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1、 要求:会认读、会翻译出中文意思,再答题。快乐阅读 (Julia,s Pictures)()l.Julia wants to draw circtes, but they bok like.A. eggsB. housesC.trees()2Julia wants to draw r but they look like mashed potatoes.A. eggsB. housesC.trees()3 Julia wants to draw r but they look like bottles of ketchup.A. eggsB. housesC.trees( )4.Mum giv

2、es Julia to help herA. a piece of green paper B. a pencil sharpenerC. a new pencilD. a rubber()5 Dad gives Julia to help her.A. a piece of green paper B. a pencil sharpenerC. a new pencilD. a rubberA cheer for Charlie)l.Charlie is a football player at first.)2.Charlie can play football at first.)3.T

3、he coach shows the team how to kick the ball)4.Charlie is easy to get the ball)5.Charlie is good at cheering.)6.The blue team phys a new team every week)7.Charlie and his teammate kick the ball into the goal)8.The coach cheers for Charlie at the last game.)9.Charlie didn J t practice with his head)1

4、0.Charlie cheers for black team.The dog and his bone()l.What do you think of the dog?A. A silly) dogB. A happy dogC. A cleverdogD. A greedy (根榭:S) dog( )2.How many dogs can you see in the story?A. OneB. TwoC. Three( )3.What does the dog get in the end (岷皿)A. One boneB. Two bonesC. Nothing.()4.Be hap

5、py with what you have.mRt7艇眨一A罪加Z长髭也小。B,录!遥长。C.格里姊屏携邮四欷圆。Friends)ljack is.Bob isC. brave (S)A. smart (需盘品)B. friendly (MS)Dsi=y (愚蠢的) E sesh (自私的) Fhm (有益的)2FNever trust the friend who leaves you in dange/是什么意思?A.千万不要相信你的朋友,赶快离开危险境地。B.绝对不要相信将你置于危险中的朋友。C.绝对不要相信那个帮助你的朋友。3 .匹配)1 ,不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。)2.留得青山在,不

6、怕没柴烧)3 .凡事必先难后易。)4.患难见真情。A AH things are di3cult before they are easyB While there is life- there is hopec No cross、no C0wnD A friend in need is a friend indeedHey presto)1 The conjuror puts andinto the bagA- a tie- an earring, a hat B a de- a= earrings a watch c shoes、 an earring, a watch)2 The con

7、juror putsinto the big box.A the vest B father c, the boy)3has a He. and the boy has aA Mother; earring B Father; watch c The boy watch)4 Mother has a - andhas a bagA an earring, the conjuror B a watch、father c an earring, the boyPatty ps a donkeyl.Read and choose (读一读,选一选)1 Pam plays a (donkey、prin

8、cess) in the play2. pattys (grandpagrandma) comes to see her3 Patty brings some (food、water) for the donkey4 The donkey is ( kind、bad) and loyal.5 The play starts at (six/ seven) odock2Read and order(根据故事内容、给下列句个排序)( )patty has to pry a donkey in the school pry( )patty-s grandpa comes to see her in

9、a donkey cart( )patty wouldlike to p5y the princess or a Aower( )Patty brings water for the donkey( )patty-s gran 目 a says the8-nkey is his good friend( )he donkey shouts =Heeawwhen it drinks water( )patty plays a8-nkey well in the school play( )Patty Hkes Che8-nkey and touches it gentlyheeguards( )

10、1 The boy goes to the poo】 with hisA sister B brother c father( )2 Thebok after the boy and other people at the poolA lifeguards B policeman c waiter( )3 The boy can.tin the shallow end.A dive B jump)4 The boy can.tor push others at the poolA run B jump)5 The boy can.tpopcorn by the pool.A drink B n

11、rn)6 The boy is and theeguards are .A clever; mean B naughmeansalvs spedal pondRead and choose (读一读,选一选)1. sa=ys pond is (clean ,spedal)c skatec eatc naughty; nice2 In spring, the pond (disappears/appears)3 In winter; the pond (disappears/ appears).4 Salamanders find mates and lay eggs in the (fores

12、twater)5 The babies can breathe underwater with (gob、一ungs)Read and order(根据萨莉的介绍、给下列句子排序)( )My eggs become baby salamanders. They have gills on the head ( )My babies go to live in the forest( )HL Im Sally In spring, I wake up fm winter sleep,go to my special pond -( )I find my maCe and lay many eggs in the pond ( )Its time for me to go to my winter home( )Baby salamanders grow up and can live on land( )My eggs are cute、but turtles eat some of them


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