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1、练习双语:宋仲基坦言婚后不想和宋慧乔同台表演SINGAPORE P / ONFESINGAPORE - Korean TV drama fans who would like to see stars Song Joong Ki and Song HyeKyo re-create their sizzling chemistry in last years hit series Descendants Of The Sun will have tojust watch the show again.新加坡一韩国影迷们如果想再次在荧幕中看到宋仲基和宋慧乔的火热同台表演,他们只能通过再看一遍去年热

2、播的太阳的后裔来满足愿望了。The chances of an onscreen reunion for them are slim since they will be married soon andhe thinks it would be tricky to mix their work with their personal lives.由于两人婚期将至,因此他们再次同台演出的机会很小。宋仲基说把他们的工作和个人生活混到一起会很麻烦。Working with Song Hye Kyo in the future, I have to give a little more though

3、t. It may bechallenging because work is work. It may be a little tough to work on the same production, hesaid, speaking through a translator at a press event here on Tuesday (Aug 8).在未来我必须要慎重考虑与宋慧乔同台表演。这可能很有挑战性,因为工作就是工作。他在周二(8月8日)的一场新闻发布会上通过翻译说:我觉得要再一起演出有点困难。Their wedding will take place at glitzy h

4、otel The Shilla Seoul on Oct 31, Yonhap reported onTuesday, quoting a source from Blossom Entertainment.据韩国联合通讯社周二报道,他们的婚礼将于10月31日在首尔新罗的一家豪华酒店举行。Ahead of the wedding, Song visited Singapore to promote his new wartime movie TheBattleship lsland在婚礼前,宋仲基飞赴新加坡宣传他的新拍战时电影军舰岛。At the press conference at Mar

5、ina Bay Sands, Song was joined by director Ryoo Seung Wan,and his co-stars Hwang Jung Min and So Ji Sub. The trio were later greeted by around 5, 000people at a public meet and greet at Suntec City.宋仲基同导演柳昇完以及搭档黄晟坟、苏志燮共同出席滨海湾金沙举行的新闻发布会。三人随后参加在圣特克市举行的5000人影迷公开见面会。The Battleship Island, a highly antic

6、ipated World War II drama, is Song,s first productionafter rocketing to superstardom with Descendants Of The Sun, where his army captain characterromances a beautiful doctor (Song Hye Kyo).军舰岛是一部备受期待的关于第二次世界大战的电影,该剧是宋仲基在拍完太阳的后裔一跃成为超级明星后接拍的第一部作品。在太阳的后裔中,他饰演的陆军上尉邂逅了一位美丽的医生(宋慧乔饰)。In the new movie, Song

7、 plays yet another heroic soldier.在新电影中,宋仲基扮演另一名英雄战士。He said: If you count the number of years - I served national service in Korea, as well asplayed the role of a solider in Descendants Of The Sun and The Battleship Island - l,ve been livingthe life of a solider for about five years now.他说厂如果算上我在韩国

8、服役的几年,再加上饰演太阳的后裔里面军人的角色以及此次军舰岛拍摄,那么我已经在军旅生活中度过了 5年。It has become something natural to me. I had short hair after serving national service, so Icould comfortably immerse myself into the role.所以拍摄对我来说就是本色出演。我在服完兵役后留了短发,所以我可以很自然地把自己投入到这个角色中。His Battleship Island character is a special forces agent with

9、 the Korean Liberation Army senton a mission to a forced labour camp on Japans Hashima Island, known as Battleship Island,during World War II.他在军舰岛中饰演一名特种部队特工,在第二次世界大战期间,同朝鲜解放军在日本羽岛(被称为“军舰岛)的一个强迫劳改营执行特殊任务。Based on historical accounts, the thriller delves into the tragic plight of the captive laboure

10、rstoiling away in a coal mine.根据历史记载,这部惊险小说讲述了被俘人员在煤矿里辛苦劳作的悲惨境遇。The inspiration to make the blockbuster - which has a star-studded cast and was producedon a massive budget of 22 billion won - was sparked when the director saw a photograph of theisland in 2013.这部轰动一时的电影(演员阵容强大,投资220亿韩元)灵感来自于2013年导演看到

11、的一张小岛照片。Ryoo, 43, said: ,The image was so powerful. It was so overwhelming, when I found out thebackground history of the island. I was really moved to bring the story to the public.143岁的柳昇完说:这张照片的震撼力极大,使人感到难受。当我指导这个岛的背景历史时,我真的很感动,并决定把这个故事带给公众。Song said one of the challenges he faced in playing one

12、of the malnourished labourers washaving to lose weight, and the most memorable scene to film for him was a scene where theworkers attempt to escape the island.宋仲基说,他所面临的挑战之一就是要减肥以饰演一名营养不良的工人,而最让他难忘的电影场景就是工人们试图逃离这个岛屿。It was not only because of the fast images and the cinematography, but also because

13、of.the suffering of the captive labourers, he explained.这不仅仅是因为快速图像和摄影技术,而且还因为那些被俘劳工的痛苦,他解释道。Out of the three actors, who would be able to survive such harsh conditions and make it outalive?在这三个演员中,谁能在如此恶劣的拍摄条件下完好无损?Actor So, 39, chose his younger co-star Song, saying: ,lSong Joong Ki probably has t

14、he bestsurvival skills. He recently served his national service, so the memories of skills and training arefresh in his mind.39岁的苏志燮选择了宋仲基,他说:宋仲基可能拥有最好的生存技能。他最近服过兵役,所以他的脑子里仍存在关于技能和训练的记忆。Hwang, 46, chimed in: For the rest of us, any big, intense movement would cause pain.46岁的黄最坟插话道:对于我们其他人来说,任何大的、剧烈的运动都会引起疼痛。The Battleship Island opens in cinemas on Aug 17.军舰岛将于8月17日在电影院上映。来源:海峡时报爱语吧作者:Penny


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