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1、单颌拔牙矫治II类骨型患者对侧貌变化的影响研究杨艳游文江陈启锋1治疗时后砍破姐炽的变化G士/。二加)匕第”目疗后rfiNRSXAOI.361W7.2.8I7.010.001SSBOU521I9H. 3312.90Ol6S0.509AXBO5.891.194.ML2IXS20.001ni/ur)3l.872.3i22.102. !9XS50.005tn/sr)11X4812.18IOO.87L554.530.001LI/XBC)3l.W10.7231.frl0. 74xia0.052LI/TFC)105.73 1.55IO6.36L99NW0. 128tl/LlC)110. $l3.38ll&3

2、32. 18X290.007mp/rh)30.01 2.3331.462.730.730. 83SX/GcGnC)35.251.M37.53L872.910.0HPg-SBGm)0.38土仇320. 51 0. 17(k 360.803YUC)68.4I1I.MC8.8?l. 15L38OUIa/tr)77. 460.8378.720.864. IS0.002MAftC).330.Ma 38*0.79a*0.002M. 4l.3l36.72L 17(1.000L6V(m)31.82l.O63L08L332.120.030nvM14. 100.27H. 8010.2510.抬0.00315.19

3、O.S15. 43O. 281.010.316M6OO.7I86-4010.830.550.W3面凸物o160.60 1.25159.600. WL 0.158hflftC)KM JO 1.45IOL2O2. 182.210. OtlFHftC)I2.2O3.102L6O2. 19L390.000上下J6.202.33I0L701L2I10.0.000W)65. H0.S765. 530. 790.S2O.ttll上H凸距()9.21 0.157. I6O.48&450.0007M007.4110.72217Qg内纣尔,)2.070.06l.0.261.960.075hlVEte)3. 150

4、. 101. 490. 473.930.002下19-103.6dO.2 960,提2.180.052*r)96.80X26102. 70 1.612.950.010ilX31.7lI13.7I,W2.030. 061Summary目的:探引上颌单颌拔牙掩饰性矫治生长发育完成期的H类骨型患者侧貌的改变情况。方法:随机抽取30例H类骨型错牙合患者,下颌后缩伴有上颌轻、中度前突,拔除上颌两颗第一前磨牙,应用活动翼矫治技术进行矫治,矫治后期配合正轴簧和m类牵引。治疗前后拍摄X线头颅定位侧位片,对软硬组织进行测量分析。结果:平均治疗时间11个月,磨牙关系为完全远中关系,尖牙为中性关系;前牙覆牙合、覆盖

5、正常,尖窝锁结关系良好。Ul/SN、U1/NA、U1V明显减小;Ll/MP、Ll/NB、L1V没有统计学意义;颌凸角、上唇距、上唇凸距、上唇角和上唇-E减小,上唇基厚、面角、鼻唇沟角增大。下唇距、下唇基厚、下唇凸距、下唇-E、Z角、颁唇沟深度和颁唇沟角差异均无统计学意义。上颌前牙和上唇的突度明显改善。下颌前牙突度、下唇突度、须部厚度和须唇部沟角度没有变化,患者整体侧貌面型没有过多的改变。结论:上颌单颌拔牙矫治n类骨型患者整体侧貌变化不大,此拔牙方法适合于均角或低角、下颌前牙轻度拥挤、颁部发育比较好的n类骨型患者。Key II类骨型;单颌拔牙;X线头影测量;错牙合畸形;侧貌R783. 5文献标志

6、码A 1008-6455 (2021) 10-0117-05Effects of Single-maxillary Extraction and Orthodontic Treatment onProfile Changes in Patients with Class II Type BoneYANG Yan, YOU Wen-jiang, CHEN Qi-feng(Department of Orthodontics, Ningde City Hospital Affiliated toNingde Normal University, Ningde 352100, Fujian, Chi

7、na)Abstract: Objective To investigate the changes of the profile ofskeletal Class 11 bone type patients in completion period of growthand development after camouflage treatment by maxillary extraction.Methods Thirty patients with Class II bone type were randomlyselected, aged between 16 and 17 years

8、 old. The mild and moderatetype II malocclusion was combined with mandibular posteriorconstriction with maxillary light and moderate protrusion. The firstpremolars of the upper jaw were removed, and the active wingtreatment technique were used for the treatment, and cooperated withpositive axis spri

9、ng and III type traction in the later period oftreatment. The X-ray skull lateral radiographs were taken before andafter treatment, and the soft and hard tissues were measured andcalculated. Results The average treatment time was 11 months. Therelationship between the molars is completely distant an

10、d the fangsare neutral. The anterior teeth are covered normally and the cusplocks are well connected. Ul/SN, Ul/NA, and U1V were significantlyreduced; Ll/MP, Ll/NB, and LIV were not statistically significant,jaw angle, upper 1 ip distance, upper lip protrusion, upper 1 ipangle and upper lip-E decrea

11、sed, upper lip base thickness, faceangle, nasolabial angle increased. There was no statisticaldifference in the lower 1 ip distance, the thickness of the lowerlip, the convexity of the lower lip, the lower lip-E, the Zangle, the depth of the labrum and the angle of the labial lobe.Theprotrusion of t

12、he maxillary anterior and upper lip was significantlyimproved. There was no change in the anterior mandibular protrusion,lower lip protrusion, crotch thickness, and sacral lip grooveangle, and there was no excessive change in the overall facialappearance of the patient. Conclusion There was no signi

13、ficantchange in the overal1 profile of maxillary patients with Class IIbone type treated by single maxillary extraction. This extractionmethod is suitable for Class II bone type patients with equal-angleor low angle, mild crowding of mandibular front teeth, and bettermental development.Key words: Cl

14、ass II type bone; single-jaw extraction; X-raycephalometric measurement; malocclusion; profile下颌后缩是n类骨型患者中一种常见的临床表现。生长发育高峰期的青少年矫治要点在于通过刺激下颌骨的发育来矫正上下颌骨矢状方向的不调,从而来改善软组织侧貌对于成年人颌骨已经发育完成,矫治难点在于通过矫治牙齿来掩饰颌骨的畸形。上述两个问题的关键点都在于如何改善H类骨型患者的软组织侧貌,进而来优化面型和恢复正常的牙齿咬合状态3。拔牙矫治是这种畸形的主要设计方式,其中常见的是拔除上下颌4颗前磨牙,有些n类骨型病例如果选择拔除下颌前磨牙,拔牙间隙主要是用来调整磨牙中性关系,同时还要维护下颌牙弓的宽度及丰满度,否则上颌前牙转矩容易失控。基于上述问题,本文研究了生长


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