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1、Bloomsbury电子书使用指南一、 出版社介绍Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.(布鲁姆斯伯里)是著名的英国出版社,引领着人文学术出版,在伦敦、纽约、悉尼、新德里有四个分公司。Bloomsbury的学术出版主要集中于人文和社会科学,每年出版1200多本新书。知名的出版物有温斯顿丘吉尔研究数据库、莎士比亚研究数据库、文学研究、语言学研究、哲学宗教等。在大众出版物方面,出版了知名女作家JKRowling的哈利波特系列在出版书籍的同时,我们也通过收购其他出版社扩大出版规模。Bloomsbury旗下包含Continuum, Berg, Bristol Classical Pres

2、s and AVA, Methuen Drama, The ArdenShakespeare, T&T Clark, Fairchild Books and Hart Publishing等子品牌。二、 电子书介绍Bloomsbury合集以灵活的方式来建立人文社会科学的电子书集合,为图书馆提供即时的高质量的研究成果。到2015年年初,平台上拥有4000册电子书,内容包含Bloomsbury最新的出版物内容,以及各出版品牌超过1。0年出版历史的出版物,例如Continuum, T&T Clark, BristolClassical Press, Berg, The Arden Shakespea

3、re.同时包括最近收购的Hart Publishing的出版书籍。平台每年增加新书,保证教师获取最新的研究资讯。类别包括:人类学圣经研究占典研究与考古经济学教育电影与媒体研究历史法律语言学文学研究自然史哲学政治国际关系宗教研究社会学神学三、 访问地址:进入地址后,选择您需要的科目四、 使用指南按照订购学科包选择阅读书籍Home | About Coilecbons Sscber Services Fesourtes Contac Us & Mtng ust Hp Waf5 evAccess Prowled by China Pg5=r3 Services Lt Log Out, BLOOMSB

4、URY COLLECTIONS AT 1M( HEAR! OF RESEARCHQMS夷O RenWVtwd (0) Recent SeMche (0)BbHcl 8ludi1FHm & MfMaBlue 2gHttlfyI rtwary a*Uq0tBtlrM4gW4MFlrtks & x3.二s(M) panning the humanjies andsocial saences. the site features the latest research publications fro- 8loomsoxy. TftT Clark. The Arden Shakespea andHar

5、t FWstimgafongsde scholarship from historic mpnrts Continuum. Berg and Bnstte.n or L-test Research2013 - PreserOto5 ate eWe to n :cornp e:e ne-: co .orrs Dy A complete t is avaiat f to di * *odAvibl CollectionsArcbv Cc :f (Hr Pubhhmg)8pcW CMconsSutect CO呢Eons 5 Laest es236 2Q132Q&ogy MMci SMs 6toomt

6、x*yb|:en CiMMM Studies ArcaMogy Educan Fn andMedia Stues History Law ugutsttcs Utekary Stues PKM0tfv Pn*2012Bloof3bury Oper 2006-2012 CfisnDoctnM ArtNve 1989-2O13 Cr xotoff H82-20l Classical Uttrimre 19942O12 Coraemporary wong. Theory and CKure 2OO62O12 CortmenWPhl050phy 2000-2012 r Modem History Ac

7、hM? 1971-7 13 f n Studies Achre 20002013 international Crinal Cf 1 约120M h2m3hn Pe Mons Mchz 1998-2013 Med 3 Stuc esArchive 2008-2013 Motfemtsm 200520i2 P3ukne Stuarwe 1984-2012 PNknotfLatest Research2013 PresentChina Pblhes Services Ltd has access to the collect xt$ ths have an o?en lock、icon be ow

8、AM CecttontAfchr9 Co ector.s (Had Pubbshing)QAnthropclog2014Spec iogyArt Practice and Fd Culture ar M玳。naflyWew 川 books m ths coBts选择Collection呈现下面页面:所有书以列表形式呈现。点击选择Home | AJoout CoHecOons SuBscer Services Resources Contact 1$ & MaAng ust Hep WarsNewAccess ProvJeo oy Cmrn Pu5hcrs Services Ltd Logout

9、BLCOMSBURY COLLECTIONS AT ThE HEART OF RESEARCHBmtu/SuoM Q RcntyV1ewftal culture.ncudtng Alon Hume sr :2 Cohgy 加 WyView 洲 books m ihs co8ctsAnthropclogy 2016This collection will contain about 101rtes rom Bloomsburys Antropolog tst. ncldn Wa/s cfTetw b Gabriele Marranc, e of Taste b Luca Verollon and Ccwywdfly b往下翻动,看到如下学科包,点击进入:rovse b Subect Q Recently Viewed Recent Searches (0)Refine Rsults byAvalabdtySubectAddtional SubjectsPublication DateSersAdvan:ed SearchCnsfship MmentsReading Tex in the History of Censorship and Freedom ofExp


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