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1、Track 73CBABC AAACB BBACB BCBAB CBBBBBAAAC1. What time is the meeting supposed to begin?a) It should be finished by five.b) I dont know much about finance.c) Itll probably start around five.2. Would you be willing to negotiate the price?a) Im in favor of changing locations, too.b) I guess we could.

2、How much were you thinking?c) Im not sure changing the time would work for us.3. How many orders did we get yesterday?a) More than we expected.b) Td like to order some French fries.c) I have no idea what to expect.4. Do you have a copy of our price list?a) Fil make a copy for you.b) I think theres o

3、ne on my desk.c) Theyre too expensive.5. Maybe we could meet at a more convenient time?a) Im not really that hungry, to be honest.b) Yes, I feel very comfortable, thank you.c) I cant free up my schedule until next Wednesday.6. Are you sure we can meet the printing deadline?a) Only if we can finish t

4、he last section by five.b) This is a very serious meeting, if you ask me.c) See? I told you the paper was longer than wethought.7. What do you think of your job performance lately?a) It could be better.b) I didnt know I was late.c) I think it was a great film.8. How about we approach this from a dif

5、ferent angle?a) I agree. We need to think outside the box on thisone.b) No, rd rather park on the north side,c) I heard she hurt her toe, not her ankle.9. Can you let Tom know Ill try to make it this evening?a) Sure, ril let him know youHl make some caketonight.b) Why is Tom going to be late tonight

6、?c) Yes, I can. What time should he expect you?10. What impressed you the most about the lastapplicant?a) It was a good impress.b) She was very well-spoken.c) I didnt receive the application.11. When did you place that order?a) We ordered two thousand units.b) I made it last Tuesday.c) I put it on t

7、hat table.12. Did you get the memo about Fridays meeting?a) I cant wait until Friday.b) No, but Harry mentioned it to me.c) I cant seem to remember.13. You arent busy, are you?a) No, Fm as free as a bird.b) The traffic to the airport was heavy.c) The bag is under the desk.14. Do you have any idea wh

8、en Jim will be back?a) Hes got a lot of good ideas.b) It doesnt really matter.c) Its hard to say with Jim.15. Do you think you left your keys in the car?a) Of course I understand the main points.b) Its possible, but I dont remember doing it.c) The key is to build teamwork in the group.16. How do you

9、 know Sandy is depressed?a) My teeth hurt when I eat sugary foods.b) Because every time I see her, shes crying.c) You can just press this button.17. Is there any way that we can hire another secretary?a) Tm on my way.b) Your secret is safe with me.c) Not at this point in time.18. Are you capable of

10、working on your own?a) The office has all the capable people it needs.b) Yes, I can work independently.c) There are five capable workers available.19. Wheres a good place to meet a client for lunch?a) You should try the Japanese place around the corner.b) Im not hungry, thank.c) We have a meeting to

11、morrow at 12 p.m.20. Why was our net profit significantly lower lastmonth?a) Revenue was up twenty percent.b) Our operating expenses were higher than normal.c) You cant figure it out?21. Where can I put my briefcase?a) Its just over there.b) I didnt bring one.c) Under your seat will be fine.22. Why

12、is Janice not here for the meeting?a) Shes at the meeting.b) Her car broke down.c) She was sick yesterday.23. Are you going to stay at a hotel or with your friendsat their house?a) Im going to buy a house soon.b) I think Fil be more comfortable at a hotel.c) My friends stay with me all the time.24.

13、When are we moving to the new office?a) Last weekend.b) Next month.c) I dont think so.25. The staff meeting starts in ten minutes.a) Yes, he has an infection, so hell be out for a weekor so.b) Thanks for reminding me. I nearly forgot.c) I dont have my watch, so Im afraid I dont know.26. Where is the

14、 conference being held?a) It was at the Hilton on Main Street.b) They havent announced the location.c) Fil hold it carefully till you come back.27. Who will be coming with us?a) ItHl just be the two of us.b) Thats a nice restaurant.c) Lets go out for lunch.28. Which office is yours?a) The far one on

15、 the right.b) Not until tomorrow.c) I just got a new office.29. Is that your dog or does it belong to someone else inthe park?a) Its mine. Tve had it for a few months now.b) I dont know where it belongs.c) Someone else already asked me to go.30. The host will seat you in five minutes.a) The waiter brought me the wrong drink.b) Thats not long to wait for a taxi to the hotel.c) Thats fine. We911 wait in the lobby.


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