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3、深入解析了 XX医疗公司在偿债、盈利、营运和发展能力四大方面的具体财务风险情况,并据此总结指出该公司目前的各种潜在财务风险。之后结合行业状况,运用因子分析法建立财务风险综合评价模型,与其他上市公司进行评分排名的对比,来评价公司的风险水平。通过上述步骤的研究,最终针对存在的具体问题结合XX医疗公司的实际情况给出切实可行的财务风险防控建议。关键词:财务风险;XX医疗公司;风险识别;风险防控;风险评价AbstractWith the rapid development of the national economy, the increasingly complex marketenvironmen

4、t faced by enterprises and the increasingly fierce competition between them all makeit inevitable for enterprises to face a variety of financial risks. Whether it can be effective toidentify, evaluate and control all kinds of financial risks in a timely manner has a very importantimpact on the susta

5、inable and sound development of enterprises. The research on financial riskidentification and prevention and control in academia is also increasingly important. As a sunriseindustry in the national economy, the in vitro diagnostic industry is a new field with greatpotential. In recent years, more an

6、d more attention has been paid to the medical industry.Therefore, studying the financial risk related problems of a specific enterprise in the industry hasa great deal of practical significance.This paper takes Runda Medical Corporation as the research object, with the purpose ofdrawing up financial

7、 risk prevention and control suggestions, under the support of relatedconcepts and theories such as financial risk analysis, capital structure theory, portfolio theory,etc., the financial risk situation of Runda Medical Corporation is deeply studied. On the basis ofthe financial data obtained from R

8、unda Medical Company in the past five years, it has analyzedthe specific financial risks of Runda Medical Company in the four major aspects of debt service,profitability, operation and development ability through basic but effective financial statementanalysis. Based on this, the paper summarizes th

9、e potential financial risks of the company. Afterthat, a comprehensive evaluation model of financial risk was established by using factor analysismethod, which compared with other listed companies to evaluate the companys risk level.Through the study of the above steps, the practical financial risk

10、prevention and controlsuggestions are given based on the specific problems and the actual situation of Runda MedicalCompany.Keywords: Financial risk; Runda Medical Company; Risk identification; Risk prevention andcontrol; Risk evaluationinAbstract目录III图清单VIIIX1绪论变量注释表1.1 研究背景及意义11.2 文献综述31.3 研究内容、研究

11、方法与技术路线61.4 创新点92相关概念与理论基础101.1 相关概念界定101.2 理论基础简述113 xx 133.1 xx医疗公司概况133.2 xx医疗公司财务风险分析143.3 xx医疗公司的潜在财务风险304 xx医疗公司财务风险评价324.1 财务指标的选取324.2 样本公司的筛选334.3 财务风险评价模型构建334.4 财务风险评价结果分析385 xx医疗公司财务风险防控建议405.1 合理调整企业资产与负债结构405.2 提高营销水平,增强盈利能力415.3 加强应收账款管理与库存管理425.4 树立全员的财务风险防控意识436结论与展望46参考文献47作者简历50学位

12、论文原创性声明51学位论文数据集52Contents摘要AbstractII III图清单VII变量注释表IX1绪论1.1 研究背景及意义11.2 文献综述31.3 研究内容、研究方法与技术路线61.4 创新点9102相关概念与理论基础1.1 相关概念界定101.2 理论基础简述113 xx医疗公司财务风险识别133.1 xx医疗公司概况133.2 xx医疗公司财务风险分析143.3 xx医疗公司的潜在财务风险304 xx医疗公司财务风险评价324.1 财务指标的选取324.2 样本公司的筛选334.3 财务风险评价模型构建334.4 财务风险评价结果分析385 xx医疗公司财务风险防控建议405.1 合理调整企业资产与负债结构405.2 提高营销水平,增强盈利能力415.3 加强应收账款管理与库存管理425.4 树立全员的财务风险防控意识436结论与展望46参考文献47作者简历50学位论文原创性声明学位论文数据集5152J .心 KU1VM JXrsr7图清单8. 5图 1.1图3.1 xx医疗公司存货变动情况图图3.2 xx医疗公司流动资产变动情况图.图3.3 xx医疗公司短期偿债能力分析图.图3.4 xx医疗公司长期偿债能


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