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1、毕业设计(论文)材料之二(1)安徽工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)专 业:数学与应用数学题 目:者姓名:基于 Lyapunov 方法的 Lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器设计肖永根导师及职称:杨迎娟(讲师)导师所在单位:数理学院年 月曰安徽工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)任务书2013 届 数理 学院数学与应用数学专业学生姓名:肖永根I毕业设计(论文)题目中文:基于Lyapunov方法的Lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器设计英文:Lipschitz nonlinear observer design based onLyapunov methodII原始资料HI郑大钟.线性系统理论|M. 2版

2、.北京:清华大学出版社,2002:337-337. 卢建波,Lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器设计D.青岛:青岛科技大学,2009.3 Thau F E. Observing the state of non-linear dynamic systems J.International Journal ofControl, 1973, 17(3):471-479.4 Hu Guangda. Observers for on e sided Lipschitz non-linear systems JJMA Journal ofMathematical Control and Informa

3、tion, 2006, 23: 395-401.5 M. Vidyasagar, Nonlinear Systems Analysis, and Ed. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ,1993.m 毕业设计(论文)任务内容1、课题研究的意义状态反馈在控制系统的各种综合问题的讨论中已充分显示出其优越性。但是,或者是由于状态不易直接量测,或者是由于量测的设备在经济上和使用上的限制,使得许多情况下不可能来实际获得系统的全部状态变量,从而使状态反馈的物理实现成为不可能。在这种情况下就需要采用状态观测器来精确重构系统的全部状态信息。非线性系统的观测器设计是非线性

4、控制理论的一个重要研究方向。本文将通过采用Lyapunov方法来设计满足lipschitz条件的非线性系统的状态观测器,了解Lyapunov方法在非线性系统中的应用,以更好的学习非线性系统的观测器设计。2、本课题研究的主要内容:1892年,俄国学者李雅普洛夫(Lyapunov)在“运动稳定性一般问题” 一文中,提出了著名的李雅普洛夫稳定性理论。李雅普洛夫稳定性理论的核心是提出了判断系统稳定性的两种方法。本文首先将满足lipschitz条件的非线性系统分为两类:一类是输出相对于状态线性,另一类是输出相对于状态非线性,然后采用Lyapunov方法给出了观测器渐近收敛充分条件的证明,最后采用LMI技

5、术选取合理的增益矩阵。本文共分为三部分:第一部分将介绍基础知识(数学基础、Lyapunov方法主要定理、LMI技术简介)。第二部分将采用Lyapunov方法设计lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器。第三部分将列举观测器实例来佐证定理的合理性。3、提交的成果:(1)毕业设计(论文)正文;(2)至少一篇引用的外文文献及其译文;(3)附不少于10篇主要参考文献的题录及摘要。指导教师(签字)教研室主任(签字)批 准 日 期接受任务书日期完 成 日 期接受任务书学生(签字)客户反馈及时反馈就好啦就很烦了基于Lyapunov方法的lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器设计状态反馈在控制系统的各种综合问题



8、词:非线性;状态观测器;Lipschitz;线性矩阵不等式;Lyapunov解放东路课时费老师打款回复了Lipschitz nonlinear observer design based on Lyapunov methodABSTRACTThe state feedback has shown its advantages in many synthetical problems .however allstate variables are rarely available from on-line measurement due to either the difficulties of

9、measuring state directly or the economic and utilizing limitations of measuring equipment.This makes state feedback cannot be physically realized under many conditions. In this caseusing state observer is required to accurately reconstruct the system of full state information.For linear systems, the

10、 design of the observer is already very mature, Luenberger observerand Kalman filter complete discussion is given to such problem. But for the nonlinear system,the design of the observer is very complex, there is still no a general design method, it musttake different design for different nonlinear

11、method. Lipschitz nonlinear observer design ofthe system is divided into two classes: from the time observer design in discrete time andcontinuous time observer design. Structurally divided into full dimension of reduced-orderstate observer and state observer. In this paper, we discuss a class of Li

12、pschitz nonlinearsystems continuous -time full dimensional state observer of the design:1 .Lipschitz nonlinear observer design when output are linearAnother proof of the more general sufficient conditions ensuring the asymptotic stabilityof the observer is given adopting Lyapunov method, and the way

13、 to choose gain matrix inreason is presented using LMI technology, which not only makes the results very intuitionistic,but also makes it easy to choose gain matrix for observer.2 .Lipschitz nonlinear observer design when output are nonlinearAnother proof of the more general sufficient conditions en

14、suring the asymptotic stabilityof the observer is given adopting Lyapunov method, and the way to choose gain matrix inreason is presented using LMI technology, which not only makes the results very intuitionistic,but also makes it easy to choose gain matrix for observer.KEY WORDS: nonlinar; state ob

15、server; Lipschitz; linear matrix inequality;Lyapunov目录弓I 言1第1章基础知识21.1 数学基础21.2 Lyapunov 第二方法的主要定理51.3 LMI技术简介7第2章输出相对于状态为线性时的Lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器设计102.1 采用Ly叩unov方法的状态观测器设计102.1.1 观测器渐近稳定的充分条件102.1.2 增益矩阵的选取112.1.3 观测器实例12第3章输出相对于状态为非线性时的Lipschitz非线性系统状态观测器设计133.1 采用Ly叩unov方法的观测器设计133.1.1 观测器渐近稳定的充分条件133.1.2 增益矩阵的选取153.1.3 观测器实例16结论与展望17致谢18参考文献19附录20附录A 一篇引用的外文文献及其译文20外文文献20译文28附 录B主要参考文献的题录及摘要34引言数学模型是很多科学研究的基础,任何一个模型都只是真实过程在一定层次上的抽象。长期以来,人们广泛研究和使用线性模型和理论,取得了巨大的成就。然而,在实


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