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1、铝粉安全技术说明书Material Safety Data Sheet of Aluminum Powder第一部分化学品及企业标识Section 1: Chemical product and company identification1、化学品中文名:铝粉;铝银粉3Chinese name of the chemical product: aluminum powder; aluminum metallic powder.商品名:微细球形铝粉、高纯球形铝粉Commercial product name: Fine Spherical Aluminum PowderHigh-purity

2、spherical aluminum powder英文名:fine spherical aluminum powder high-purity spherical aluminum powderEnglish Name: fine spherical aluminum powder、high-purity spherical aluminum powder2、企业名称:Company name:地址:Address:邮 编:Post Code:电 话:Telephone NO.:第二部分成分/组成信息Section 2: Composition / information on ingredi

3、ents主要成分:铝含量工99.70%Main content: Al 99.70%CAS 号:7429-90-5CAS No.: 7429-90-5相对分子质量:26.98Molecular Weight: 26.98分子式:ALChemical Formula: AL化学类别:金属粉体Chemical TyPe: Metallic Powder第三部分危险性概述Section 3: Hazards Overview危险性类别:第4.3类遇湿易燃品Dangerous cargo grade: 4.3 Combustieles in the damp侵入途径:吸入、皮肤接触Inhalation

4、 methods: Inhalationskin contact健康危害:本品在肺中沉积,易引起铝肺。对皮肤黏膜具有刺激性。Health Hazard: Pulmonary fibrosis from chronic inhalation has been reported, Causes irritation to eyes and respiratory tract, may affect lungs, May cause skin irritation.环境危害:无资料Environmental Hazard: N/A燃爆危险:1、可与水、化学品发生反应,产生易爆炸的气体。Explosi

5、on conditions: 1. Reacts with water some acids and caustic solutions to produce hydrogen.2、易燃,与空气混合能形成爆炸性混合物2. Flammable Solid, Dust may form flammable or explosive mixture with air.第四部分急救措施Section 4: First Aid Measures:皮肤接触:用肥皂水及清水彻底冲洗皮肤Skin Contact: Wash exposed area with soap and water. Get medic

6、al advice if irritation develops.眼睛接触:用大量流动清水或生理盐水彻底冲洗,严重时洗后就医。Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention.吸 入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial res

7、piration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.食 入:饮足量温水,催吐,就医。Ingestion: Give several glasses of water to drink to dilute. If large amounts were swallowed, get medical advice.第五部分消防措施Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures危险特性:1、与空气混合能形成爆炸性混合物;Dangerous Property: 1. Fine dust dis

8、persed in air in sufficient concentrations, and in the presence of an ignition source is a potential dust explosion hazard.2、遇水或潮湿空气可能会引起燃烧;May cause flame when meeting water or damp air, when the temperature is high3、与氧化剂会发生反应,遇明火、高热易引起燃烧;Reacts with oxidizer, may foam explosion with the flamehigh

9、heat.4、与酸、碱发生反应,生成易燃烧爆炸气体;Reacts with acids and caustic solutions to release of flammable hydrogen gas有害燃烧产物:三氧化二铝Hazardous Combustion product: A1203灭火方法及灭火剂:使用干燥惰性颗粒状物质(如干砂)石棉被等灭火材料,轻轻围盖;避 免扬起粉尘;仅能适合D类灭火器Fire-fighting measures and extinguishing media: The use of inert dry granular material (sand Ru

10、gan) fire-fighting materials such as asbestos were gently covered in circle; up to avoid dust; only for Class D fire extinguisher灭火注意事项及措施:消防人员穿戴全身消防防护服;不能使用水溶性和二氧化碳类的灭火器;严禁用水灭火;Fire-fighting comments and measures: Fire-fighters must wear Fire-fightingprotective clothes. Water and carbon dioxide kin

11、d extinguishers are forbidden.第六部分泄漏应急处理Section 6: Accidental Release Measures应急行动:隔离泄漏污染区,限制出入;切断泄漏污染区火源、水源Emergency action: Segregate the area of lead or spill, remove the sources of ignition andwater from the polluted area.应急人员防护:应急人员配戴防尘面具、建议穿隔热服、使用防爆工具Personnel protective measurements: wear dus

12、t-proof mask, heat-proof clothes and use theexplosion prevention tools and equipments.环保措施、消除方法:避免扬尘、用洁净的铲子收集于干燥、洁净、密封的容器中Environmental protective measurements: avoid powder flying, collect the Pick up spill forrecovery or disposal and place in a closed container.第七部分操作处置与储存Section 7: Handling and s

13、torage:操作处置注意事项:操作人员必须经过专门培训,严格遵守操作规程。建议操作人员佩戴自吸过滤式防尘口罩,戴化学安全防护眼镜,穿防静电工作服。远离 火种、热源,工作场所严禁吸烟。使用防爆型的通风系统和设备, 避免粉尘扬起,避免与氧化剂、酸、碱类接触。搬运时要轻装轻卸, 防止包装及容器损坏。配备相应品种和数量的消防器材及泄漏应急 处理设备。倒空的容器可能残留有害物。Handling: Operators must pass special trade, obey the operating rules. Suggestoperators wear filter-type dust-proo

14、f respirator, chemical safe goggles, static-free working clothes. Far away from sources of ignition and heat and smoking is not allowed in working area. Apply explosion prevention ventilation system and equipment. Avoid power flying and contact with oxidant, acids and alkalis. Load and unload slight

15、ly and protect package from breaking out. Prepare the related suitable extinguisher with full quantity and accidental release handling devices. It may leave harmful materials in emptied out containers.储存注意事项:储存于干燥、通风的库房。远离火种、热源;库房内湿度不大于85%。包装 密封。应于氧化剂、酸、碱类分开存放,切忌混储。与门窗间距大于1米。采用防爆型照明、 通风设施。不宜久存,以免变质。

16、配备相应的品种和数量的消防器材;储区应备有合适的材 料收集收容泄漏物。Storage: Store in day and ventilated warehouse. Be far away from sources of ignition and heat. Humidity of the warehouse should max 85%. Stored in separated place against oxidant, acids and alkalis and shouldn,t be swapped. Use explosion prevention ventilation and lighting devi


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