRIMARY KEY (areaindex)TYPE=INNODB;ALTER TABLE area ADD UNIQUE INDEX arca_customer (customer, descrip);ALTER TABLE area ADD UNIQUE INDEX area_areaaddr (areaaddr, customer);5安装成功在浏览器中键入


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