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1、大马力拖拉机转向驱动桥关键零部件参数化设计与分析Parameterized Design and Analysis for Steering Drive AxleKey Parts of Large Tractor2015年5月摘要大马力拖拉机作为市场竞争最激烈的农业机械,因具有功率大、性能好入效率高等优点而备受青睐,近年来应用日益广泛,在我国农业生产中发挥着巨大作用。然而核心部件研究欠缺、外资企业冲击等问题严重制约了我国大马力拖拉机的快速发展。转向驱动桥作为其核心部件,其质量优劣很大程度上决定了拖拉机作业性能的好坏。驱动桥传统设计方法是以生产经验为基础,具有研发周期长、设计效率低、结果趋于保



4、Pro/E二次开发,有限元分析IAbstractWith the most competitive market, the large tractor is coming into more widespread use for itsmerits of high power, efficiency and working performance, which make the large wheeled tractor acrucial role in Chinas agricultural production, which make the large tractor a crucial

5、 role in Chinasagricultural production. However, its development has been seriously restricted by problems includingthe lack of research on key components and foreign enterprises9 impact. As one of the key componentson the tractor, the steering drive axles quality is the key to the tractor working p

6、erformance. Theconventional design method of the steering drive axle is mainly based on the experience of the designers,there are many limitations, such as long cycle of products design, low design efficiency and obtainconservative results. With the focus on problems of backward level of design and

7、manufacturing,insufficient use of CAD/CAM, long development cycle and disagreement with the rapid demand fornew products during modern agricultural operations, taking the steering drive axle of 120 horsepowertractor as research object, the modern design methods including computer aided design, param

8、etricdesign, secondary development of Pro/E and finite element analysis process planning are studied, it hasshortened design cycle and improved level of design.Firstly, the home and abroad? s research situation for steering drive axle of largeTractor have beenanalyzed, depending on the summary of ke

9、y parts structural features and design flow, overall designscheme has been put forward. The structure types and performance parameters of similar products inhome and abroad have been summarized. The original parameters for steering drive axle of 120horsepower tractor have been comfirmed.Secondly, th

10、e parameters influencing the working performance have been analysed theoretically.Then, the main structure parameters have been obtained. The essential mechanics analysis andcalculation for key parts of streeing drive axle have been finished.Thirdly, the computer aided design of parts have been carr

11、ied out using Pro/E. three-dimensionalparametric models have been obtained. Based on modularization idea, it has realized parameterizationof assembly.visual human-computer interaction interface has been exploited with the deep research ofPro/Toolkit.Finally, the finite element model of axle housing

12、has been built and carried out static and modalanlysis, it provides bases for static and dynamic characteristic evaluation. According to the results,structure optimization of axle housing has been finished, it acquires smaller size and lighter quakity ofaxle housing. The optimized axle housing desig

13、n requirements by confirmation.Key words: large tractor, steering drive axle, parametric design, secondary development of Pro/E,finite element analysisIII第一章绪论11.1 课题的研究背景意义11.2 国内外研究现状21.3 课题的研究内容5第二章 大马力拖拉机转向驱动桥设计流程分析72.1 拖拉机转向驱动桥结构概述72.2 转向驱动桥的设计要求92.3 大马力拖拉机转向驱动桥设计流程分析92.4 转向驱动桥的总体设计方案确定102.5 本章

14、小结11第三章120马力拖拉机转向驱动桥关键零部件的设计计算133.1 螺旋弧齿锥齿轮式主减速器设计133.2 整体式转向驱动桥壳结构的设计203.3 半轴及最终传动设计213.4 本章小结22第四章 基于Pro/E的转向驱动桥参数化建模及二次开发234.1 三维数字化建模软件简介234.2 转向驱动桥零部件参数化三维建模及总成装配274.3 基于Pro/Toolkit的Pro/E参数化设计界面开发354.4 本章小结42第五章大马力拖拉机转向驱动桥的有限元分析435.1 有限元法及HyperWoks软件介绍435.2 桥壳有限元模型的建立445.3 桥壳静力学分析445.4 桥壳模态分析48

15、5.5 桥壳结构改进设计525.6 本章小结54第六章总结与展望556.1 总结556.2 展望55参考文献57致谢错误!未定义书签。作者简介错误!未定义书签。第一章绪论1.1 课题的研究背景意义在工业化、城镇化深入发展中同步推进农业现代化,是“十二五”时期的一项重大任务。李克强总理在2014年政府工作报告中强调:“农业是扩内需调结构的重要领域,更是安天下稳民心的产业。要坚持把解决好三农问题放在全部工作的重中之重,以保障国家粮食安全和促进农民增收为核心,推进农业现代化J国家出台的农业机械化促进法“推进农业科技创新,加快农.业机械化”。当前,我国“农业机械化”正在向“机械化农业”转变,随着农村土地流转及国家农机购置补贴政策的引导,农业生产方式实现了向机械化作业为主,但农业机械化率还不到60%,农机行业仍处在规模扩张阶段。我国农机技术水平整体落后,部分产品只达到发达国家20世纪70年代水平。我国农机产业整体创新不足,农机产.业链中中低端产能过剩,高端产能不足,附加值较低。大力发展农机产业,推动中国农机产业转型升级己成为我国农机行也的重要课题。IT前以合作社、农机大户、种植大户为代表的大客户比重上升,客户需求向120马力、四轮驱动机型发展。未来100以上大马力拖拉机将快


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