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1、小学人教版(PEP)五年级下册课文翻译Unit 1 My dayTextWhen do you get up?你什么时候起床?I often get up at 7 oclock.我经常在七点起床。When do you start class in Spain?你在西班牙什么时候开始上课?Usually at 9 oclock.通常在九点钟。I always start class at 8 oclock.我总是在八点钟开始上课。What do you do on the weekend?你周末做什么?I often dean my room and wash my clothes.我经常打

2、扫我的房间并洗我的衣服。Sometimes I play ping-pong with Zhang Peng. 有时我和张鹏打乒乓球。Today is Sunday! What do you do on the weekend? 今天是星期天!你在周末做什么?I often go shopping with my mum.我经常和我的妈妈购物。ALets tryPedro is a new student from Spain.佩德罗是一名来自西班牙的新同学。A: Pedro! This is a new classroom.佩德罗!这是一个新教室。Do you like our school

3、?你喜欢我们的学校吗?B: Yes, but m tired.喜欢,但是我有点困了。In Spain, I always sleep a lot in the afternoon.在西班牙,我总是在下午的时候睡一会。A: Really? When do you sleep?真的?你什么时候睡觉?B: At about two oclock.大概两点钟。A: Oh, thats now.哦,那就是现在。But we have a math class at two oclock.但是我们两点钟的时候有数学课。Lets talkZhang Peng: When do you finish clas

4、s in the morning?你们上午的课什么时候结束?Pedro: We finish class at 1 oclock. Then we eat lunch at home.我们一点钟结束上午的课。然后我们在家吃午饭。Zhang Peng: Wow! When do you go back to school after lunch?哇!午饭后你们什么时候回学校?Pedro: At 2:30. Classes start at 3 oclock.在两点半。三点钟上课。Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?你们在西班牙通

5、常什么时候吃晚饭?Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock.通常在九点半或十点。Zhang Peng: Wow! Thats too late!哇!那太晚了!Lets IearnWhen do you do morning exercises?你什么时候早锻炼?At 7 oclock.在七点。do morning exercises早锻炼eat breakfast吃早饭have class上课play sports进行体育运动eat dinner吃晚饭Lets spellWhen do you do morning exercises?你什么时候早锻炼?At 7

6、oclock.在七点。do morning exercises早锻炼eat breakfast吃早饭have class上课play sports进行体育运动eat dinner吃晚饭BLets tryA: Hello, Miss Green, good to see you. 你好,格林女士,很高兴见到你。B: Hi, Sarah, welcome to our shop again. 嗨,萨拉,欢迎再次光临我们商店。A: I want to buy some vegetables. 我想要买一些蔬菜。B: Here are some fresh carrots.这里有一些新鲜的胡萝卜。Yo

7、u dont often shopping on Saturdays.你在周六不经常购物。A: No, not often.不,不经常。Lets talkShopkeeper: Why are you shopping today?你今天为什么要购物?Sarah: My mum worked last night.我的妈妈昨天晚上工作了。So m shopping today.所以今天我购物。Shopkeeper: Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend?好孩子!那么你周末做些什么呢?Sarah: I often watch TV and pla

8、y ping-pong with my father.我经常看电视和我的爸爸打乒乓球。Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun.那听起来很有趣。Sarah: Yes, but m also hard-working.是的,但是我也很用功。I usually wash my clothes.我经常自己洗衣服。Sometimes I cook dinner.有的时候我做晚饭。Shopkeeper: Youre so busy! You need a robot to help you!你好忙!你需要一个机器人帮助你!Lets IearnI often cl

9、ean my room on Saturdays!我在周六的时候经常打扫房间!clean my room打扫房间go for a walk散步go shopping去购物take a dancing class上舞蹈课Read and writeRobin is in a play.罗宾在一个剧里。He is Robinson Crusoe.他是鲁滨逊。Here is a letter from him.这是来自他的一封信。My name is Robinson.我的名字是鲁滨逊。I live on an island.我住在岛上。I always get up early every day

10、.我每天起的很早。I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast.我洗脸然后吃早饭。Sometimes I clean my cave, too.有的时候打扫我的洞穴。I often go swimming in the water.我经常去水里游泳。In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend.下午的时候,我和我的朋友运动。His name is Friday.他的名字是星期五。Friday is good at sports.星期五擅长运动。He often wins.他经常赢。Lets checkA: Mi

11、ke, lets go swimming on the weekend.麦克,我们周末去游泳吧。B: m sorry, I cant.对不起,我不能去。A: Why not?为什么不去呢?B: I always clean my room and do my homework on the weekend. 我周末的时候要打扫我的房间然后做作业。A: OK.好吧.B: Have fun!过得开心!CA: Mike, lets go swimming on the weekend.麦克,我们周末去游泳吧。B: m sorry, I cant.对不起,我不能去。A: Why not?为什么不去呢?

12、B: I always clean my room and do my homework on the weekend.我周末的时候要打扫我的房间然后做作业。A:OK.好吧.B: Have fun!过得开心!StorytimeZip: Its Saturday now. Zoom, m always very busy.现在是星期六。我经常会很忙。Zoom: Why?为什么?Zip: Let me see.让我看看。From Monday to Wednesday, I usually collect nuts in the afternoon.从周一到周三,我在下午经常要采坚果。Zoom:

13、What else?其他时间呢?Zip: On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun.在周四,我经常要在阳光下晒坚果。Zip: On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends.在周五,我和我的朋友吃坚果。Zoom: What do you usually do on the weekend?你在周末的时候做什么?Zip: I often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show.我经常看电视,但是这个周末我有一个演出。ll play the pipa.我要弹琵琶。Zoom: When

14、?什么时候?Zip: Saturday, at 12 oclock. Oh, no!周六,在12点。哦,不!Unit 2 My favourite seasonTextWhich season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?Autumn.秋天。Why?为什么?Because the colours are pretty!因为颜色很美!Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?Winter.冬天。I can sleep all day.我可以睡一整天。How about you?你呢?I like spring best.我最喜欢春天。There are beautiful flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花。Look at my picture, Miss White.看我的照片儿,怀特小姐。I like summer best because of Childrens Day.我最喜欢夏天因为夏天有儿童节。What do you often do in the summer?你在夏天经常做什么?I often go swimming.我经常去游泳。TextALets tryA: Its windy day.今天多风。B: Yes. Its cold, too.


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