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1、摘要在全球化日益加深的当今社会,全球经济进入深度调整阶段,而“铺天盖地”的小微企业却迅速发展起来,提供惊人数量的就业岗位,激发新兴市场活力,带动经济产业结构调整,日渐成为我国经济发展的基石。李克强总理就曾经表示,“顶天立地”的大企业引导我国经济发展的方向,“铺天盖地”的中小企业则是支撑国民经济的基石,是国民经济的细胞。然而,小微企业也有着先天劣势:财务制度不健全、规模小、融资难、抵御风险能力低和产业结构两极分化严重,甚至有了 “锄头与卫星齐飞,高端与低端并存”的现实情况。这些问题阻碍小微企业的持续发展,也影响着我国经济稳定快速前进。近些年来,我国陆续出台了相关税收优惠政策扶持小微企业创立、发展


3、策及局限性,结合国外小微企业税收优惠政策及经验借鉴,以南昌市某区小微企业税收优惠政策落实情况数据作为佐证,提出了完善我国税收优惠政策的建议和配套措施,包括:逐步形成以间接优惠为主、直接优惠为辅的税收优惠方式;进一步提升小微企业税收优惠力度;对不同的小微企业实施差别化的税收政策;完善小微企业技术创新的税收政策;提升小微企业税收优惠政策立法层次;大力发展小微企业金融机构;建立小微企业分类管理服务制度;优化税收服务质量。关键词:小微企业;税收优惠;税收政策IAbstractAs a result of globalization, the economy all over the world has

4、 beenchangingsignificantly. In the meantime, micro and small-sized enterprises (MSEs)grow sharplyand provide a large number of job opportunities. Furthermore, MSEsactivate theemerging market economy, speed up the structure adjustment of economy,and play animportant role in Chinese economic developme

5、nt. The Chinese Premier LiKeqiangsaid that large enterprises guide the direction of Chinese economydevelopment, yet theChinese economy still highly relies on MSEs. However, there aresome disadvantagesabout MSEs: defective financial system, small size, less capacityagainst risk,imbalance industrial s

6、tructure, backward technological level, etc. Allthese problemsslow down the development of MSEs, consequently, affecting thedevelopment ofChinese economyJn past years, some tax preferential policies havebeen established to help theestablishment and development of MSEs. These taxpreferential policies

7、 have beenexploring and improving during their implements, andensure the healthy developmentof MSEs- Yet, how to overcome the problems throughthe help of tax policies is stillcrucial for the optimization and upgrade of MSEs.In thisstudy, we first explained the definition of MSEs and several theories

8、 on taxrevenuecomprehensively. The present development status of Chinese MSEs wascarefullyanalyzed. The Chinese MSEs play important role in labor employment,promotion ofsocial progress, enhancement of market vitality, encouragement ofinnovation andbalance regional development. Meanwhile, there are a

9、lso manyproblems of MSEs,including excess establishment, high bankruptcy rate, shortsurvival period and lowoutput. The causes and possible solutions for these problemswere explored. Next, wefocus on the tax policies, discussing the assistant fordevelopment of MSEs by the taxpreferential policies in

10、different countries. Theincome tax and value-added taxpolicies in China were mainly introduced, and thelimitations of these policies werehighlighted, ed. We also present the implementation oftax pref, erential policies on aMSE in Nanchang city and analyze the impact. Based onthe analysis results,wep

11、ropose some suggestions and implementations for the ChinesetaX Dreferentialpolicies optimization. These suggestions include: build up taxpreferential systemsgradually with indirect tax preference as major and direct taxDreference asminorjncrease ax preference on MSEs,apply different tax preferential

12、policies onMSEs based on the status of MSEs,improve tax preferential policies forthe innovationof MSEsJmprove legislative levels of tax preferential policies onMSEs,devote majoriiefforts on development of financial institutes for MSEs.establishclassifiedmanagement system for MSEs and improve the qua

13、lity of tax service.Key words: micro and small-sized enterprises; Tax preferences; Tax policyill摘要1AbstractII刖 s1一、我国小微企业发展情况及相关税收优惠政策1(-)小微企业的定义和类别11、发达国家小微企业的界定标准12、国内小微企业的界定标准23、我国小微企业的地位及特点3(二)我国小微企业税收优惠政策的现状及发展进程5二、我国小微企业税收优惠政策存在的问题5(-)税收优惠政策缺乏长效性6(二)税收优惠手段单一6(三)税收优惠力度不够6(四)税收优惠的区域导向性不合6(五)税收优惠


15、渠道、创新的源动力。当今社会,“铺天盖地”的小微企业迅速发展起来,提供惊人数量的就业岗位,激发新兴市场活力,带动经济产业结构调整,日渐成为我国经济发展的基石。然而,小微企业的也有着先天劣势:财务制度不健全、规模小、融资难、抵御风险能力低、产业结构两极分化严重,甚至有了 “锄头与卫星齐飞,高端与低端并存”的现实情况。这些问题阻碍小微企业的持续发展,也影响着我国经济稳定快速前进。近些年来,我国也陆续出台了相关税收优惠政策扶持小微企业创立、发展。这些政策在实施中不断发展、不断完善,给众多小微企业带来了实实在在的优惠,保障了他们的良性发展。如何进一步帮助小微企业渡过难关,如何从税制上扶助小微企业优化升级,这是当前亟待解决的现实问题。纵观我国现行的税收优惠政策,存在着部分性质企业税负加重、技术创新激励乏力、政策与实际脱节等问题。本文从国内外的税收理论入手,对小微企业的界定和四种税收理论基础作了较为详细的介绍,着重分析了我国小微企业发展的现状,充分肯定了我国小微企业在吸收就业人口、稳定社会发展、提供市场活力、激发创新力量和平衡区域发展上的重要作用,但也暴露出其高出生率、高死亡率、寿命短、产值低等存在的现实问题,并分析研究了其成因。在此基础之上,本文对国内外小微企业税收优惠政策展


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