Human Resource Management人力资源管理程序(中英文).docx

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1、批准:审核:作成:Change History变更记录.Revision 版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 Fulfill the company,s maximum demands for the human resource;满足公司对人力资源的需求;1.2 Manage and develop the human resource in order to promoting the company,s continuingdevelopment.最大限度地开发与管理公司内外的人

2、力资源,促进公司的持续发展;1.3 Maintain and motivate the human resource to make the most use of it so that we can enlarge theuse of human resource.维护与激励公司人力资源,使其潜能得到最大限度的发挥,使其人力资本得到应有的提升与扩充。2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to all the employees in MAMK.适用于公司全体员工。3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 The human resource management is forecas

3、ting and planning for the company,s humanresource, trough the training, performance appraisal and motivation to achieve the companypurpose according to the demands of the company and individuals.人力资源管理就是预测公司人力资源需求并做出人力需求计划、招聘选择人员并进行绩效考核、培训,对员工进行有效激励,结合公司与个人需要进行开发以便实现最优公司绩效的全过程。4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENT

4、S 参考文件4.1 ISO/TS 16949 Clause 6.2 -Human resource 人力资源4.2 Job description 岗位说明书4.3 WD-HR-025 Gear management合理化建议实施规范4.4 WD-HR-002 Employee Motivation and Empowerment 员工激励及满意度调查实施规范5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-HR-003 Recruitment Application Form 招聘需求表5.2 FN-HR-002 Job Application Form 职位申请表5.3 FN-HR-004 Int

5、erview record 面试表5.4 FN-HR-039 Offer Letter 录用通知书5.5 FN-HR-007 Probationary Report 试用期考核表5.6 FN-HR-013 Salary and Work Post Adjust Form 薪资职务异动表5.7 FN-HR-018 Training application form 培训申请表5.8 FN-HR-024 Training Signature Form 培训签到表5.9 FN-HR-032 Training Flexibility Chart 培训柔性图表5.10 FN-HR-001 Annual

6、Training Plan 年度培训计划5.11 FN-HR-040 Performance appraisal form 员工绩效考核表5.12 FN-HR-026 Employee Suggestion Form - Gear 改进提案员工建议表5.13 FN-HR-037 Employee satisfaction survey form 员工满意度调查表6.0 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 HR department makes the human resource planning based on the company strategy.人力资源部依据公司发展战略进行

7、人力资源规划。6.2 Each department proposes the human resource needs and then fills in the related forms.各用人部门依据公司及部门人力资源发展战略对部门用人提出需求并填写相关表单。6.3 HR department reviews and satisfy the human resource needs through recruiting, training,transferring and so on.人力资源部审核并通过招聘、培训、调岗等方式满足部门及公司用人需求。7.0 PROCESS 流程7.1

8、Human resource planning 人力资源规划7.1.1 HR department draw up the organization chart in accordance with companys developmentstrategy.人力资源部依据公司发展战略,制定公司组织架构图,确定岗位和编制。7.1.2 HR department and each department make job description together to determine the jobduties and qualifications of individual position,

9、 and update to meet the development ofposition.人力资源部与各部门共同制定岗位说明书,确定各个岗位的任职资格和岗位职责,并进行更新和维护,以适应岗位发展的需求。7.2 Demands for human resource 人力资源需求7.2.1 Based on company,s development planning, each department submits RecruitmentApplication Form according to the current situation.依据公司发展规划,各部门按照本部门状况提出人力资源需

10、求,填写FN-HR-003招聘需求表。7.2.2 HR department review the Recruitment Application Form and determine to external recruitor internal transfer.人力资源部审核FNHR-003招聘需求表,确定外部招聘或内部调整。7.3 Recruiting 招聘7.3.1 Information release 信息发布HR releases the recruiting information according to Recruitment Application. The recrui

11、tingchannels could be, but not limit, human resource market, internet, hunter, human resourceService Company and so on. If the employee wants to recommend, please submit thecandidates resume and get approve from the manager.人力资源部根据招聘需求表的要求发布招聘信息;招聘渠道有:人才市场现场招聘、网络招聘、猎头、人力资源服务公司代招等。如果公司内部员工推荐相关人员,需提交推

12、荐者的简历到人力资源部,经批准之后按正常流程面试。7.3.2 Recruiting 招聘A) The interviewee should fill in Job Application Form and pass the related test. Theinterview is conduct by responsible department and HR together.应聘者填写FN-HR-002职位申请表,并进行相应考试,考试合格后进行面试;面试由用人部门和人力资源部门共同进行;7.3.3 Offer 录用HR informs the employee with Offer Le

13、tter after General Manager approved.总经理批准后,人力资源部通知录用者报到,发放录取通知书。7.3.4 Registration 报到New employee takes the related materials to register on the HR department.新员工带齐相关资料到人力资源部报到,办理入职手续。7.3.5 Orientation training 入职培训Please refer the flow 7.5 具体参见流程 On board 上岗Please refer the flow 7.6 具体参见流程

14、 Set up files 建立档案A) HR gets the fingerprints for attendance record and issues meal card and uniform.人力资源部录指纹、发放饭卡、工作服;B) HR sets up and keeps employees1 documents for the new employee.人力资源部建立员工档案,保存员工资料;7.3.8 Pass Probation 员工转正A) The new employee,s probation period is 6 months.员工试用期均为6个月。

15、B) HR should fill in FN-HR-007 Probationary Report one month before the probation periodover. And submit the form to related dept manager for the employee,s performanceevaluation人力资源部应在试用期满前一个月填写FN-HR-007试用期考核表,交到用人部门经理处,由部门经理对员工的试用期工作表现进行考核。C) After general manager approved, the employee could pass probation.员工转正需总经理批准;D) The dept manager shall feedback the filled FN-HR-007 Probationary Report to HR dept5 working days in advance of due date of internship.部门经理需在员工


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