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1、理解:1. WAS6.1全部的安装包(installation package)最基本和核心的功能(base and core function)是什么application server (应用程序服务器)2. A static Web site (静态网页)的定义A static Web site is one in which the content viewed by users accessing the site using a Web browser is determined onlyby the contents of the file system on the Web s

2、erver machine.(静态网页的内容是指用户使用Web浏览器访问该网站只能访问Web服务器上的文件系统的内容。)3. dynamic Web applications (动态网页)的定义以及可能使用的技术包括哪些The flow of control logic, business logic, and generation of the Web pages for the Web browser are all handled bysoftware running on a server machine.(控制逻辑流、.业务逻辑和对Web浏览器生成Web页面都是由服务器上运行的软件实

3、现。)technologies: Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSPs)z Tag libraries, Expression Language, Filters ,listeners(技术:servlet、JavaServer Pages标记库、表达式语言、过滤器、监听器)4. CSS file的作用A CSS file defines a hierarchical分层的)set of style rules that the creator of an HTML (or XML) file uses in order tocontrol how that pag

4、e is rendered(归还)in a browser or viewer, or how it is printed.(一个CSS文件定义了一个分层的样式规则,HTML文件(或XML文件)使用这个规则来控制该页面在浏览器或查看器中显示,或者说这个页面如何打印。)5. J2EE support的servlet和HTTP标准分别是什么servlet 2.4 and HTTP 1.16. JSP中的哪一部分创建结果页面中的动态内容the Java code (java 代码)7. Web应用程序的配置信息保存于哪个文件(web.xml)web.ml8. EAR文件的deployment des

5、criptor (部署描述符)的名称是什么application.xml9. MVC设计模式中,Model, View, Controller分别用来完成什么功能The Model (模型层)Represents the underlying data and business logic in one place (代表底层数据和业务逻辑一起)The View (视图层)The user interface - things the user can see and respond to represent a window into the model (用户接 口-用户可以查看和响应的一

6、个代表模型层的窗口)The Controller (控制层)Connects the model and the view (连接模型层和视图层)Model: The model layer manages the application domains concepts, both behavior and state. It responds to requestsfor information about its state and responds to instructions to change its state.模型:模型层负责管理应用领域的概念,包括行为和状态。它响应有关其状

7、态的请求信息并且通过响应指令来改变它的状态。View : The view layer implements a rendering of the model. The responsibility of the view is to know what parts of themodels state are relevant for the user, and to query the model for that information. The view retrieves the data fromthe model or receives it from the controlle

8、r; and displays it to the user in a way the user expects to see it.视图:视图层实现了一个渲染的模型。视图的责任是要知道模型那一部分的状态和用户相关,并查询模型的信息。视图从模型中检索数据或接受控制,并将其显示在一个方式,用户希望看到它的使用者Controller: The controllers responsibility is to capture user events and to determine which actions each of these eventsimply, depending on both

9、the users and the applications state. This usually involves verifying pre and post conditions.These actions can then be translated to messages to the model and view layers, as appropriate.控制器:控制器的责任是捕获用户事件,并且根据用户和应用程序的状态确定每一个事件的动作。这通常涉及到验证前置条件和后置条件。这些动作在合适的情况下可以转化为模型层和视图层的信息。10. J2EE的三类组件(component)

10、分别是什么组件:三大类,BJ EJB component、Web component 和 client component 组件。(企业级 javabean 组件、web 组件、客户端组件)11. J2EE规范(specification)的核心思想是什么layering and component (分层和组件)12. 组件,容器和服务器的关系Component组件可以定义为一种自治的、提供外部公共接口的、动态可用的事物处理过程,组件可以用来构建其它组件或者应用程序。(Components can be defined as an autonomous, provide external p

11、ublic interface, dynamic availability of transactionprocessing, components can be used to build the other component or application.)Container组件是不能独立运行的,必须要为它提供相应的运行环境,为组件提供运行环境的就是容器。(Components are not independent, must provide corresponding to its operating environment, provides a runningenvironmen

12、t is the container for the component.)Server容器也是不能直接运行的,容器必须要运行在应用服务器之上,一个服务器可以同时运行多个不同的容器。(The container is not directly run, the container must be run on top of the application server, a server can runmultiple different containers at the same time.)13. EAR, WAR文件的概念Enterprise archive (EAR) files r

13、epresent a J2EE application that can be deployed to WebSphere Application Server.(企业档案(EAR)文件是一个可以部署到WebSphere应用服务器的J2EE应用程序。)Web archive (WAR) files contain all the components of a Web application.(Web归档(WAR)文件包含了一个Web应用程序的所有组件。)14. Cluster的定义和对成员的描述;A cluster is a logical collection of application

14、 server processes that provides workload balancing and high availability.Application servers in a cluster are members of that cluster and must all have identical application components on them.Other than the applications on them, cluster members do not have to share any other configuration data.The

15、members of a cluster can be located on a single node (vertical cluster), across multiple nodes (horizontal cluster), oron a combination of the two.集群是提供负载均衡和高可用性的应用程序服务器的处理器的逻辑集合。在一个集群应用服务器的集群成员,都必须有相同的应用程序组件。除了他们的应用,集群成员不需要共享任何其他配置数据。群集的成员可以位于一个单一的节点(垂直集群),也可以在多个节点(水平集群)中,或两者的组合。15. Cell的定义A cell is a grouping of nodes into a single administrative domain.单元是一组节点的单个管理域。16. Service, doGet doPost方法的参数、返回值和作用methodparameterreturn valuefunctionpublicvoiddoPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)HttpServletRequestandHttpServletResponsevoidprocess the clients HTTP POST r


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