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1、保密协议Confidentiality Agreement甲方(发包人):Party A (Employer):乙方(承包人):Party B (Contractor):鉴于甲方拟发包项目涉及甲方诸多技术、经营和商业秘密,乙方参与甲方拟 发包项目合作洽谈或投标,在接触、交往中乙方不可避免接触、获知甲方秘密, 甲方秘密对甲方具有重要价值,一经泄露即可能会给甲方造成巨大经济损失,故 双方就乙方保守甲方秘密事宜签订本协议。Considering that the project to be contracted by Party A involves many technical, operatio

2、nal, and commercial secrets of Party A, Party B participates in cooperation negotiation s or bidding for the project to be contracted by Party A. In the process of contact and interaction, Party B inevita bly comes into contact with and learns of Party A,s secrets . Party As secrets have important v

3、alue to Party A, and i f leaked, it may cause huge economic losses to Party A, Th erefore, both parties sign this agreement regarding the confi dentiality of Party A,s secrets by Party B一.未经甲方书面同意,乙方承诺无论双方最终是否签订合作协议、无论最 终乙方能否中标甲方项目,乙方永远保守在合作洽谈或招投标过程中获知的甲方 一切技术、经营和商业秘密。.Without the written consent of

4、PartyA,Party B promises that regardless of whether the two parties ultimately si gn acooperation agreement or whether PartyBcan ultimatelywinthe bid for Party A,s project, PartyBwill always keep confidential all technical, operational, and commercial se crets of Party A obtained during the cooperati

5、on negotiation or bidding process.二.如最终签订合作协议或确定乙方最终中标进行合作,乙方承诺永远保守 在合作过程中获知的甲方一切技术、经营和商业秘密。If the final cooperation agreement is signed or it is d etermined that Party B will win the bid for cooperation, Pa rty B promises to always keep confidential all technical, op erational, and commercial secre

6、ts of Party A that are Iearne d during the cooperation process.三.乙方在从事甲方委托事项过程中按照甲方指示、要求创作的技术秘密属 于甲方技术秘密,乙方依照甲方委托完成的技术成果等均属于甲方技术秘密,乙 方同样应永远为甲方保守秘密,不得泄露给任何第三方。The technical secrets created by Party B in accordance w ith Party A,s instructions and requirements during the proces s of engaging in matter

7、s entrusted by Party A belong to Pa rty ,s technical secrets, and the technical achievements com pleted by Party B in accordance with Party ,s entrustment belong to Party A,s technical secrets. Party B shall also a Iways keep confidential for Party A and shall not disclose them to any third party.四.

8、双方确认甲方秘密包括但不限于如下内容:Both parties confirm that Party A,s secrets include but are not limited to the following:1、甲方的技术秘密,包括但不限于产品设计、产品图纸、生产模具、作业 蓝图、工程设计图、生产制造工艺、制造技术、计算机程序、技术数据、专利技 术、科研成果、产品配方等。Party A,s technical secrets, including but not limited to product design, product drawings, production molds,

9、 operati on blueprints, engineering design drawings, production manufact uring processes, manufacturing technology, computer programs, t echnical data, specialized technology, scientific research achi evements, product formulas, etc.2、甲方的交易秘密,包括但不限于商品的产、供、销渠道,客户名单,买 卖意向,成交或商谈的价格,商品性能、质量、数量、交货日期等。Par

10、ty A,s trade secrets, including but not limited to th e production, supply and marketing channels of goods, custome r list, purchase and sale intention, transaction or negotiate d price, commodity performance, quality, quantity, delivery da te, etc.3、甲方的经营秘密,包括但不限于经营方针,投资决策意向,产品服务定 价,市场分析,广告策略等。The

11、business secrets of Party A, including but not limit ed to business policies, investment decision-making intentions, product and service pricing, market analysis, advertising st rategies, etc.4、甲方的管理秘密,包括但不限于财务资料、人事资料、工资薪酬资料、 物流资料等。The management secrets of Party A include but are not 1 imited to fi

12、nancial information, personnel information, salary and compensation information, logistics information, etc.五.在双方合作结束后,乙方仍要为甲方保守一切秘密,未经甲方书面同意, 乙方不得将甲方秘密通过任何方式进行复制、摄像或泄露给任何第三方,未经甲 方书面通知,乙方不得擅自使用或允许任何第三方使用。After the end of the cooperation between both parties, Party B shall still keep all secrets for

13、Party A. Without the written consent of Party , Party B shall not copy, shootor disclose Party,s secretstoanythird party inany way. Without written notice from Party , Party B shall notuse or allow anythird partytouseit without autho rization.六.如乙方违反本协议,甲方有权终止与乙方一切合作,包括正进行的洽谈、 合作,并要求要求乙方赔偿甲方一切经济损失,包

14、括但不限于因乙方泄露、使用 或许可他人使用甲方秘密致使甲方已发生的实际损失、甲方预期秘密不被泄露可 获得的商业利益等。包括但不限于甲方律师费、诉讼费、保全费、评估费、公证 费、调查取证费等甲方维权费用亦应由乙方负责赔偿。If Party B violates this agreement, Party A has the rig ht to terminate all cooperation with Party B, including ongo ing negotiations and cooperation, and demand that Party B co mpensate Par

15、ty A for all economic losses, including but not limited to the actual losses incurred by Party A due to Party B,s disclosure, use or permission to use Party As se crets, and the expected commercial benefits that Party A can obtain if the secrets are not disclosed. Including but not limited to Party

16、A,s legal fees, litigation fees, preservat ion fees, evaluation fees, notarization fees, investigation an d evidence collection fees, and other expenses related to Pa rty A,s rights protection shall also be compensated by Party B.七.如果甲方的损失无法评估,则乙方应赔偿甲方金额按照200万元计算。If Party A,s loss cannot be assessed, Party B shall c ompensate Party A with an amount of 2 million RMB computing. 八.本保密协议的效力不受双方是否最终达成合作影响。T


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