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1、From the Treaty of Rome to the Berlin Declaration优箍焉4条系勺到柏林宣言Wu Chih-chung, Secretary general, European Union Study Association - Taiwan, Assistant professor,Department of Politics, Soochow University, convener of the Center for European Union Studies吴志中(欧洲馨盟研究曲曾秘苫是,柬吴大挚政治系助理教授暨欧盟研究中心召集人)On March 25

2、, 2007, the 27 member states of the European Union marked the organizations 50thanniversary in Berlin with a very optimistic vision. Prodded by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the EUmembers hope to make a new start, leaving behind the shadow that had been cast over the Union whenthe Netherlands and

3、 France rejected the European Constitution in 2005. They also hope to formulate anew Treaty for a European Constitution before elections to the European Parliament in 2009 to guide theEUs future functioning and enlargement.2007年3月25日,欧盟的27他曾景阈在德阈柏林以非常攀觐的速景厦祝了欧盟成立50遇年系己念日。在德阈S8理的促成之下,各曾员帙I希望走出2005年欧盟

4、意法在荷前典法阈未通谩的除影,做一佃1重新的出樊,旋旦希望在2009年欧洲聚之前,再度擦定出一套新的欧盟惠法脩系勺,以指醇欧盟未来的逋作典;I士大。Germany believes that EU members should not stand still just because the Netherlands and France didnot pass the European Constitution, but instead should think about where the EU should be headed inthe next stage. Merkel stron

5、gly believes that, for the EU, stagnation means regression. Therefore,although opinions differ among members over the EUs future development and not all were entirelyhappy with the Berlin Declaration, Merkel successfully convinced the other leaders to adopt theDeclaration without signing it themselv

6、es in the hope of nailing down a goal for the EUs continueddeepening in the next stage. (Note: the Declaration was signed by Merkel along with the presidents of theEuropean Commission and the European Parliament.)德阈熬焉,欧盟各曾景阈不能因玛欧盟意法未在荷舆法阈通谩,就停滞不前不再思考欧盟下一睹段怎麽走,德阈理梅克崩女士更是强烈熬焉,欧盟停滞不前就是在退步,所以,员隹然各I国封欧盟的

7、未来樊展都有不同的意见,也封柏林宣言加不翥然满意,但是梅克理成功的服各阈元首,通谩柏林宣言,但是不筵字,希望至少rr出欧盟畿深化的下一睹段的目襟在哪桂。Actually, the EUs development seems to have reached a severe bottleneck. The European Constitutionproject amounts to an attempt by the EU members to scale a summit However, they seem to have fallenfrom the mountain and exhau

8、sted all their strength, leaving them unable to muster the energy for a newstart. But much more serious is that more and more people seem to doubt the EU. Its not only that theNetherlands and France rejected the EU Constitution via referendum. Czech President Vaclav Klaus alsodeclared in public that

9、 he is not interested in the Declarations goal (of placing the EU on a renewedcommon basis) by 2009. He said he believes that only people who have already forgotten the manysetbacks that the EU faced during the past two years could harbor such an unrealistic dream. PolishPresident Lech Kaczynski als

10、o argued that it was delusional to think that a new constitutional treaty couldbe completed before 2009. Poland is also not willing to accept curbs to its present voting power, whichequals that of (much bigger) Germany (as would have been the case under the European Constitution).事上,欧盟的赞展似乎走到r 一他很殿重

11、的瓶。欧盟惠法曾是各攀登的一他11峰,然而,摔下来之彳爰,好像大家都力氟放翥r,辗法再提起精神重新再出樊。更殿重的是,慎疑欧盟的人似乎越来越多。不只是荷阑典法阈的人民以逗票否定了欧盟的意法,而且捷克Vaclav Klaus也公磬明,他封於柏林宣言所定下之2009年的目襟不感典趣,他熬焉那只是一些已遗忘欧盟在谩去丽年遭遇樟樟挫折的人,所抱持的不切想而已。波I尚余爵克Lech Kaczynski也熬焉,新脩系勺在2009年之前要完成是一他幻想,波朗也不意放粢目前具有典德阈相常榷力的投票。But these opposing opinions also seem to underline the d

12、awning of a new era. The success of the EUover these 50 years is there for people around the world to see. Half a century ago, after the end of WorldWar II, everyone found it equally hard to imagine that the countries of Europe would be able to form alarge family, in particular given that Germany an

13、d France had fought three wars over the previouscentury (the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), World War I (1914-1918), and World War II (1939-1945).During the government of French President Francois Mitterrand in 1989, when German troops in theircapacity as European troops marched again on the Champ

14、s Elysees in Paris to mark the 200thanniversary of the French Revolution, there were still people in France who were unable to accept such ascene. This shows how deep the wounds of the Franco-German wars still are. So how could anyonehave imagined the success that the EU is today? Thanks to the effo

15、rts of outstanding politicians such asJean Monnet, Robert Schumann, Konrad Adenauer, Jacques Delors, Mitterand and Helmut Kohl, the EUgradually took shape as it captured everyones imagination. At the turn of the 20th century British PrimeMinister Tony Blair, French President Jacques Chirac and Germa

16、n Chancellor Gerhard Schroder werethe mainstays of the EU. Schroder, however, has already left office, Blairs departure is only a question oftime, and (outgoing) Chirac attended his final international meeting this time in Berlin. Among the newleaders (for these three countries) only Germanys Merkel has already emerged. Moreover, she hasalready disp


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