3、的实用价值。关键词:毕业设计选题管理系统;B/S模式;MySql数据库I中北大学信息商务学院2020届毕、业论文Management system of graduation project topic based on ES6Abstract: Graduation design is the last teaching task completed by college graduatesbefore graduation. It is a link of practical teaching used in the last stage of the universityteaching
4、 process. Choosing design topics is the main link of graduation project management.In the past, management methods for graduation projects were cumbersome, inefficient, anderror-prone. Some existing design topic selection systems have many shortcomings indetecting automaticity, fairness and rational
5、ity. In recent years, with the expansion ofuniversity enrollment, the number of graduates has increased year by year, and theshortcomings of the old management model of graduation design have become more andmore obvious. With the development of information networks, paperless education inuniversitie
6、s is also advancing rapidly This graduation design management system is toimprove the management speed of graduation projects, improve the communication andexchange between teachers and students, and improve the work efficiency of teachers andstudents and administrators.This system is dedicated to p
7、roviding convenience for teachers, graduates, and thesismanagers. A topic management system based on browser / server model for researchinggraduation thesis- Using mobile Internet and some platforms, teachers, students,administrators, and other relevant personnel can better manage graduation thesis.
8、 Thecross-regional cooperation on the Internet has made the transfer of information between staffrelated to graduation thesis design faster, more convenient, and more efficient. Throughdetailed analysis of the system, a complete information system has been established to realizethe information manag
9、ement of all processes of graduation thesis, including online topicselection, submission, teacher review, and graduation topic submission. The system has aclear functional design and is highly targeted. The development is mainly using B / S structure,MySql database, simple operation and user-friendl
10、y.ii中北大学信息商务学院2020届毕业论文Therefore, the research of this topic can meet the needs of the topic selection ofuniversity graduation thesis and improve the efficiency of the topic selection of universitygraduation design.Keywords: Graduation project topic management system; B / S mode; MySql databaseill中北
11、大学信息商务学院2020届毕业论文摘要IAbstract:IIIV第1章绪论11.1 系统开发背景11.2 课题研究目的及意义11.3 研究方法11.4 本章小结2第2章相关技术介绍32. 1 MVC 简介32. 2 servlet 简介42. 3 JavaBean 简介 42. 4 HTML/CSS 简介42. 5JSP 简介42. 6 ES6 简介52. 7 Mysql 简介52. 8 B/S模式分析51、B/S 优点62、C/S 与 B/S 区别: 62.9本章小结8第3章系统分析93. 1需求分析93. 1. 1应用需求分析91.1.2 运行需求分析91.1.3 1.3运行环境需求91
12、.1.4 其他需求分析103.2 数据流程分析103 . 2. 1系统操作流程104 .2.2数据增加流程115 . 2. 3数据修改流程126 .2.4数据删除流程133.3 可行性分析143. 3. 1经济可行性143. 3. 2技术可行性143. 3. 3操作可行性143. 4本章力、结15第4章系统设计163.1 系统总体架构设计16#中北大学信息商务学院2020届毕业论文3.2 功能模块设计 163.3 数据库概念设计173.4 数据库逻辑结构设计184. 5本章4|、结19第5章系统实现205. 1系统关键技术实现205. 1. 1服务器启动web. xml的环境配置206. 1.
13、2数据库链接及初始化数据205.2 登陆模块实现215.3 系统功能详细设计实现235. 4本章小结24第6章程序测试与评价256. 1程序调试256.2 测试251. 2.1测试的重要性及目的6. 2. 2测试的方法7. 2. 3测试用例6.3 系统的特点和优点. 4本章小结参考文献致谢v中北大学信息商务学院2020届毕业论文第1章绪论1.1 系统开发背景科技时代早已到来,社会在不断地进步,尤其是电脑类产品大范围的普及,电脑的应用也已逐步的从海量的数据计算处理转移到大量的事务处理。因此产生了以计算机为中心内容,利用数据库管理系统(DBMS)
15、统中,这为我们提供了便捷。为了能正确适应信息化进程,该系统为高校毕业设计提供了管理信息查询的功能,方便及满足了高校、大学生以及管理人员的需求。1.2 课题研究目的及意义通过对毕业设计管理系统运行模式的深入研究,设计并开发一款能够符合目前高校毕业设计选题管理系统。本系统拥有较强大的存储功能。此系统是建立在WEB平台上的,后台数据库使用MYSQL,具有多种查询和统计功能。错兜未找到引用源.按照现在毕业设计管理信息的需求所设计,数据库容量大并且安全可靠。能及时处理毕业设计管理变动信息,且能对毕业设计管理信息进行查询和统计,数据备分功能使得本系统更加完善,能有效地防止毕业设计管理信息数据破坏和丢失。1. 3研究方法该系统在设计和开发中,我将充分使用在大学期间学到的编程知识,利用软件开发