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1、2021年人教版八年级下册期末测试二(有答案)学校:姓名:班级:考号:1. 一How heavily it is raining!一What a pity! We have to our sports meeting.A、 put offput out C put onput up2. It was time for class. Mr. King asked all the children down quietly.A、 sit B sat C to sit D sitting3. Tom, your room is too dirty. You must .A、 clean up itB

2、 clean up themC、 clean them upD clean it up4. I will go to Hangzhou by train tomorrow. try going by boat instead?A. How about B. Why don, t C. Why not D. Would you like5. 一There is with my watch, so I don t know the time.一Lot me have a look.A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong something6. T

3、he old man lives, but ho docs not feelA. alone, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely7 一Darning didn t finish his homework yesterday.A. So did IB. Neither did IC. So I didD. Neither 1 did8. Sorry, sir! Could you give me another chance?一It s impossible. You vemade the same mistake

4、 again and again. Youto bo punished.A. usedB. are ableC. deserveD. are worth9.r d likeyou to tellmo something about Shen Nongjia.,m sorry,but neither Jack nor Ithere.A. have beenB. has beenC. have goneD. has gone10.youyourhomework yet ?Yes. Iit a momentago.A. Did; do; finishedB. Have;done; finished

5、C. Have; done;have finished11-Lin Ming, isD. Will; do; finishthat our headmaster Miss Chen over there.Ither.She has gone to Xiamen.A. mustn t boB. can t beC. shouldn t beD.may not be12.of the land in that district is covered with treesandgrass.A. fifth two B. two fifth C. fifth second ). two fifths1

6、3. Most animals in the night zoo are during the daytime but at nightA. sleeping; wake B. wake; sleep C. awake; asleep D. asleep; awake14e -Dave , we will leave in 10 minutes, Are you ready ?No. I our guidebook and towels yet.A. don t pack B. dicin t pack C. have packed D. haven t packed15. The Engli

7、sh people in the film spoke so quickly that I couldn t understand them.A. simply B. probably C. completely D. Recently二、完形填空Good health is very important. Everyone should do all he can41 healthy. Being ingood 42 means having both body and mind in good order, free from illness and 43 Goodfood, plenty

8、 of water, cleanness and plenty of rest all help in keeping our machines running asthey should. 44 is very important. It gives what we need for keeping good health. It givesus energy for work and play- Not all food gives 45 we need. We should eat foods of differentkinds- Having enough food is not th

9、e same 46 having the right food-The water we drink helps wash away wastes formed inside our bodies. It also47 for thewater we lose when we perspire(流汗).Our bodies are actually more than half water. We must drinkenough to replace what we 48.We feel 49 and look better when we are clean. A bath every o

10、ne or two days is a good50 for most of us. Brushing our teeth is 51 part of keeping clean- Sleep is the bestkind of rest. Growing children need more 52 than grown-ups. Childrens bodies not only haveto be repaired; they also have to 53, No one,s body can grow bigger properly while he isworking and pl

11、aying and wearing it out (疲劳) It has been 54 to work for goodhealth. Millions of years ago, people live only 20 years. Now people can live about 70 years. Ithas ;one up 20years just sincethe 55ofthe present century-DA.stayB. to stayC. staysD. staying2) A.healthB. sicknessC. bodyD. grades3) A.painsB.

12、 happinessC. sadD. fun4) A.WaterB. DrinkC. VegetablesD. Food5) A.somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing6) A. isB. forC. withD. to7) A.uses upB. makes upC. takes upD. eats up8) A.haveB. loseC. getD. put9) A.goodB. wellC. fineD. better10) A.nightB. dayC. ruleD. eveningIDAimportantB. easyC. diffic

13、ultD. simple12)A. timeB. sleepC- breakD. food13)A grow14)A. use15)A. begin三、阅读理解B eatB. usefulB. beginningC. drinkC. uselessD. playD usedC. endD. Ending(A)Just before the Midnight on Aug. 12th, 2015, a big explosion (大爆炸)hi t the portCity of Tianjin, China. Lots of people were injured by the explosi

14、on. Some of themsuffered from chemical burns.(灼伤).But do you know how to deal with thisemergency.(突发事件)。Protect YourselfPut on gloves or protection suit (防护衣).If possible.Avoid exposing yourself to chemical.Wash and clear burn areaKeep the burn area in cold water for at least 20 minutes.Don, t use a

15、 strong stream(水流)of water, if possible.Don t try to deal the burn area with other ways before you see a doctor.Don t put antibiotic ointment (抗生素药膏)on the burn. This could cause a chemicalReact ion (化学反应)that worsens the burn.Cover the burn AreaYou can cover a small burn with dry , sterile gauze(消毒纱布)or clean cloth to p


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